211203 Restoring Unlimited Brain Power

211203 Restoring Unlimited Brain Power

“I would so much rather have my feet firmly planted in what the Scriptures say, than thinking ‘they’ all got it wrong to be able to teach what I teach. I’m happy with that. If you have a narrow view that you need to see the Gospel through, a particular verse or two in the New Testament and you have to shoehorn everything into that, shame on you”, Michael said jokingly.
Or was he joking? You will have to listen to find out for yourself.
Then we backed-up our study through 1 Corinthians 15 to emphasize the comparison between Adam and Jesus, specifically concerning what Adam had authority over and why Jesus’ entry was necessary. We agree to a degree with Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary about Adam’s experience in the Garden.The first man DID indeed lose something when he partook of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil! Adam lost brain power!!!
The discussion leads to some wonderful questions then answers!

  • Is the Gospel capable of restoring unlimited brain power?
  • Could the restoring of brain power reduce warfare?
  • What is the difference between the work of the Cross and the “work” of the Gospel?

We then reach the conclusion of Paul’s sermon in 1 Corinthians 15 – this is a done deal! Although not all writers of the New Testament agreed.
We are, however, delighted to report the Scriptures do agree with Paul, not the others. This is not surprising since Paul was the only apostle who was a scholar of the Scriptures. He was planted firmly in the Scriptures, too. We highly recommend you be planted there, as well.

Gospel Revolution
211203 Restoring Unlimited Brain Power



211126 Disproving The Theory Of “Original Design”

211126 Disproving The Theory Of “Original Design”

“God relieved his anger at the Cross.
Maybe we can resolve our anger at the Cross, too?”
That’s how Michael began this week’s new, hot-off-the-presses Powercast.
He and Daniel confront the theory of “Original Design” – that Adam was created “perfect” and then “fell” to a lower state of being.
Our Boys examine this idea from Christianity, which states Adam was perfect and his nature changed with Jesus being the answer for humans if we meet certain criteria. Then the Guys look at Christian Mysticism, which postulates Adam was made perfect, remained perfect, but only fell to a lower mindset. They say all Jesus did was show humanity that Adam (and his lineage) were perfect all along.
Both these theories are effectively refuted as we continue our look at 1 Corinthians 15. Enjoy and get ready to be saved all over again!

Gospel Revolution
211126 Disproving The Theory Of "Original Design"



211119 The Gospel, Personal or Universal?

211119 The Gospel, Personal or Universal?

This fresh edition of the Powercast starts with Michael and Daniel telling their own stories and those of other GRs who escaped the mind crippling torment of “a personal gospel”. You know the one. It’s the one which requires a personal relationship with Jesus as opposed to understanding the Gospel’s true nature.
Knowing and rehearsing the Gospel’s universal and total effect on all of humanity can heal even potentially terminal mental illness. 
Before continuing the discussion in 1 Corinthians 15, Michael jumps ahead to 1 Corinthians 16 regarding a fresh discovery he which he discovered. What he found brings clearer context to the understanding of the preceding chapter.
We hear all about the Heaven-Earth and the God-Man. 
As the discussion returns to chapter 15, we learn about the doctrine that created a religion for millions of people: ‘the baptism of the dead’. 
Listen and let the Gospel set your mind free!

Gospel Revolution
211119 The Gospel, Personal or Universal?



211112 The World Put To Sleep

211112 The World Put To Sleep

This fresh dose of the Holy Ghost’s Gospel commences with Michael proclaiming “You don’t need to be spiritual. You ARE spiritual!”
Daniel reminds us of the importance of “moreovering” the Gospel and always coming back to the actual Scriptures.
Then the Boys return to 1 Corinthians 15 and discuss what it means to be “put to sleep”. This is an incredibly powerful perspective! Has Christianity and Christian Mysticism robbed the world of the knowledge of being woke?
Michael and Daniel read through as if they had it right, and come to a surprising conclusion! 
Listen and get woke!

Gospel Revolution
211112 The World Put To Sleep



211105 What Does It Mean To Be Led By The Spirit?

211105 What Does It Mean To Be Led By The Spirit?

Countless seminars, books, and teaching series have taught the Christian world ‘How To Be Led By The Spirit’. However, has the question ever been asked, “What does it mean to be led by the Spirit”?
This week Daniel asked that question. It led Michael and Daniel on a search of EVERY Bible verse which speaks of being “led by the Spirit”. You’ll definitely want to hear and soak in the answer and insights in this one!


Gospel Revolution
211105 What Does It Mean To Be Led By The Spirit?



211029 Freedom From Anxiety That Is Produced By Religion

211029 Freedom From Anxiety That Is Produced By Religion

This week Michael and Daniel continue their discussion regarding living in the certainty of the peace of the Gospel while life remains very much uncertain.
One of our Gospel Revolutionaries, Ethan in Japan, writes how the impact of the Gospel has set him free from anxiety and fear which was produced by his experience in Christianity.
Michael boldly proclaims, “There is nothing in the Scriptures about a second coming!”
Then we enjoy some “moreover” comparative teaching between Christianity, Christian Mysticism, and the Gospel as we study through 1 Corinthians 15. 
Join us on the Gospel train at the station of freedom!

