“I would so much rather have my feet firmly planted in what the Scriptures say, than thinking ‘they’ all got it wrong to be able to teach what I teach. I’m happy with that. If you have a narrow view that you need to see the Gospel through, a particular verse or two in the New Testament and you have to shoehorn everything into that, shame on you”, Michael said jokingly.
Or was he joking? You will have to listen to find out for yourself.
Then we backed-up our study through 1 Corinthians 15 to emphasize the comparison between Adam and Jesus, specifically concerning what Adam had authority over and why Jesus’ entry was necessary. We agree to a degree with Mirror Bible and Global Grace Seminary about Adam’s experience in the Garden.The first man DID indeed lose something when he partook of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil! Adam lost brain power!!!
The discussion leads to some wonderful questions then answers!
- Is the Gospel capable of restoring unlimited brain power?
- Could the restoring of brain power reduce warfare?
- What is the difference between the work of the Cross and the “work” of the Gospel?
We then reach the conclusion of Paul’s sermon in 1 Corinthians 15 – this is a done deal! Although not all writers of the New Testament agreed.
We are, however, delighted to report the Scriptures do agree with Paul, not the others. This is not surprising since Paul was the only apostle who was a scholar of the Scriptures. He was planted firmly in the Scriptures, too. We highly recommend you be planted there, as well.

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Hi Mike, About 50 years ago I drew out a graph showing the lifespan of the ancients from Adam to Abraham. What prompted me to do this was that God had promised Abraham that he would live to a good old age.(Gen 15v15 and ch27). According to the chart I drew from Genesis Adam died over 700 years before the flood. Noah lived to be 950 and was alive for about the first third of Abraham’s life. So there was Noah (950) and Abraham (175) alive at the same time so Abraham could have argued that he did not make a “good age”. Abraham did live slightly longer than his father Terah and grandfather Nahor and was part of the projection of shorter lives.Shem (600) who was alive before the flood actually outlived 9 generations of his descendants.Abraham died before his great great great great great grandfather Eber. Just found it interesting.
Instead of one man from each nation fighting it out why not do a rock, paper, scissors