One topic that comes to the evangelical mind within the discussion of the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ is “The Antichrist”. Before looking to define who the antichrist is, we found it necessary to look at EVERY single verse in the Bible that has the word “antichrist” (you might be surprised at how few there are, who used this word, and how it was used).
Then in our research we found 8 different characters in the Bible that are often associated with being the antichrist;
- The Man of Sin
- The Beast of Revelation
- The False Prophet
- Abomination of Desolation
- The Little Horn
- The Prince Who Is To Come
- The King of the North
- The Shepherd that Neglects the Sheep
This week we focus on three of these; the man of sin, abomination of desolation, and the little horn. We look at these from three different perspectives (preterists perspective, futuristic perspective, and a gospel perspective) and compare each of these within their context and the Hebrew Scriptures.
You’ll hear live as we discover a possible Bible character who fits all the attributes described by Daniel as the “little horn”.