240614 Taking “the Personal” out of “Personal Savior”

240614 Taking “the Personal” out of “Personal Savior”

Daniel went camping and Michael went off!

Please. Please Please. Listen to this show. If there ever has been a podcast to hear and share, this is the one. You will know why Daniel going camping, and he and Michael not speaking to each other for days, found Michael champing at the bit.

It all sprang forth because of a new post about “the blood” from Don Keathley.

Among the voluminous provocative...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240614 Taking “the Personal” out of “Personal Savior”
240607 What Threw Peter, James and John Under the Bus?

240607 What Threw Peter, James and John Under the Bus?

In the end, the Gospel is simple. It is a simple message encapsulated be he who accomplished it. “It is finished,” said Yeshua on the very device of capital punishment he was prophesied to die on for the sin of the world.

It is indeed simple. There is no more separation between God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and Humanity. No more judgement. No more wondering about future spiritually-related...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240607 What Threw Peter, James and John Under the Bus?
240531 Credibility is Something Else!

240531 Credibility is Something Else!

“Belief is very human. So are fear, worry, and shame,” says Michael Lilborn Williams

What do the years 2001 and 2064, bouncing houses, Sid Roth, a supposed healing from a girl cutting herself, the movie “Misha and the Wolves”, Michael believing he was not a gay man, an elderly woman who survived the Holocaust, why it’s “easy to believe but credibility is something...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240531 Credibility is Something Else!
240524 Word of Faith Follies

240524 Word of Faith Follies

cult /kəlt/


noun: cult; plural noun: cults

a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

Sounds like religion, doesn’t it? Why does the definition of “cult” sound like religion? Because ALL religion is cultish by its nature. It’s all just a matter of degree and the amount of damage the cult / religion does.

The show commences...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240524 Word of Faith Follies
240517 Together We Have It All

240517 Together We Have It All

Do you desire to be free of the frustration of spiritual pursuit and therefore experience the peace in your soul which results? If your answer is “yes”, then this is the show for you! You see, folks, we ALL already have it ALL!

Right from the outset, Michael emotes, “I feel that all the way to my bones!”

The amount of powerful statements in these 78 minutes is absolutely remarkable....    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240517 Together We Have It All
240510 Heaven, Are You 100% Sure?

240510 Heaven, Are You 100% Sure?

It is remarkable how goofy Michael and Daniel start some of these podcasts, only to weave their way to such rich, mind-blowing teachings – many which have NEVER been heard before on planet Earth.

Such is this incredible 82 minute show. We hear a “groovy” opening as Daniel welcomes those listening in the year 2070. Michael sings to him and reminisces about the “Roaring ’20s”....    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240510 Heaven, Are You 100% Sure?
240503 Jesus Did Not Come To Do The Dirty Work

240503 Jesus Did Not Come To Do The Dirty Work

“We are always in the deep end over our heads,” Michael Lilborn Williams says in this incredible podcast. Truer words have never been spoken about a particular show, that’s for sure. The momentum which Michael and Daniel build with each other in these 76 minutes is something to behold, indeed.

The guys have a blast greeting our listeners in the year 2080 before blasting-off with...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240503 Jesus Did Not Come To Do The Dirty Work
240426 Your Own Personal Jesus?

240426 Your Own Personal Jesus?

There are many ways to God. We’ve heard it forever, haven’t we? Is that true? Nope.

“I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me,” said Yeshua. Is that true? YES! However, unlike what Christianity teaches, we had NOTHING to do with the transaction or result between the Father and the Son. Because Jesus was completely successful in his mission...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240426 Your Own Personal Jesus?
240419 Knowledge vs Belief

240419 Knowledge vs Belief

Class is in session!

Welcome back to the University of the Gospel (AKA the Gospel Revolution and Mike Williams Ministries). This 98 minute gathering is chocked-full of celebration, reminiscing, research and revelation.

Michael and Daniel begin by joyfully and gratefully reporting we met AND surpassed our Spring Pledge Drive Goal! “People really enjoy talking with Jeff Robertson (our Pledge Drive...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240419 Knowledge vs Belief
240412 The Only Sign of the Times

240412 The Only Sign of the Times

Michael and Daniel begin this Powercast with their patented jocularity.

They have fun revealing this show was recorded before the recent solar eclipse but they knew we would be here to hear it! We find out: what are the only “signs of the times” which remain, why Michael says, “I have been right every frickin’ time and they have been wrong every time”, about self-fulfilling...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240412 The Only Sign of the Times
240405 The DNA and Gene of God

240405 The DNA and Gene of God

Inspiring. Thoughtful. Freedom-Producing.

These are just some of the words which describe the podcast you are about to enjoy. We will state this – you could not spend a more beneficial 76 minutes.

It all commences with Daniel and Michael greeting our listeners in the year 2100, reminiscing about past “Green Room Follies”, and then we hear the reading of a letter which came in this...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240405 The DNA and Gene of God
240329 Created Corruptible

240329 Created Corruptible

Knowing is a powerful experience. Whether it is the knowledge that there is no such thing as hell, heaven, unique holy days, the understanding of the pagan origins of Easter and Christmas or anything else that is true – it is empowering.

The ultimate truth, of course, is the Power of God – the Gospel! Talk about empowering oneself. CPR (Consistent, Persistent, Repetitive) exposure to...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240329 Created Corruptible
230322 Belief Systems Pros and Cons

230322 Belief Systems Pros and Cons

Just six years from now. Our listeners in the year 2030 are the ones from the future Michael and Daniel greet. “We knew you’d be here, even though those doom and gloom preachers are still predicting the end of the world, that there is a heaven to go to and a hell to avoid.” (Cue buzzer sound – “Wrong! Thanks for playing!”)

Whether listening six years hence or today,...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230322 Belief Systems Pros and Cons
240315 Crunching The Numbers – Creation vs Evolution

240315 Crunching The Numbers – Creation vs Evolution

The first post-conference podcast does not disappoint. Far from it. The momentum created from the just completed 2024 Spring Worldwide Calgary Grace Conference continues in an expedited fashion during these 83 minutes. Frankly, you’re not going to believe some of what you hear. But, in the end, we don’t want to “believe”, anyway, do we?

We want to “know”! And when...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240315 Crunching The Numbers - Creation vs Evolution
240301 Who Told You That?!

240301 Who Told You That?!

If one has any affinity and respect for Jesus Christ, how did they come to that conclusion? Over the decades, here at the Gospel Revolution, we have relied progressively on the incredible accuracy of the Hebrew Scriptures to find ourselves more respectful for and in awe of God’s plan completely fulfilled in Christ. Like all writings, these are,...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240301 Who Told You That?!
240223 New Words, Same Gospel

240223 New Words, Same Gospel

Daniel starts the show by greeting those listening to this in the year 2090. Then Michael hilariously fails in an attempt to make-up a slogan for that year, but Daniel tells us about the one he just heard for this year, “2024 – The Year for More”. Frivolity and poignancy ensue about all of that and continue as the guys begin an excellent preview about next month’s Calgary...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240223 New Words, Same Gospel
240209 Something Called Freedom

240209 Something Called Freedom

Too many people depersonalize things to personalize a relationship with Jesus.

