by Michael Lilborn Williams | Apr 16, 2012
Dear Gospel Revolutionaries,
Please enjoy the latest installment below from my book, “One – The Gospel According to Mike”. The excerpt is from Chapter One: “Pursuit of Righteousness”. The picture at the top of this Good NewsLetter is just one of the faces from the collage from Mosaic that comprises the cover of the book. Each chapter of the book will have one of these... see more >>
by Gospel Revolution | Apr 9, 2012
Here’s Today’s “Top Ten List” of Things to Know About the Gospel:
#10 – The Gospel and Christianity are in direct opposition to each other.
#9 – The Gospel redeems no one.
#8 – The Gospel is information for the brain: nothing more, nothing less.
#7 – The Gospel is the “Good Information” of the Redemption of ALL of Humanity through the... see more >>
by Michael Lilborn Williams | Apr 2, 2012
“If the liberties of the American people are ever destroyed, they will fall by the hands of the clergy.” Marquis de Lafayette
Dear Family,
It was the siege of Yorktown in America’s War for Independence.
The Marquis de Lafayette, the French General who had joined the revolution, was 24 years old. My third Great Grandfather Matthias Williams was 25 and was there, too, fighting under the General’s... see more >>
by Michael Lilborn Williams | Apr 2, 2012
Dear Family,
There have been moments in time throughout history when a phrase coined in a certain way, a song, a poem, even just a thought resonates to such a degree that it can change the trajectory in the lives of scores of people. Sometimes echoes of the moment resound that it will affect the future of hundreds. And every so often a moment in time is so powerful that it alters... see more >>
by Glenn Klein | Mar 28, 2012
Dear Beautiful Humans,
The other night my son Jacob who lives in San Diego was having dinner at my parents home in the Los Angeles area with their best friends in the world Pat and Ronnie, my cousin Richard, and my brother Jimmy, his wife Elaine, and their daughters Sammie, Casey, and Drew who were all on the West Coast visiting from Chicago. It was a mini Klein Family Reunion.
I spoke with them briefly... see more >>
by Michael Lilborn Williams | Mar 26, 2012
Dear Family,
The Power of God…
No phrase on Earth has ever evoked more awe, excitement, fear, dread and amazement. Please pause for a moment and just imagine the inspiring implications which resulted, which are resulting, and which can result from this ultimate power.
The Scriptures declare how the Power of God created light and separated it from darkness. The Power of God organized the Universe.... see more >>