201126 The Christianity Free Gospel

201126 The Christianity Free Gospel

What disease was Michael Lilborn Williams talking about specifically when he made the statement above?   This weeks’ Powercast reveals that and so much more!   The episode begins with a profound discussion prompted by questions from two longtime Revolutionaries about why we advertise as a “Christianity Free Gospel” and why and how we confront Christianity.   Daniel Thomas Rouse shares part of his story of coming out of Christianity and why he thinks the method the Gospel Revolution uses is most effective. Michael also shares why we use the same method to confront both Christianity andChristian Mysticism.   Spend some time with the Boys. It will help you understand why and how we do what we do.   ENJOY!
Gospel Revolution
201126 The Christianity Free Gospel
201120 The Errant New Testament

201120 The Errant New Testament

We know you’ve been missing Don Beres Bartlett! So, this week we are sharing a special teaching Don presented during the Global Calgary Grace Conference concerning the New Testament not being inerrant!   Don points out the mismatching stories, teachings, and writings in the New Testament. These discrepancies are not consistent with the Scriptures – which as defined by Christ himself as the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets.   You are sure to find a firm foundation in the Scriptures as you listen.
Gospel Revolution
201120 The Errant New Testament
201113 Freedom Slaves

201113 Freedom Slaves

Michael Lilborn Williams and Daniel Thomas Rouse start off this week’s Powercast sharing why they hold on to the Good News presented by the Gospel Revolution instead of Christian Mysticism or Christianity.   Log on to find out who Michael was addressing when he strongly suggested to them, “Dudes, get over yourself”!   Then the discussion moves on to the understanding of our freedom. To be truly free one cannot be under authority. Authority is an “old cosmos” principle — it does not apply to our “new world (cosmos)”. Our new master is freedom and all authority has been replaced with service.   Listen and walk as a slave of freedom!
Gospel Revolution
201113 Freedom Slaves
201106 Extra-Biblical Teachings

201106 Extra-Biblical Teachings

In this episode of the Powercast, Michael Lilborn Williams and Daniel Thomas Rouse explore how Christianity and Christian Mysticism teach from outside of the Bible while the Gospel Revolution works hard to teach what is IN the Bible.   Bringing terminology from outside of the Bible produces “Extra-Biblical Teachings” such as “hell” or the “fall of man”.   Michael and Daniel also compare how people translate the Bible using extra-biblical terminology — as is the case for the NIV or Mirror Bible — instead of translating word for word or paraphrasing thought for thought.   Then they continue the discussion on the Bible Story, showing the beginning, middle, and the end (the ginomai to the telos)!   As Don takes the week off, Michael and Daniel are busy bringing you the Good News!
Gospel Revolution
201106 Extra-Biblical Teachings
201030 Living In The New World

201030 Living In The New World

Michael, Don, and Daniel open up this Powercast discussing the Fall Conference from two weeks ago — all three agree that their cosmos (world) were rocked!   With these new understandings in place and reminiscing on past “aha” moments, they share how the Gospel automatically rewires the brain. Michael states that the Gospel is designed to set the mind free!   Additionally, Michael shares how we are free from authority both divinely and earthly. Those who appear to be in positions of authority are actually servants (with none greater or lesser than another).   Then the trio tease us with a new study in development; understanding completion. Michael brings out two Greek words both translated often as “complete”. One definitely means complete, the other points to a process or a beginning.   This episode is sure to help you live in the new world (cosmos) and to be excited about!
Gospel Revolution
201030 Living In The New World
201023 Saving The Cosmos

201023 Saving The Cosmos

Enjoy this special Powercast as we re-broadcast Michael’s teaching from the 2020 Global Calgary Grace Conference. 

Michael Lilborn Williams brings out a discovery that’ll rock your cosmos! Understanding the cosmos is another fractal of the Gospel. 

You will learn why Jesus came to save the cosmos, what he saved it from, and how he reordered it. 

