Is Rosie Right?

“…radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America.” Rosie O’Donnell on the View, September 12, 2006.

Well, there it is. Rosie O’Donnell, the new co-host on ABC’s “The View”, laid it out there during their televised discussion of 9/11. And the outrage has just begun. But is she right?

To paraphrase a former President,...    see more >>

The Difference

Dear Lovers of the Loving God,
Would someone please explain the difference between al Qaeda’s philosophy of works towards redemption and Evangelical Christianity’s approach? Extreme Islam may allow for jihad, the killing of infidels in promoting their kingdom, but how many souls have been literally and figuratively killed in the history of Christianity? Definitely more than in...    see more >>


With all the insanity going on in the Middle East, people protesting at soldiers’ funerals with signs saying “God loves dead Soldiers”, and church leaders trying to profit from it all, we thought this was a good time to touch base with you and to bring some “good news” sanity your way.

Recently while channel surfing I came across Creflo Dollar, the prosperity preacher,...    see more >>

The Law of God

Recently I have found myself engaged in conversations concerning the law of God. So, I wanted to update you on my view of this awesome subject, a subject that can lead one to total insanity or an amazing level of peace of mind and heart.

Yes, I believe many emotional disorders can be traced to a misguided view on this subject. I personally concur with King David when he stated that he loved God’s...    see more >>

Staying The Course

First, let me say thank you for sharing one of my life’s most amazing moments. My last writing really was just that for me.

As we continue to move forward in this great Gospel effort, I am reminded of Paul’s statement that states “the Gospel IS the power of God.” He declared that the rationale behind this power is a divine revelation of GOD’S righteousness. The following...    see more >>


What, among other things, does the Gospel Revolution (faith in Jesus’ successful feat of making every human being righteous before God) do to one’s soul?

It (He) makes you see everyone as equal in the eyes of God.

This is very healthy emotionally and psychologically. After all, the Bible says that salvation (as opposed to redemption) is the cleansing or renewing of the mind.

When a human...    see more >>