“Things are not going to get better in this world corresponding to the degree people personalize a relationship with Jesus…For example, some (religious) people are totally rude to telemarketers for only doing their jobs..The world is going to get better through personal relationships with other humans,”...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240209 Something Called Freedom
240202 Being Wise as Serpents and Harmless as Doves

240202 Being Wise as Serpents and Harmless as Doves

Millions of people all over the world do a “Dry January” during the first month of the year. They abstain from alcohol for those 31 days. Not a bad idea, really. Alas, we must admit, many more folks around the globe participated in this period of abstention than participated in the Gospel. Let’s see what we can do about that!

In the meantime, around here, we few do “participate”...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240202 Being Wise as Serpents and Harmless as Doves
240126 Are You Wheat or Are You A Tare?

240126 Are You Wheat or Are You A Tare?

This stroll down the Gospel Road commences with the news of Joel Osteen recently retiring a $100,000,000 loan and the rehearsal of Michael’s visit with Joel’s late father John in Houston. We are reminded why John told Mike he could not share the true Gospel. “The only way to make money is to share no Gospel at all” says, Michael. He tells of times “in the desert”...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240126 Are You Wheat or Are You A Tare?
240119 This Is The Law and the Prophets

240119 This Is The Law and the Prophets

From Act 2:16 “But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel….”

Contrary to Christian belief, Joel wasn’t speaking of us. Like all the other prophets and the Law of Moses, he was prophesying and foretelling the story of Christ. Period. Literally, end-of-story.

Nearing the halfway point in our study of the Commands and Teachings of Yeshua, Michael and Daniel utilize...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240119 This Is The Law and the Prophets
240112 A Gospel Trifecta

240112 A Gospel Trifecta

“You have been freed from something you know doesn’t work anyway!”

The boys come out swinging right from the get-go on this week’s podcast. “It is just dumb,” Michael says. “No one in Christendom ever heard this. There’s a reason they put ‘dumb’ at the end of Christen-dom!”

What is dumb? Why does Michael encourage us to turn off this show?

Well, you’ll have to listen to discover the answers to these and a myriad of other questions as the guys tackle three more in our list of “The Commands of Christ”:

  • Do Unto Others
  • Enter The Straight Gate
  • Beware of False Prophets

Daniel acknowledges our listeners in the year 2058 and talks about messages on the last Powercast from Vic d’Obreban, Lisa MacPeek and his uncle. We also are reminded how and why we knew people who be around to listen to the program 34 years from now and beyond.

Then our dynamic duo go deep!

“Find a chapter and verse and stand on it. It will crumble underneath you,..Confirmation bias is toxic. It is a drug…If you don’t get off of it…This stuff is destroying lives…Jordan Peterson is a day late and a dollar short. You’re a false prophet…No one on this planet is IN God’s image. You ARE God’s image! …Even to you people who disagree with us – we know you are God in the Earth. They are holy, perfect and righteous!…We get sentenced to hell for what we teach…I didn’t say it. Jesus did!”

It is impossible to overstate the “meatiness” of these 74 minutes. Strap in. It may be a bit of a bumpy ride for some. But does it ever land movingly and smoothly!

Gospel Revolution
240112 A Gospel Trifecta
240105 ASK?

240105 ASK?

If you ever have wondered who’s prayers get answered, who’s don’t and how “spiritual” experiences play into our day-to-day lives (and we know you have or you wouldn’t be reading this), this is one Powercast you will want to listen to and then share with your fellow sojourners.

Starting with Daniel greeting those listening in the year 2077 (when he will be 90) and...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240105 ASK?
231229 What’s Up with the Swine and Pearls?

231229 What’s Up with the Swine and Pearls?

The final Powercast of 2023 began with Michael directing us to Ethan’s new video series “Encounter The Hebrew Scriptures”. The second production is available below for your viewing and mind-renewing pleasure. Daniel wishes everyone a “Happy New Year” for 2024, and Michael greets those listening in 2042. “if I haven’t gone to the ‘happy hunting ground’,...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231229 What’s Up with the Swine and Pearls?
231222 Noah,  Thieves, and Robbers

231222 Noah, Thieves, and Robbers

Celebration is the key word in this Christmastime Powercast.

A variety of conversational and topical gifts flow. We hear of Michael and Hazel marking their 51st wedding anniversary even though they are not married anymore and have not been for some time. Then Michael reminds of his coming planned “Christmas Chaos” for his family. (It may spark some creative ideas for the coming time with...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231222 Noah, Thieves, and Robbers
231215 Once and For All: Are the Hebrew Scriptures Valid?

231215 Once and For All: Are the Hebrew Scriptures Valid?

The late great Don Beres Bartlett would be proud of Daniel Thomas Rouse.

Why? Well, undoubtedly, for many reasons. However, here is one for sure. After Michael Lilborn Williams’ pointed, poignant, powerful podcast presentation in the first 40 minutes of this show, Daniel remembered to promote the Pledge Drive! LOL.

Frankly, it would be hard to imagine someone listening to this program, who came...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231215 Once and For All: Are the Hebrew Scriptures Valid?
231208 God Created Evolution

231208 God Created Evolution

You may have never heard Michael more excited than in this Powercast! Why?

Why is he so pumped about the current climate (both of the weather and that within the Gospel Revolution‘s new home offices manifesting in such amazing content)? After Ethan heard Mike and Daniel preparing for this show, he pointed something out that caused Michael to say,...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231208 God Created Evolution
231201 Steak, Pasta and Bible Snobs!

231201 Steak, Pasta and Bible Snobs!

The start of the last month of 2023 finds Michael and Daniel confessing on all kinds of topics on this must-listen-to Powercast, including Mike’s entrance into the Word of Faith Movement decades ago when a man bought him a pack of cigarettes.

They begin by admitting to being snobs about steak, pasta and the Bible. As Michael honors the life of the late Carlton Pearson, he tells of their relationship,...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231201 Steak, Pasta and Bible Snobs!
231124 Einstein’s Disproven Theory, Pseudo Science and the Gospel!

231124 Einstein’s Disproven Theory, Pseudo Science and the Gospel!

Yesterday, in the United States, the official holiday of Thanksgiving was celebrated.

Other countries which mark a day to give thanks are: Canada, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Liberia, and unofficially in countries like Brazil, Germany and the Philippines. It is also observed in the Dutch town of Leiden and the Australian territory of Norfolk Island.

At the Gospel Revolution, we understand “thanksgiving”...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231124 Einstein’s Disproven Theory, Pseudo Science and the Gospel!
231117 Love Your Enemies?

231117 Love Your Enemies?

Ironically, rarely have you heard Michael and Daniel enjoy themselves more on a Powercast than this one. Why ironic? Because this show deals with some very serious topics which have been abused by the religious world for thousands of years to the detriment and destruction of untold billions of people.

