Deliver Us From Evil

In this 9 hour seminar presentation, Mike Williams starts out with what is commonly referred to as “The Lord’s Prayer” and expounds upon three key subjects: Sin, Righteousness and Judgment. Regarding these key subjects, he demonstrates how the Holy Spirit, in the role of “The Comforter” actually provides comfort and assurance that they were executed and discharged in Christ’s work at...    see more >>

Grace, Grace!

In this 5 1/2 – hour Audiobook, Mike Williams does a comparative study of Paul’s understanding of grace and that of James and John.  He compares their understanding to the Scriptures.  In this study, you’ll discover what the work of the cross was and 3 defining statuses of grace in relationship to sin, law, judgment and wrath.  It is a condensed demonstration of the message of the gospel...    see more >>

Romans Revealed (2010)

The 2010 Gospel Revolution Convention in Calgary and everyone had a great time! Vic d Obrenan, our host for this year’s convention was very excited to report the tremendous success of the convention. Everyone was very enthusiastic at every event, and Vic said This was a groundbreaking teaching on the Book of Romans. Not only did Mike cover the entire book from the first chapter to the last chapter,...    see more >>

Don’t Offend The Grace of God

In this 3-hour series, Mike Williams explains in beautiful clarity 3 concepts Paul wrote about in his epistles regarding religious fallacies that offend grace. Paul wrote about doing “despite” to the spirit of grace, “failing” of the grace of God and the infamous “falling” from grace. Here Mike exposes the pitfalls of religion that dupe people into believing that somehow sin must still...    see more >>

The Book of Ephesians (Chapters 1-3)

Michael Lilborn Williams covers Ephesians Chapters 1 through 3 verse by verse in 4 sessions. Traditional Christian doctrines are unraveled in these sessions to reveal the true meaning of children of disobedience versus children of obedience, the grace and the faith we are saved by, the Holy Spirit of promise and much more. Foundational issues of the gospel such as redemption, righteousness, faith,...    see more >>

The Last Trump

In these sessions, Michael Lilborn Williams is the main speaker at the conference and he discusses what Paul was explaining about the last trump in his letter to the Corinthians. The last days and the Last Adam also come sharply into focus as Mike talks about what all was last in the work of the cross.

Also included in this series are sessions from guest speakers Derek Hensel and Beres Bartlett. Derek...    see more >>

Before, ‘In The Beginning…’ A Plan

Before, “In The Beginning…” A Plan – 2017 Calgary Conference. In this series, Mike Williams teaches on things that happened before the foundation of the world, and forms an extension of his earlier series on predestination entitled, “Predestined to life“.

The following inclusions form this series:-
(1) The Pre-existence of Salvation. Acclaimed by Jesus; Affirmed by Paul; Abandoned...    see more >>