Gospel Revolution
211029 Freedom From Anxiety That Is Produced By Religion



211022 Remaining Certain In Uncertain Times

211022 Remaining Certain In Uncertain Times

“I am not led by the Spirit!”
How could Michael make such a statement and be thrilled about it?
You’ll definitely want to hear this one and find out! 
This week Michael and Daniel open up discussing their transitions from the Word of Faith Movement into the Gospel Revolution — which really and simply came down to a desire to pursue truth.
They expound on how they went from having certainties based on uncertainties and uncertainties based on certainties! They explain how now they live the opposite!
We also begin a deeper dive into 1 Corinthians 15 — giving us confidence in the Scriptures and the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. 
Listen and fill up your soul with the Gospel so you may be anchored in life!

Gospel Revolution
211022 Remaining Certain In Uncertain Times



211008 A Stuffed Jesus

211008 A Stuffed Jesus

The Boys return with a poppin’ fresh Powercast and get happy right from the get-go with Michael proclaiming, “You get to go through it (life) without….” and then states a long list of things in this life you get to go through without by understanding and meditating the true Gospel.
We hear of Michael’s decision to relinquish the care of his sister Gale to others in Tennessee, Daniel’s move and recent challenges at work in Wisconsin, and some wonderful (and funny) remembrances of the late, great Don Bartlett including a classic Bartlett bit.
Then our Dynamic Duo follow-up with a recap of the recent Calgary Grace Conference, the alloyed-god-man, the wrathful God, sons/children of God vs created man (Adam).
“God didn’t have any children in the Old Testament. He had a creation!” emphasized Michael.
Get ready for this week’s soul-saving, mind-renewing C.P.R. of the Gospel!.

Gospel Revolution
211008 A Stuffed Jesus



211001 What Conciliation Means To Me

211001 What Conciliation Means To Me

As we prepare to pick up the podcasts one more week, please enjoy this session by Daniel Thomas Rouse from the Calgary Grace Conference. 

Daniel shares “What Conciliation Means To Him”. The perfect combination of God and Man… now ONE. 


Gospel Revolution
211001 What Conciliation Means To Me



210924 God Changed!

210924 God Changed!

This week’s Powercast includes a teaching form the Calgary Conference that took place last week, Enjoy!

“If anything changed, everything changed,” said Michael as he started his session at the Fall Calgary Grace Conference.
Michael deals with the misunderstanding science, religion, mysticism, and truth. “You should never be flexible when it comes to truth”.

Gospel Revolution
210924 God Changed!



210820 Saving The Cosmos

210820 Saving The Cosmos


Michael brings out a discovery that’ll rock your cosmos!
Understanding the cosmos is
another pivotal fractal of the Gospel. 
You will learn why Jesus came to save the Cosmos,
what he saved it from, and how he reordered it. 
Get ready to have your cosmos rocked
and your soul saved, again!

Gospel Revolution
210820 Saving The Cosmos



210813 Reclaiming Reconciliation — Examining Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary

210813 Reclaiming Reconciliation — Examining Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary

This week Michael and Daniel open up with a letter from Canada regarding “a psycho maniac” and the anger of God.
Why was God angry? Perhaps there is still much more to learn! 
Our guys both agree that though our knowledge has grown, there is much work to be done and much more to understand. 
Then Michael begins the process of reclaiming the term reconciliation from Christianity and the Mirror Bible. For the very first time, you might just hear what reconciliation actually means (and get saved all over again!).
Join in as Michael and Daniel venture into uncharted territory to reclaim another “Gospel Term”: Reconciliation!

Gospel Revolution
210813 Reclaiming Reconciliation -- Examining Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary



210806 Jesus, The Perfect Mirror Of The Father — Examining Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary

210806 Jesus, The Perfect Mirror Of The Father — Examining Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary

Among the fascinating comments which begin this week’s Powercast, we learn why the New Testament writings could NOT be part of Scripture, with Michael saying, “If you stay with us for the whole story and don’t find all the wonderful foreshadowing and prophecies from the Scriptures congruent with the actual New Testament conclusion, then please move on.”
Regarding his true lineage, Jesus said, “If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father” and “whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me, so I speak”. 
Michael and Daniel continue their defense of the Gospel and the Scriptures by comparing what Jesus spoke regarding the Scriptures (the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets). By comparing Jesus’ words and the Scriptures to the message that Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary are sharing, we receive further clarity.
Did Jesus have a different message than the Prophets? Did Jesus have a different message than the Law? Did Jesus have a different message than the Psalms?
Listen. Discover. Rejoice!