Yet, Michael jokes to Daniel, “See you in hell. The topic of hell is a joke”!

How and...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231117 Love Your Enemies?
231110 Blaming The Holy Ghost

231110 Blaming The Holy Ghost

From the outset, these were Michael thoughts on our previous show as he encouraged us to go back to listen to it again and to not listen to this podcast unless you can really pay attention. “We did it. I have to admit I was there. I heard me. But where was I? The realization of what was presented to us (was incredible)…If the Holy Ghost is the Great Teacher (and he is), I am going to...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231110 Blaming The Holy Ghost
231103 All About Adultery

231103 All About Adultery

Believe it or not, we just celebrated the 17th Anniversary of the Gospel Revolution podcast. Back in 2006 when we started it, they hadn’t even come up with the term “podcast” to describe what we were doing and have been doing for seventeen years. We called this history-making effort a “webcast”.

Well, of the nearly 1,000 shows which have been done, and can still be heard...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231103 All About Adultery
231027 The Commands of Christ

231027 The Commands of Christ

This is week six on our examination of the commands of Christ. Michael says, “If you ever try to rely on your salvation by following the teachings Christ, you are going to be one hopeless person”.

The show begins with Michael telling a story of when he appeared live before 20 million people on a television program, as he and Daniel marvel in the fact that people are listening to the Gospel...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231027 The Commands of Christ
231020 Love The Law Of God

231020 Love The Law Of God

“The problem is, you frickin’ idiots, some people take you seriously!”

Why did Michael get after these folks so pointedly and who was he referencing?Well, you are going to have to listen to this power-packed Powercast to find out.

You will be happy you did, though, and not just to discover the target of his criticism but for an amazing amount of insight and pure Gospel which will...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231020 Love The Law Of God
231013 Take Me To The River!

231013 Take Me To The River!

“The power of this is of such magnitude!” Michael pronounces. Daniel says this is going so fast and we have so much momentum that “It’s like running down hill – in a good way”!

Folks, there is no way we can do the 81 minutes presented in this podcast justice in these few show notes, Suffice it to say, Michael concludes the program describing it accurately as “joy...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231013 Take Me To The River!
231006 We Are Not Fishers of Men

231006 We Are Not Fishers of Men

You have never heard Michael Lilborn Williams more elated and moved by what he and Daniel Thomas Rouse discovered and reveal in this week’s podcast.

“We are co-laborers…We are NOT fishers of men…Christianity has kept us in the valley of the shadow of death but they DO fear evil…Psalm 23 is NOT about us…I know it is not true, but it feels like we’re being...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231006 We Are Not Fishers of Men
230929 Still Blown Away

230929 Still Blown Away

Michael is almost brought to tears.

Daniel proclaims, “The Hebrew Scriptures save us again, this time in the Book of Matthew”!

This all happens as the boys begin to dig into Christ’s teaching to “repent” and Michael teases “the big reveal” coming at the end of the show.

It all commences with the fellas rehearsing the fact that folks from around the planet are...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230929 Still Blown Away
230922 So, You Want to Follow the Teachings of Christ?

230922 So, You Want to Follow the Teachings of Christ?

Since its inception, Christianity’s misconceptions and misconstrued concepts and out right lies about Jesus have devastated every segment of society. This worldwide poison has polluted EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. We could never exhaust the list.


“We don’t abide in Jesus. He abides in us!” Daniel exudes this amazing conclusion toward the end of the start...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230922 So, You Want to Follow the Teachings of Christ?
230915 God Himself is a New Creation

230915 God Himself is a New Creation

As we continue in the afterglow of the Calgary Grace Conference, in this first podcast after last week’s climatic finale, Michael asked Daniel how he was feeling about it all. Daniel’s one-word exclamation was, “Exuberated”!

As Michael promised in this week’s Bonus Room Study, the guys not only recap what just happened and what we discovered, but also where are we headed...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230915 God Himself is a New Creation
230818 We are NOT in the Bible

230818 We are NOT in the Bible

“I have been spending 54 years of ministry learning and changing my mind”, says the Founder, President and Birthday Boy of the Gospel Revolution.

We continue to mark Michael’s 71st birthday and 54 years in the ministry in this remarkable 100 minutes of power-packed podcasting.

The reasons, circumstance, and stories of Michael’s entrance in the first cult he became involved...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230818 We are NOT in the Bible
230804 Very Excited Research Ministers!

230804 Very Excited Research Ministers!


What specifically was Michael warning us about? It’s all contained in this phenomenal 106 minutes of life-changing podcasting!

The show commences with two very excited “research ministers”. Why wouldn’t they be so excited (AKA saved)? The Boys have been immersed for hour after hour studying and researching for the upcoming, potentially “history...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230804 Very Excited Research Ministers!
230728 We’re Nothin’ But Errand Boys!

230728 We’re Nothin’ But Errand Boys!

“Lord have mercy! What is wrong with us, Daniel?”

Right from the get-go of this amazing show, the “Captain and Sparky” are clearly very saved and happy to be back online sharing the power of the information they continue to uncover.

“We’re really just errand boys delivering this beautiful message,” affirms Daniel.

Apparently, that’s what we ALL are –...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230728 We’re Nothin’ But Errand Boys!
230721 Surfing the Matrix of the New!

230721 Surfing the Matrix of the New!

“We’re like a cat with a laser light – totally focused on the Gospel!” Michael says in this absolutely “magical” Powercast.

The “magic show” is exposed as are the people who say they experienced miraculous healing. “I was a ‘catcher’ in Benny Hinn’s meeting and hurt my back”, Michael remembers. “I went to a Benny...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230721 Surfing the Matrix of the New!
230714 The Collapse Of The Former Matrix

230714 The Collapse Of The Former Matrix

“Dualism is the old matrix”, Michael explains in this week’s phenomenal podcast.

The whole thing commences with he and Daniel reviewing last week’s “proclamation of salvation” and kicking off our summer pledge drive.

“The whole of King James’ effort was to have everyone adhere to authority…Of course, we defend whore-mongers and adulterers…It...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230714 The Collapse Of The Former Matrix
230630 The Seven Pillars of Wisdom Part 1 (REPLAY)

230630 The Seven Pillars of Wisdom Part 1 (REPLAY)

As Michael and Daniel take some extra time to prepare for the upcoming Fall Conference, this week we are replaying the first part of one of our most popular series: The Seven Pillars of Wisdom. We hope you enjoy this Powercast originally recorded in 2014. 

This week, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett debut the first part of our new series, “Seven Pillars of Wisdom.”  In this episode,...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230630 The Seven Pillars of Wisdom Part 1 (REPLAY)
230623 Shoving Mud Down The Throat

230623 Shoving Mud Down The Throat

“We don’t go for that crap around here. And that’s exactly what it is – crap!”