Get ready to have your cosmos...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
201023 Saving The Cosmos
201016 The Gospel of Peace Conference Prequel

201016 The Gospel of Peace Conference Prequel

Join us for this special Powercast as Michael Lilborn Williams, Don Beres Bartlett, and Daniel Thomas Rouse prepare for the 2020 Global Calgary Grace Conference! You’ll hear introductions to what each speaker will be sharing at this week’s conference. 

Michael, Don, and Daniel also share some stories about the effects of the Gospel of Peace in people’s lives and church organization...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
201016 The Gospel of Peace Conference Prequel
201009 Finishing Creation

201009 Finishing Creation

What exactly did Jesus finish when he said, “It is finished”? Michael Lilborn Williams shares his discovery this week in John where we learn exactly what Jesus finished. 

Daniel Thomas Rouse takes us into understanding what the will of God is for your life. Is it the right job? The right move? The right church? Or is it something more? 

Don Beres Bartlett brings an explanation of what...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
201009 Finishing Creation
201002 Change The Story, Lose The Glory

201002 Change The Story, Lose The Glory

This week we hear from Pep Washburn as him and Michael Lilborn Williams dialog about the Word of God and presumptions – specifically concerning the way the GR sees and the way the Mystic sees. 

We also hear from Jeanie Hope as she summarizes the Gospel of Peace in a few short sentences. 

Then Michael, Don, and Daniel dive into Isaiah 60 and Isaiah 45 for a comparative teaching about the Gospel...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
201002 Change The Story, Lose The Glory
200925 Judging Doctrine

200925 Judging Doctrine

This week Don shares how the gospel has effected dealing with going blind. He is reminded of John Richard Mull and his experience with cancer.    Michael and Don share some stories on how the gospel impacts ones ability to deal with the challenges of life.    Michael, Don, and Daniel also answer an email in regards to last week’s podcast.    Michael makes a stance for our responsibility to judge doctrines, as we have been judging the doctrines presented by Christian Mysticism.    Prepare your soul for some C.P.R. of the Gospel as you listen. 
Gospel Revolution
200925 Judging Doctrine
200918 Taking The Lenses Off

200918 Taking The Lenses Off

From Our “God-Was-Never-Angry” Friends:
  • You must see the Scriptures through the eyes of Love.
  • The Prophets were blinded and therefore did not accurately declare the actions, commands, and character of God.
  • Man was always perfect.
  • Jesus is simply a “revealing”.
  These are lenses that many are trying to force us to see God and the Scriptures through. No thank you.   Michael, Don, and Daniel examine these lenses this week. They also share how silent five certain individuals are in regards to direct questions presented.   After removing these lenses, the Boys continue their discussion of the Gospel of Peace in Isaiah 54. Daniel discovers what the heavenly city is actually describing in the book of Revelation. Michael gets his “preach on”, and Don does what only Don can do!   Turn up the volume and get ready to see clearly!    UPDATE: Since recording this episode, several of the individuals mentioned did end up responding. Log on next week for the continuation of this dialog! It won’t be boring!
Gospel Revolution
200918 Taking The Lenses Off
200911 The Gospel of Peace: Good Is Not Perfect

200911 The Gospel of Peace: Good Is Not Perfect

In this week’s Powercast we deal with two questions concerning the Gospel of Peace.   #1. What is sin? #2. What was God so angry about?   Michael, Don, and Daniel define sin both grammatically and scripturally. They also discuss the definition of sin as presented in Romans 3:23 in Francois du Toit’s Mirror Bible. This leads into a discussion of the “Adamic race” and the New Creation — Good Is Not Perfect.   The episode concludes with a few reasons why God was angry while emphasizing the fact that almost 500 times the Scriptures speak of the anger of God and that shouldn’t be ignored.    Listen this week as we all move on into perfection!
Gospel Revolution
200911 The Gospel of Peace: Good Is Not Perfect
200904 Forcing Perspectives

