“Dualism is the old matrix”, Michael explains in this week’s phenomenal podcast.
The whole thing commences with he and Daniel reviewing last week’s “proclamation of salvation” and kicking off our summer pledge drive.
“The whole of King James’ effort was to have everyone adhere to authority…Of course, we defend whore-mongers and adulterers…It is our job to judge…If you’re involved with anything discrediting, diminishing or sidestepping the Hebrew Scriptures – GET OUT…They see no future…I refuse to live subjectively about what feels good or bad…It’s all based on the validity of the Hebrew Scriptures…The whole future of the Gospel is in the acceptance of the Hebrew Scriptures…Does it impact our feelings? Just wait and listen to what happens!”
You don’t have to wait very long. Just click on the link and get ready to have “the Gospel give you “a mind of think-ability”!
Michael introduces us to the “New Matrix” by proudly declaring the collapse of the former Matrix. “The entire Matrix collapsed. It was cataclysmic”!
We walk through 1 Corinthians 1 and learn more about what Paul has to say about “salvation by proclamation”. The days of receiving salvation through works is over!

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