Holy crap! That is an accurate way to describe this blazing hot Powercast. Michael’s wide-ranging initial monologue stemmed from a discussion he and Daniel have about explaining to their respective 9 year olds the origin of God. You will find out why beliefs have nothing to do with facts,...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230623 Shoving Mud Down The Throat
230616 Surviving Christianity

230616 Surviving Christianity

“We do not outsource our thoughts to others,” says Michael Lilborn Williams in this Powercast.

We get to hear: why Michael added Lilborn to his public persona, why the late great Don Bartlett didn’t like it, how the late but not great Pat Robertson and all Christianity caused Don to not care if he lived or died, the damage done to Daniel and Michael and multiple millions of others...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230616 Surviving Christianity
230609 The Revelation: Laced With Poison

230609 The Revelation: Laced With Poison

Enjoy this this weeks Podcast as we replay a session from our conference on The Revelation earlier this year. 

“It’s as if the Holy Ghost, the Great Teacher, is saying ‘Finally, somebody is asking the right questions’.” Thus, commences Session 3 of The Revelation with Michael and his “side-brain”, Daniel. It all begins with Michael stating there are such...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230609 The Revelation: Laced With Poison
230526 The Fright of Freedom

230526 The Fright of Freedom

“Freedom is not something we do. Freedom is something we be,” says Michael Lilborn Williams at the outset of this fascinating and very personal podcast.

The Powercast commences with Michael and Daniel welcoming all our listeners, new and old, from around the planet. The Gospel Revolution is truly being felt world-wide.

Michael answers the question of why we don’t hear from more GRs...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230526 The Fright of Freedom
230519 The Jesus Freak

230519 The Jesus Freak

The new movie about the early 1970’s “Jesus Revolution”, has caught the entertainment industry off-guard because the film has become the number 1 selling DVD in the United States.

However, our very own founder and president of the Gospel Revolution, Michael Lilborn Williams, lived through that season (and many others), knows what really took place and describes more of the story...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230519 The Jesus Freak
230512 They Sold the Gospel with Special Guest Kevin Lauristen

230512 They Sold the Gospel with Special Guest Kevin Lauristen

And now for a very different and unique kind of Powercast…

On this one, Michael and Daniel welcome Kevin Lauristen to the show to tell his story and quite a story it is. Kevin is a long-time Gospel Revolutionary who first encountered Michael and the true Gospel of Peace and Grace while still in the so-called “Word of Faith” movement. 

Kevin was an employee of Andrew Womack during...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230512 They Sold the Gospel with Special Guest Kevin Lauristen
230505 Offended By The Cross: Forced Perspective

230505 Offended By The Cross: Forced Perspective

First-off, those who are listed above are all as righteous and perfect as Christ. So are you and everyone else!

Yet still, those folks are offended by the Cross. Are you?

What does it mean to carry the offense? Why are they offended by the Cross? Why is it “ridiculous and stupid”?

This fiery Powercast answers those questions and many others. Why did a pastor drop dead after criticizing...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230505 Offended By The Cross: Forced Perspective
230428 Being Right Doesn’t Bring Peace

230428 Being Right Doesn’t Bring Peace

What specifically happens to us when we die?

Frankly, we really don’t know. However, we do have some clues.

Michael opens with an amazing soliloquy stemming from his and Daniel’s discussion about the deaths of loved-ones. He brings forth quite an affirming perspective utilizing the beautiful imagery of rivers and oceans.

“I don’t get peace from my happiness. I get my happiness...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230428 Being Right Doesn't Bring Peace
230421 The Actual Whore Of Babylon Exposed

230421 The Actual Whore Of Babylon Exposed

“You have to think while you’re reading,” says Michael Lilbron Williams as he and Daniel Thomas Rouse continue to pour through the ultimate Revelation.

It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

In this powerful Powercast, we learn: “there is no rest for the righteous”, how your life is built on what WAS miraculous – not on what WILL be miraculous (what a difference!),...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230421 The Actual Whore Of Babylon Exposed
230414 Imagine the Power of Imagery

230414 Imagine the Power of Imagery

“You have completely usurped the Gospel! There is no mercy of God for today…You have to go around just repeating the word ‘love, love, love’ – you’ve made it so syrupy – because you don’t know what the hell the love of God is! … I don’t want to hear you talk about the mercy of God because you don’t believe in it because you don’t...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230414 Imagine the Power of Imagery
230407 Laced With Lies

230407 Laced With Lies

“He made the whole world Israel!”

This is just one of a myriad of incredibly strong statements contained in our this Powercast.

Released on “Good Friday” during “Easter Weekend”, here is something you will NOT hear mentioned by Michael or Daniel in these 81 minutes – Good Friday or Easter. Why? Because our guys realize these days on the religious and cultural...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230407 Laced With Lies
230303 Because Its All Bullbleep!

230303 Because Its All Bullbleep!

The boys got back at it with this amazing new Powercast. It is another must-listen-to show! Michael addresses the future audience of this program thousands of years in the future.

It all commences with the guys encouraging everyone to get ready for the upcoming 2023 Winter Virtual Calgary Worldwide Grace Conference later this month. The study and preparation they have been doing to reveal “The...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230303 Because Its All Bullbleep!
230217 A Head Spinning Season

230217 A Head Spinning Season

Many people have heard the true Gospel. However, because they are not regularly listening or hearing THE truth, it is NOT making them free. What a shame to be free and not to be living in that freedom. They are not benefiting from the value of the repetition and meditation of the Gospel (AKA the Power of God), causing the cleansing of their soul and the renewing of their mind.

“There is immense...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230217 A Head Spinning Season
230210 Why Evil Still?

230210 Why Evil Still?

“Folks, it’s time we wake-up and realize all of this external superficial spirituality is taking away from the reality of your (actual) spirituality!”

This definitive declaration by Michael comes toward the end of this week’s amazing Powercast. From its outset, the almost forensic, scientific approach which has become the hallmark of the guys’ style is apparent. The...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230210 Why Evil Still?
230203 My Problem: Confessions from Michael Lilborn Williams 

230203 My Problem: Confessions from Michael Lilborn Williams 

The beginning of this revelatory show reminds us how Michael became one of the most prominent speakers in the Word of Faith Movement.

One day, he told them, “The reason we Word of Faith people are struggling is because we don’t know anything about grace”. Hearing that, congregations across the country would audibly gasp. That began a journey for Michael sharing platforms with the...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230203 My Problem: Confessions from Michael Lilborn Williams 
230127 The Bastard Apostle

230127 The Bastard Apostle

You have often heard Michael and Daniel say, “Questions are the lifeblood of the Gospel Revolution”. It’s true! However, we may need to add “and criticisms” to that oft heard comment.

A beautiful case in point begins this phenomenal podcast as the guys address a pointed Facebook response by Mikki Burnett. “Actually, the truly good news is that it was JUST A STORY…..and...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230127 The Bastard Apostle
230120 Redefining Sin

230120 Redefining Sin

Put on your thinking cap for this one, folks! It goes deep and gets plenty meaty.

