Our explorers, who have been likened to Lewis and Clark, have set sail to explore more Gospel truth in this week’s Powercast. So buckle up and enjoy the ride!
Two GRs write in with questions the help us clarify our recent discussions on the father-son-relationship between God and Jesus and the significance of the baptism of Jesus.
We then journey to our second to last command of Christ — “Feed My Sheep”. Our explorers first determine if this command found in John 21 is psuedographical. They share many reasons why they and other Biblical scholars question its validity. We also learn the process of identifying psuedographical writings in the New Testament and why one might justify their reasons for adding it (hint: many of the psudographical additions to the New Testament promote the Apostolic leadership of Peter).
After examining its validity, we move on to study the doctrinal significance of this command and we look to answer some of these questions; Who are the sheep and who are the shepherds? What are they feeding the sheep? If Jesus is the Great Shepherd, what is the need for other shepherds? Who is the hireling? Oh and we name names!