200904 Forcing Perspectives

This week’s discussion starts with news items like; Jerry Falwell Jr.’s lucrative departure from Liberty University and why Michael thinks a law suit should be brought against the former Liberty University President.   Michael, Don, and Daniel then continue on the Gospel of Peace Path. Michael confronts forced perspectives.   The mystical view and the Gospel Revolution are contrasted via Isaiah 53-54 as a scriptural foundation.   Listen, be encouraged and get yourself saved! #CPRTheGospel
Gospel Revolution
200904 Forcing Perspectives
200828 The Gospel of Peace: There’s Power In The Revelation

200828 The Gospel of Peace: There’s Power In The Revelation

NO ONE has been redeemed, born again, or sanctified in the last 2000 years!   So, why do Michael, Don, and Daniel preach the Gospel?   #1, because it is in their heart to do so.   And #2, because there is power in the revelation!   The Gospel is nothing more than a revelation of the cross and nothing less than the power of God.   This week we discuss why the C.P.R. of the Gospel sounds foolish, and identify who is perishing and who is being saved.    Listen to this week’s Powercast and get amped!
Gospel Revolution
200828 The Gospel of Peace: There's Power In The Revelation
200821 The Gospel of Peace: Chasing The PAC-MAN Ghost

200821 The Gospel of Peace: Chasing The PAC-MAN Ghost

In this week’s Powercast Michael, Don, and Daniel kick off a new series on “The Gospel of Peace”. 

Before starting to examine Isaiah 53 and 54 they discuss the different perceptions of the Gospel. Firstly, examining Christian doctrine that says God is still hostile toward much of humanity. Secondly, how Christian Mystics claim that God was never hostile toward man. 

Michael’s...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
200821 The Gospel of Peace: Chasing The PAC-MAN Ghost
200814 It’s Not About You, It’s About Him

200814 It’s Not About You, It’s About Him

In this special Birthday edition of the Powercast – we celebrate Michael’s Birthday by celebrating Jesus. 

Michael, Don, and Daniel make some radical statements against a personal relationship with Jesus. They also expound on Abraham’s faith — how even though he waiver at least 10 times, somehow he was still considered great in faith! The conclusion will encourage you. 

A...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
200814 It's Not About You, It's About Him
200807 Swimming With Alligators

200807 Swimming With Alligators

Not only have we gone off the deep end but now we’ve jumped into the pool with the alligators — at least as far as Christianity is concerned. 

This week Michael Lilborn Williams, Don Beres Bartlett, and Daniel Thomas Rouse deal with Biblical terms. Daniel continues his story by sharing how defining Biblical terms in context transformed his theology. 

Terms such as; heaven, hell, everlasting,...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
200807 Swimming With Alligators
200731 Daniel’s Coming Out Party!

200731 Daniel’s Coming Out Party!

Raised in a Word of Faith Pastor’s home, Daniel Rouse was destined to follow in his father’s footsteps. From age 12 he began preaching, at age 16 he became a youth pastor, earned a Doctorate in Theology, and then went on to become a Word of Faith Pastor. 

But then it all changed! With a life-changing understanding of the Gospel, Daniel left that world behind!

Listen to today’s Powercast...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
200731 Daniel's Coming Out Party!
200724 Original Conflict

200724 Original Conflict

Have you ever wondered why Adam sinned or why there was a need for a new creation? If yes, you’ll want to hear this week’s Powercast!

This week Michael, Don and Daniel discuss what the conflict of the first Adam produced and how through much turmoil something beautiful was created. Through conflict and resolution we are able to discover the power of the Gospel.

Also discussed are the conflicting...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
200724 Original Conflict
200717 Shallow Spirituality

200717 Shallow Spirituality

In this week’s Powercast Michael hits the ground running by calling out personal spirituality, God-ordained modern day events, and superficial spirituality! Don catches Michael’s contagious attitude calling out Christians and Daniel shares about some of his experiences in the Word of Faith Movement and some prophetic words that were spoken over his life as a young man. 

We also received...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
200717 Shallow Spirituality
Diligent Listening – the key to entering into rest.

Diligent Listening – the key to entering into rest.

Matt 11:28-30 (MSG) . “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me–watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
Diligent Listening - the key to entering into rest.