“If you see God, you see humanity. And if you see humanity, you see God.” Michael summarizes the detailed discussion contained in this Powercast with this amazing statement. It is all about how God imposed himself on Christ and then on humanity after the resurrection. As lovely of a thought this is, Michael...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230120 Redefining Sin
230113 Why You Cannot Live In The Now

230113 Why You Cannot Live In The Now

Oh, Boy! What a Powercast!! You have been forewarned…These show notes only begin to describe the power contained in one incredible 90 minute podcast.

Do you want to be released from the bondage keeping you down in your mind?

You are going to want to listen to this one and share it a lot. Someone commented on our teaching about the angels with a “So, what?” So, what? This is a HUGE...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230113 Why You Cannot Live In The Now
230106 What Happened To All The Angels?

230106 What Happened To All The Angels?

The inaugural Powercast of 2023 commenced with Michael retelling how he realized he was no longer a Christian. We enjoy Kate Benham singing “I Am Not a Christian”, which was recorded live over ten years ago at a summit we held in Houston, with the “GR Choir” joining in! 

Then Michael has strong words for those who are trying to do spiritual things.

“What’s spiritual...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230106 What Happened To All The Angels?
221230 The Seven Layers Of Heaven

221230 The Seven Layers Of Heaven

One of the hallmarks of Michael and Daniel’s forays together online, is that there is lots of giggling and flat-out laughter. Why? Because the absorption of all this gospel is making them happy! And laughter is like good medicine, right?

It seems especially true in this spectacular show to close out the year, even when discussing some pretty serious issues. For example, just on this program...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
221230 The Seven Layers Of Heaven
221223 The Grinch Who Stole The Christian And Mystic Christmas

221223 The Grinch Who Stole The Christian And Mystic Christmas

“I think my ‘COVID brain’ is gone!”

You will concur with Michael’s self-assessment in this most unique, surprising “Christmas Edition” of the Powercast and never hear a stronger, more glorious and, frankly, pointed teaching of the “Christmas Story” and defense of the Hebrew Scriptures than this one. “Crap on the Hebrew Scriptures! Come on,...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
221223 The Grinch Who Stole The Christian And Mystic Christmas
221216 Your New Body

221216 Your New Body

“Faith make no statement about who is going to heaven,” says Michael in the midst of this week’s Powercast. Then he repeats that two more times. Why did he emphasize this so and why did he quote our late great Don Beres Bartlett’s famous line, “The wages of gin is breath”? Log on and learn!

Before the boys continued their search for eternal life and a ticket to...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
221216 Your New Body
221209 Stairway To Heaven?

221209 Stairway To Heaven?

There’s a lady who’s sure

All that glitters is gold

And she’s buying a stairway to heaven.

The opening lyric of Led Zeppelin’s classic “Stairway to Heaven” begins a song that is just one of innumerable examples of how much the topic of heaven and eternal life has penetrated popular culture because of religion’s influence on society. You can hardly watch the...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
221209 Stairway To Heaven?
221125 Deleted Files

221125 Deleted Files

It took Michael 52 years of ministry to learn this. But he did. And here it is!

On this Thanksgiving Weekend in the United States, the fellas commence this week’s Powercast celebrating “the unsearchable riches” and articulating their gratefulness for the transition from religiosity to freedom.

We’re reminded how consistent. persistent, repetitive immersion in the Gospel has...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
221125 Deleted Files
221118 Terrified To Take Responsibility

221118 Terrified To Take Responsibility

“I remember when I realized people were terrified to take responsibility for their own lives,” says Gospel Revolution Founder and President Michael Lilborn Williams

This memory came to Michael at the top of this week’s Powercast as he and Daniel discussed the other side of freedom which is often not considered – personal responsibility. As Daniel completes his stay in the...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
221118 Terrified To Take Responsibility
221111 The Book of Revelation Does Not Exist

221111 The Book of Revelation Does Not Exist

Daniel pays a visit to the Secret City, and our language geeks really got after it! This Powercast is just the start of the fruit of their study and time together.

The program begins with the revealing of their new research on what ends up being “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”, NOT the Book of Revelation.

...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
221111 The Book of Revelation Does Not Exist
221104 Life After Death Experiences

221104 Life After Death Experiences

“I’m one with Hitler, not because of deeds. I’m one with Hitler because of Christ,” Michael reminds us in this week’s Powercast.

Suggesting you “buckle-up” before listening to this podcast, would not do these 78 minutes justice. There may never have been a session filled with thought-provoking and poignant points presented by the President and Founder of...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
221104 Life After Death Experiences
221028 Fun Facts For Eternity

221028 Fun Facts For Eternity


noun: etymology

the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.

Whether you’re a “language geek”, like Michael and Daniel or not, we trust you are benefiting from their etymological study of the origin and evolution of biblical “dog-whistles” like “end of the world”, “the lake of...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
221028 Fun Facts For Eternity
221021 A Master Class In The Master

221021 A Master Class In The Master

There are so many pivotal moments and subjects in the history of the GR. We are in one of those now as we “pursue eternal life”. That’s how huge is this topic. It is Gospel Revolution 2.0, indeed!

Another major turning point was many years ago when we saw ALL the Scriptures – the actual Scriptures – the Hebrew Scriptures were about one man, the God-man, the Master, the...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
221021 A Master Class In The Master
221014 Eyes Wide Open

221014 Eyes Wide Open

For two guys who admittedly are going down this road of researching and revealing “eternal life” with “trepidation” and “eyes wide open”, our dynamic duo sure do get after it with zeal and boldness.

This Powercast begins with an ancestry update on Michael’s prostitute second great grandmother and her massive Kansas City pugilist judge of a grandson who “used...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
221014 Eyes Wide Open
221007 Bull In A China Shop?

221007 Bull In A China Shop?

What a unique Powercast podcast! For the first time in a long time, we learn Michael recently received a phone call and a prayer request from a friend for their healing. And he prayed “liked the old days”.

Why did he did he pray, something he has said has not been a practice of his for many years? Well, frankly, the reason he did pray is at the heart of this show and the Good News. “We’re...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
221007 Bull In A China Shop?
220930 In Pursuit Of Eternal Life: Am I Gonna See Grandma Again?

220930 In Pursuit Of Eternal Life: Am I Gonna See Grandma Again?

About this week’s Powercast, Michael made the claim in the most recent Bonus Room Study (linked below) that “It’s one of the most dynamic things you’ll ever hear”. If a statement like that could be an understatement, this one is.

The only way you will understand how profound this podcast actually is, would be to hear it. So, please listen and share it with friends and...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
220930 In Pursuit Of Eternal Life: Am I Gonna See Grandma Again?
220923 Take Out The Trash

220923 Take Out The Trash

This may be your favorite Powercast podcast ever. It caused Daniel toward the end to exclaim, “Phew, Michael you’re on fire!”