Gospel Revolution
210806 Jesus, The Perfect Mirror Of The Father -- Examining Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary



210730 The Gurus Of A Thought – Examining Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary

210730 The Gurus Of A Thought – Examining Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary

We hear from Gospel Revolutionaries from around the world in this amazing Powercast!
They share their thoughts on our recent comparisons between the Mirror Bible, Global Grace Seminar, Christian Mystics and the Gospel. It is absolutely fascinating and exciting!!!
You don’t want to miss what our listeners have to say about their own studies of Mirror Bible and Christian Mysticism. 
After hearing these testimonies Michael calls out these preachers as “gurus of a thought”. They have reshaped the story to fit their one huge, destructive idea – that Adam was perfection personified and the New Covenant is simply a restoration of thought and not the most magnificent transformation in human history.
We also had a short but very sweet call from Don Bartlett during the podcast you’re sure to want to hear.

Gospel Revolution
210730 The Gurus Of A Thought - Examining Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary



210723 The Virgin Birth – Examining Mirror Bible and Christian Mysticism

210723 The Virgin Birth – Examining Mirror Bible and Christian Mysticism

The importance of the Virgin Birth and understanding its vital role in the Gospel story is why Michael and Daniel revisit it again this week.
Though they never thought they would have to do it, they compare the Gospel story of the Virgin Birth written in Matthew, Luke, and which was prophesied by Isaiah to those who say the virgin birth was either irrelevant or isn’t true!
The Guys examine Bishop John Shelby Spong’s claim that Matthew “made up” the virgin birth and the Mirror Bible’s explanation of the virgin birth (or lack thereof) which leads Michael to say, “There is no Gospel in the Mirror Bible”.
Join in as Michael and Daniel fight to keep the Story of the Gospel intact!

Gospel Revolution
210723 The Virgin Birth - Examining Mirror Bible and Christian Mysticism



210716 When God Became A Father

210716 When God Became A Father

Following receiving a review about the last episode concerning the children of God and who was the first child of God (Adam or Jesus), Michael and Daniel move our understanding on to discuss exactly when God became a father. 
Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary make the claim that the Father (God) we know today would never do what the God of the Old Covenant did. Michael and Daniel wonder… could they be right? 
Daniel shares his experience becoming a father. Michael tells what his third-great-grandfather and George Washington have in common. You don’t want to miss this power-packed episode!

Gospel Revolution
210716 When God Became A Father



210709 Two Ole Dung Slingers

210709 Two Ole Dung Slingers

Join us as we hear from Don Beres Bartlett and Shean Smith a.k.a. Java Joe. 

Shean interviews Don on a passage from Philippians 3. They discuss faith IN Christ as compared to the faith OF Christ and what did the Apostle Paul mean when he said “I count it all as dung”. 

Daniel follows up this powerful duo by rehearsing Hebrews 11 — were these really heroes of faith? If yes, who’s...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
210709 Two Ole Dung Slingers



210702 Planned Obsolescence – Examining Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary

210702 Planned Obsolescence – Examining Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary

WOW! Get ready for a soul cleansing dose of the Gospel! 

Michael Lilborn Williams and Daniel Thomas Rouse continue examining Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary doctrines. This week they look at what seems to be their foundational teaching – Adam being God’s original blueprint and ideal creation. 

To do this they rewind the story all the way back to Genesis – the story of creation....    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
210702 Planned Obsolescence - Examining Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary



210625 Examining Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary: Predestined In The Womb

210625 Examining Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary: Predestined In The Womb

Two worlds are discussed in the week’s Powercast — the predestined world and the world of chance, possibilities, and logic. 

Michael Lilborn Williams and Daniel Thomas Rouse share their journey of discovering freedom and what it means to live in freedom. 

The questioned was posed and answered — are we predestined from the womb? Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary’s doctrine...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
210625 Examining Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary: Predestined In The Womb



210618 Looking For The Truth In Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary

210618 Looking For The Truth In Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary

Will you look with us? 

This week’s Powercast is all about the story. You can disagree with the story but nobody has the power to change the story. But that is exactly what Mirror Bible, Global Grace Seminary, and the Christian Mystics are trying to do. 

Michael Lilborn Williams and Daniel Thomas Rouse are not willing to stand by and allow anyone to reshape the story! This week they examine...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
210618 Looking For The Truth In Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary



210611 Examining The Mirror Bible: Discover The Context Of “Hewn From The Rock”

210611 Examining The Mirror Bible: Discover The Context Of “Hewn From The Rock”

Did you know that being hewn from the rock is only HALF of this awesome story? And the other half is in the same verse?

Join Michael Lilborn Williams and Daniel Thomas Rouse as they embark on a contextual study of the Mirror Bible and Isaiah 51:1-3. Content and context changes and explains everything! 

Adam was not hewn from the rock! The ORIGINAL design came from the dust. Man’s ORIGINAL DESIGN...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
210611 Examining The Mirror Bible: Discover The Context Of "Hewn From The Rock"