These incredible 78 minutes commence with Daniel describing his weekend driving NASCAR and the irony of his dad’s “bucket list” item. We hear: why Michael detests monarchies but couldn’t keep his eyes off the coverage of the Queen’s...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
220923 Take Out The Trash
220916 The Pursuit To Prove Ourselves Wrong

220916 The Pursuit To Prove Ourselves Wrong



noun: criticism; plural noun: criticisms

  1. The expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes. “He received a lot of criticism”.
  2. The analysis and judgment of the merits and faults of a literary or artistic

          work. “Alternative methods of criticism supported by well-developed

          literary theories”.

There are two types of criticism above. The Gospel Revolution eschews the first one. The latter? For us, it’s a “daily practice”.

Michael and Daniel begin this Powercast articulating...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
220916 The Pursuit To Prove Ourselves Wrong
220909 The Lord Josh

220909 The Lord Josh

Islam teaches “Jesus”. You can do anything with “Jesus”. You can make him a personal Lord and Savior, which is nowhere in the Bible. We know his name wasn’t even “Jesus”. His name in Hebrew was actually Yeshua, Joshua in English. Then if you apply our vernacular, we could more accurately call him Josh, “The Lord Josh”! That would be more precise...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
220909 The Lord Josh
220826 Today’s Salem Witch Trials

220826 Today’s Salem Witch Trials

“Society’s go through these frequent rotations in and out of hysteria, where all reason seems to have gone out the door. We appear to be in one of those times now.”

Thus, begins this Powercast as they boys hit the ground running. Michael uses his recent viewing of a program about the Salem Witch Trials as a launching off point and agrees that back-in-that-day he would have been...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
220826 Today's Salem Witch Trials
220819 The Symmetrical World

220819 The Symmetrical World

“Even atheists would have to admit it. The progress of the human race since the Cross is undeniable,” concludes Michael Lilborn Williams in the midst of a podcast which he himself describes as “a masterpiece”. 

...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
220819 The Symmetrical World
220812 Is It A Sin?

220812 Is It A Sin?

Lots of family information in this life changing and affirming show.   It all begins with Daniel wishing Michael a happy 70th birthday week, the birthday boy talking about the impact on him surpassing his parents’ ages, his weight lifting goals. his and Daniel’s experiences with Amazon Smile benefiting the GR and the current Pledge Drive.   Then our dynamic duo dive head-first (emphasis on “head”) into what happens by removing the power of eliminating “sin consciousness”. We learn the only way to get rid of “sin consciousness” is to know sin has been done away with, the only way sin was done away with forever for everyone, and that it was through the blood of Christ. Daniel wonders out loud, “Is it a sin”? Michael reiterates, “We still really don’t understand sin. The over-abundance of grace has way out-paced sin. But if we don’t understand sin, we cannot ever fully understand grace. If you have guilt and shame, you have no ability to truly take responsibility for your life”.   We hear of Daniel’s dad’s “testimony”, about self-projection, why you can’t be arbitrary about God’s covenants, how Abraham’s covenant was good but now is foolish, the one word for promise AND promises, why there are over 45,000 different Christian denominations, and how key it is to embrace the spirit who came through Christ alone.   A listener facing a major family challenge asks. “Who the hell do you think you are, Mike Williams, taking away all the promises of God?” MLW responds.   “Faith is not part of my life. I have NO hope…. I have one two-pronged purpose in life…If you can embrace the abundance and gift, you will reign in life”.   What is his purpose and what does it mean to reign in life? Listen to this Powercast and you will know!
Gospel Revolution
220812 Is It A Sin?
220805 If You Don’t Believe Moses, You Can’t Believe Jesus!

220805 If You Don’t Believe Moses, You Can’t Believe Jesus!

“We’d be millionaires if we were compensated based on the Gospel content we’ve produced over the last year,” joked Michael. Or was he joking?   Regardless, this week’s Powercast is right in line with the magnificent information that has been our pleasure to deliver, hear and receive this year AND for decades past!   It all commenced with the fellas laughing about their lack of sports knowledge, Daniel explaining why he calls his home “The Frozen Tundra”, why Michael sometimes doesn’t want people to know what he does, and what saves him. The shows ends with MLW uncovering why his home is called “The Secret City”, “Because we didn’t anyone to know we were about to drop a bomb on them”!   In between, the guys drop a “Gospel Bomb” on ours brains.They dig in on Part II of answering Vic d’Obrenen’s request to do a verse-by-verse study of Galatians Chapter Three. Among the highlights are:  

  • Why the Story Cannot be Underestimated
  • Why Some are Undermining the Story
  • Why if You Don’t Believe Moses, You Can’t Believe Jesus
  • How Some have “Demolished” the Cross
  • What Specifically were the Galatians Foolish and Bewitched About
  • Why “You’re not taking out my condemnation!”
  • Daniel’s first
...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
220805 If You Don't Believe Moses, You Can't Believe Jesus!
220729 This IS My Business!

220729 This IS My Business!

Abraham Lincoln is the subject of Walt Whitman’s metaphorical poem “O Captain, My Captain”. It’s famously featured in 1989’s “Dead Poet Society” starring the late, great, perfect, and righteous Robin Williams. It also is the topic which launches this remarkable Powercast. 
We learn: why Daniel was crying his eyes out in front...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
220729 This IS My Business!
220722 There Is No Such Thing As Your Truth

220722 There Is No Such Thing As Your Truth

“There is no such thing as YOUR truth when considering THE truth!”   Michael and Daniel come out primed and ready to go for this week’s Powercast.   “Bible interpretation is quite simple when you understand the Gospel,” said Daniel. “Respect context and allow Peter, James, John, Apollos, Paul, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to speak for and represent themselves. Then see how what they teach lines up with what’s in the Hebrew Scriptures!”   “Yes, I yelled at the Holy Ghost to teach us and (the information) came at us like an avalanche, chortled Michael. “There is a way to continue learning and 100 exits to depart from truth. But ALL of them undermine Moses, the Hebrew Scriptures, and the Blood of Christ.   As promised, we regather at Hebrews Chapter 11, but not before seeing Hebrews 10 contextually regarding those opposed to the Law and the Blood of Christ.    Michael starts the study of Hebrews 11 by asking the question from Micah 7, “How did God show mercy to Abraham”?   Then he declares, “I was wrong!” You’ll surely enjoy and benefit from his corrected understanding which includes how God actually did show mercy to Abraham   These 74 minutes are likely to change your life forever.
Gospel Revolution
220722 There Is No Such Thing As Your Truth
220715 Stop Using The Damn Bible!

220715 Stop Using The Damn Bible!

This absolutely splendid Powercast commences with Daniel thanking our Captain and the entire Gospel Revolution for saving his life. Then the guys discuss their gratefulness about the impact of the Gospel and how it allows one to “negotiate with the ‘proper’ person”.   We learn why Michael thinks he may have been a Puritan at the founding of the New World. Discover why he strongly suggests certain people should, “Stop using the damn Bible…Jesus did not die just because he wanted to show he loves us, That’s pathetic! Hallmark Cards can do a better job than that…We know one thing. You have been offended by the Hebrew Scriptures. We do not develop truth to accommodate our conscious being offended…You’re bastardizing the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament!”   Another “mystic myth” is busted as we do a verse-by-verse contextual study of Hebrews Chapter 9.   Want clarity? Want mental stability? Know others who do? Please listen and share!
Gospel Revolution
220715 Stop Using The Damn Bible!
220708 Thank You Don Keathley and Jeremiah!

220708 Thank You Don Keathley and Jeremiah!

This very different and interesting Powercast commences with an admission from Michael. “I was the king of using confirmation bias in the old Word of Faith days, and so was Daniel.”   Daniel responds jokingly, “Don’t pull me into your sin!” LOL!   Early on in this fantastic 60 minutes, Michael rehearses the fact that two of the board members of Mike Williams Ministries, Daniel and Vice President Nardos Kebede, were heavily influenced by Global Grace Seminary and Don Keathley Ministries and influential in their journey “home” to the Gospel Revolution.   Some of that process is revealed to which we must reply, “Thanks Don Keathley and Global Grace!”    Not only is reading in context emphasized anew, but Daniel reminds us that once you start staying in context, you easily begin identifying those who are not, They just are looking for a verse here and a verse there to confirm their bias. “Don Keathley, you have made an absolute fool of yourself!”   “If you have decided you’re not going to change your mind, there is no reason to listen to us at all,” says Michael. Daniel tells of his experience listening to Don Keathly over the past few years, especially a recent message he listened to on “Why Did Jesus Have To Die” (The guys talk about this teaching in detail. Normally, we would share a link to the video teaching but it is not publicly available right now).    While listening to this teaching Daniel gets intrigued by a verse Don Keathley shared regarding sacrifices and offerings out of the Book of Jeremiah. The fellas go through a contextual study of the verse and find that the meaning is VERY different, in fact the opposite of what Don Keathley taught. Frankly, it is quite alarming!    Along the way, we get more context about the actual place translated as “hell” in the so called gospels and the teachings of Christ (the Valley of Hinnom).    Once again, the Hebrew Scriptures shine, as Michael cautions the disrespect of them can lead to negative attitudes toward Jewish people and Antisemitism. The illogical approach of quoting the Scriptures to discredit them is pointed out. Just because someone keeps repeating “the Temple of the Lord” or “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus”, or “Abba, Abba, Abba,” does not mean you are accurately portraying who or what you are talking about!   This fascinating show is sure to renew your mind and cleanse your soul.   PLEASE ENJOY AND SHARE!
Gospel Revolution
220708 Thank You Don Keathley and Jeremiah!
220701 Even When You’re Wrong You’re Right-e-ous!

220701 Even When You’re Wrong You’re Right-e-ous!

Rich. Deep. Thick.   Three adjectives describing this incredibly beneficial podcast. It is shows like this one why the program is called “The Powercast”.   The guys open up discussing the pseudo graphical writings which were likely added to Paul’s, Apollos’, and even Peter’s work, and what the purposes of them might have been.   “You have to know the Gospel in order to be able to identify the pseudo graphical additions in the New Testament writings,” says Michael. Then Daniel points out what are the indications that they have been added and asks, “How can we trust anything in the New Testament writings?” Then definitively answers, “We have the Hebrew Scriptures! We (are) just like the Bereans, We go back to the Hebrew Scriptures…even to see if what Jesus said lines- up with the Hebrew Scriptures!”   We may change our minds, but the truth never changes!   “If your ‘prize’ is to be ‘right’, you’re not going to like the Gospel,” exerts Michael. Daniel adds, “The Gospel will prove you wrong, but at the same time will also prove you always right-e-ous”. We learn how Abraham Lincoln likely pronounced “righteous”.   Our discussion on the mystery continues by first reviewing a passage discussed last week on adoption. We learn exactly what the adoption as the Sons of God means. We are reminded about how Don Beres Bartlett described it as, “We are God in the Earth” .  Daniel challenges one of Don Keathly’s teaching on being alienated and enemies in your mind. We look, in a classical GR way, at the context of this verse which happens to fall in line with our study on the mystery.   We are aliens no more!   “The will of God has has already been done, and you’re trying to exercise your will to be what you already are? … Congratulations! You just judged God as unrighteous”!   Ready to be challenged? Listen and have your mind delivered to a higher level of understanding about this wonderful information!
Gospel Revolution
220701 Even When You're Wrong You're Right-e-ous!
220624 Albert Einstein, the Speed of Light and the Gospel

220624 Albert Einstein, the Speed of Light and the Gospel

What a unique and profound opening to this week’s Powercast!   Michael gives his take on his individual experience and treatment for seasonal allergies. Plus, amazing insight into some of Albert Einstein’s comments and the theory of the Speed of Light.   “If speed travels, then time can be determined into the trillions of years. If light does not travel, it changes everything. If light travels, it supports evolution. If light is constant (from ‘let there be light’), it supports creation. The one thing I do know is the ‘speed of light’ has never been measured before.”   Of course, as always, every topic that is broached here is done from the perspective of the Gospel – the Good News – including:  
  • What does it mean that the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth?
  • Michael’s Teaching on Five Mysteries: Sin, Marriage, Faith, Change,
and Godliness.
  • The impact of abandoning the Hebrew Scriptures.
  • The Book of Ephesians’ Mystery.
  • God’s use of time in accomplishing his plan.
  • The importance of embracing the Blood of Christ.
  • How God would be mean and a liar if everything was complete in Adam.
Gospel Revolution
220624 Albert Einstein, the Speed of Light and the Gospel
220617 Tortured By God

220617 Tortured By God

“Truth is attractive to a beautiful array of humanity, ” observes Daniel.   “Yes, the Gospel Revolution enjoys a multiplicity of expressions of God in the Earth” affirms Michael.   And so begins another excursion and pursuit of THE truth.   We understand, of course, WE ALL are THE truth; that it is contained within all of our hearts. However, as we have been learning in the Bonus Room Study (like the video below), we do well to aggressively receive (or “lambano”) the truth of God’s grace and righteousness. This is what Paul strongly encouraged, because it is to the life-saving benefit of our souls.   The Gospel is nourishment for our brains. And that, our friends, is what this (and every) Powercast is all about.   The guys continue our journey down the path about the Mystery which was hidden until EVERYTHING changed.   We discover: some people were privy to the mystery before it was fully unveiled in Christ, that humanity’s suffering and torture by God as told in the Hebrew Scriptures (including Christ’s himself) was for a very brief period but for the ultimate purpose, and that we are NOT part of the plan but we ARE living in the result of the plan! Good News? Amazing News!   This was the news that prior to Christ’s manifestation only a few were privy to. Now, tragically, Christianity and Mysticism are making the Cross to no effect and are proud of it! This is outrageous and potentially deadly. “Because they don’t follow the mystery all the way through, they’re still dealing with ‘sin’, the second coming, manifestation of the sons of God, and they’re still trying to change when God already changed EVERYTHING!” exclaims Michael.   God’s blueprint and sovereign involvement was the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ foreshadowed brilliantly in the Hebrew Scriptures.   Daniel reminds Michael of a series MLW preached several years ago about the mystery covering at least four subjects; the mystery of transgression, mystery of faith, mystery of marriage and the mystery of change.   As we continue going through Paul’s teaching on the mystery, we are reminded of what the “change” that took place at the Cross is all about – it was an alloy process. Two completely separate things coming together to make something which never existed without them or the process being made one!   Hallelujah!
Gospel Revolution
220617 Tortured By God
220610 The Slippery Slope To Anti-Semitism

220610 The Slippery Slope To Anti-Semitism

The show kicks-off with Michael and Daniel pumped-up about “The Final Design.” We’re reminded about Don Beres Bartlett’s admonition that “there was never a Plan B” as the guys expound on the GR’s “heresy”. “There is NOTHING in Genesis to indicate God and Man were ever One,” MLW states.   There are people who brag about the fact that “there is no need to study; all you have to do is follow your heart”. The guys disregard this perspective. and reiterate their desire to honor the Hebrew Scriptures and to study them until their last breaths respectively. Michael cautions us about articulating disrespect for the Hebrew Scriptures as “those Jewish writings” and how historically that may have begun the slippery slope to antisemitism, something we want to expose and never have anything to do with.   We are reminded that not only were Apollos and Paul confrontational in their comparative teachings, Paul was outright combative against what he saw as “another gospel”. Daniel points out both Apollos and Paul significantly changed their perspectives on Christ and the messages they were sharing, which is exactly what he and Michael have done!   Before getting into our new topic, the fellas rehearse our last series out of Micah:
  • They shall learn war no more.
  • The Migdal Eder.
  • The daughter of Zion.
  • The Seed, the King, and the Lamb
  • What tremendous stuff! 
  Then we commence examining “The Mystery” by looking at Paul’s teaching.   We pursue a few questions like;

  • Was the mystery something that was true from before the foundations of the world?
  • Or was it the blueprint before creation?
  • Is the mystery like the promise — speaking of something to come?
  • If the mystery was a reality from creation and
...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
220610 The Slippery Slope To Anti-Semitism
220603 It’s All In The DNA

220603 It’s All In The DNA

This week we conclude our study in Micah looking at the phrase: “thou will perform the truth to Jacob”. But not before Michael shares about DNA!

The Gospel Revolution is dedicated to researching the DNA of righteousness that all begins with a story. This week we learn what the seed, the king, and the lamb all had in common with the Migdal Eder and with Jesus. 

Gospel Revolution
220603 It's All In The DNA
220527 Demolishing Denominations: The Effect of Reading in Context

220527 Demolishing Denominations: The Effect of Reading in Context

Michael dove right in to this thrilling Powercast!   “We have not yet been successful in bringing down the Word of Faith Movement. But we have been successful at bringing down a very large denomination that most people nowadays don’t even remember. It was Herbert W. Armstrong’s Worldwide Church of God (“Armstrongism”) … Back in the early ’90s my tapes about law versus grace got in there. That was what their denomination was all about, the old testament rituals. That was their ‘undoing’. They were so well-versed in the old testament of the Hebrew Scriptures that when I came along and starting showing the fulfillment of the Hebrew Scriptures, they fell completely apart.”   So began a celebration of the vitality of the Hebrew Scriptures, and about reading them and the entirety of the Bible in context, all from the Gospel vantage point!   “It was love that brought humanity the law. Its restrictions instituted temporarily led the whole world to everlasting freedom! All the Hebrew Scriptures lead to the truth, which is a person, which is the person of Jesus Christ!”   Daniel regales us with stories of Rhema Bible College and how reading in context saved his life. Then the guys recap Micah Chapter 4 and rehearse Micah 5 regarding the “Little Town of Bethlehem and the details of the prophecies of the death of Christ. We rejoice in Micah’s merciful conclusion in Chapter 7.   Just like true scientists, we’re wanting to know the truth and are ready at any moment to be proven wrong. All for the the sake of the humanity who is now God in the Earth! So powerful, this Gospel of Peace and Grace!
Gospel Revolution
220527 Demolishing Denominations: The Effect of Reading in Context
220520 The Daughter Of Zion

220520 The Daughter Of Zion

Michael opens up defending, once again, the Hebrew Scriptures. He share how allowing the story to remain we can continue to learn conflict resolution which will result in where we left our study a few weeks ago “and they shall study war no more”. 

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Gospel Revolution
220520 The Daughter Of Zion
220513 Migdal Eder – The Birthplace Of The King

220513 Migdal Eder – The Birthplace Of The King

“Living in a world of chance is living in a world of peace…Everything from Creation to the Cross was predestined. Ever since the Cross, nothing has been!” from Michael Lilborn Williams’ remarkable monologue in this week’s Powercast.   Do we have your attention, yet?   The podcast commences with the guys talking about Michael’s “war on old age” and Daniel’s fascination with the song “Imagine”.   Then we rehearse the importance of understanding what Malachi 3:5 actually says and means. As it turns out, God does change (paradigms and approaches).   We continue to “redeem” the Hebrew Scriptures and demonstrating its power!   The fellas move through Micah 4 uncovering two dramatic understandings. We learn:
  • Who is the Daughter of Zion
  • Where was the actual specific birthplace of Christ
  These precise details of Christ’s life are outlined in the very Hebrew Scriptures some are trying to discredit, and are going to save your soul, AGAIN!
Gospel Revolution
220513 Migdal Eder - The Birthplace Of The King
220506 They Shall Study War No More

220506 They Shall Study War No More

Michael opens up revisiting a vitally important aspect of the Gospel – no more dualism. No more God in heaven and man on earth but rather the two are one. The boys discuss how this understanding changes our perspective of just about everything!

Then we head to the Hebrew Scriptures to introduce a new study of Micah chapter 4 which reveals the result of the cross “and they shall study...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
220506 They Shall Study War No More
220429 Doctrine, Debate & Dialogue

220429 Doctrine, Debate & Dialogue

Our celebration of the Hebrew Scriptures (and more importantly what they reveal) continues with this fresh freedom-loving foray into all things Gospel.   The show commences with a big announcement regarding a GR vocabulary change. The guys go deep about how vitally important are the legitimacy of the Hebrew Scriptures.   Michael went off! “If the Hebrew Scriptures are not valid, then the Cross is not valid! If we miss the Hebrew Scriptures, we miss our ability to end all war. The Hebrew Scriptures are all about conflict resolution. There is no conflict resolution in Christianity or Mysticism. The ultimate conflict was resolved at the Cross. Throw away the Hebrew Scriptures, and you throw away our ability to study war no more!”   Michael and Daniel rehearse our current understanding of the mirror comparison visa vise imputed righteousness and imputed sin. We also take a long look at being MADE sin and righteous.   Then we review a message sent to us regarding the difference between debate and dialogue. We examine our methods of research which includes debate and dialogue of doctrines — which to some seems like “bad” behavior.
Gospel Revolution
220429 Doctrine, Debate & Dialogue