The New Man, Not the Old Dogma
In this Gospel Revolution Powercast, Beres Bartlett reads some questions to Mike from Moses Ngata and friends on Facebook ranging from whether there is any more coming judgment to if it’s possible even the fallen angels are reconciled to God. Mike and Beres have an interesting discussion about how Jesus said he is the light of the world – the only teacher recognized by religious ideologies
Gospel Transitions
This week, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett talk about the various transitions a person goes through as they contemplate the gospel and all that it means in terms of what one used to think according to the conventions of Christianity. Mike and Beres each give examples of their own transitions, which most Gospel Revolutionaries would certainly relate to.
The Observations of Three Observers
In this Gospel Revolution Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett are joined by our special guest, Chris Herrington. Chris conducts on-line counseling he calls “Inner Mediation.” The boys discuss what it’s like to give people advice in specific circumstances and how people should view their circumstances. They all agreed that there is never a rule as to how to deal with any
Evil Exhaustion
This week, our Gospel Revolution Powercast delves into a sneak peek into the new series “Deliver Us from Evil.” There are many interesting things to be found out about evil and its scriptural relevance to the gospel.
Kenyan Korner January 2013
In this special Gospel Revolution Powercast, Mike Williams gives an update to what is happening in Nakuru, Kenya with the Gospel Revolution. Listen to all the amazing things that Moses Ngata and the students at the School of the Scriptures have accomplished this past year.
In My Father’s House
In this Gospel Revolution Powercast, Mike Williams continue their discussion about what Jesus meant when he said he was going to prepare a place for us. A lot of interesting things came to light about how a word got translated into the word “mansions” in several English Bible translations. We also had a question from Pastor Ted Winsett in Decatur, Alabama, which led to a clear explanation
IHOP: International House of Persecution
This week, the Gospel Revolution takes a stand to condemn the vitriolic tongues that rise in judgment and persecution. The gospel is the good news of the Covenant of Peace Jesus established by which God declared in Isaiah that is the foundation of our heritage in which God said, “Thou shalt condemn” those voices of judgment, and we do. In a rare exposé, Beres Bartlett reports his findings
Hatred in the Name of Jesus
This week’s episode of the Gospel Revolution Powercast addresses recent headlines from around the world about sexual-morality laws being enacted in the name of Jesus and other stories of people being socially and publicly punished by religious people. In other words: “Self-Righteousness in the News.” Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett discuss the self-righteous nature of all religions
The Purpose Driven Lie
(Yes, we spelled the title right.) In this Gospel Revolution Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett discuss a question from Moses Ngata in Nakuru, Kenya about teachings in Evangelical Christianity that instruct people to find God’s purpose in their life. It’s a very popular message especially since Rick Warren wrote the book, “The Purpose Driven Life.” Mike actually
The Offense of Ultimate Reconciliation
This week’s Powercast addresses some differences between some concepts known as “Ultimate Reconciliation” and “Preterism” and what their major blind spot concerning the gospel. Mike Williams explains to Beres Bartlett how each one of the aformentioned concepts actually are an offense to the spirit of grace and take away from the work of the cross.
The Observer
In this Gospel Revolution Powercast, Beres Bartlett interviews Mike Williams about the stealthiness of the gospel that is the subject of the final chapter of Mike’s book ONE – The Gospel According to Mike. Chapter 16, entitled The Observer, discusses how the knowledge of the gospel actually takes one to a position of an observer. Beres and Mike discuss the “stealth” of the
The Lifeblood of the Gospel Revolution
Questions are the lifeblood of the Gospel Revolution and we want to thank you, our listening audience, for submitting your questions to the Powercast. In this week’s show, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett tackle a few of your questions. You might be surprised to hear what Mike himself discovered about “spiritual warfare” among other topics. Thank you for your questions and please
The End of What World?
In this Gospel Revolution Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett got off their planned topic and started discussing the end of the world as mentioned in various places in the New Testament. Here you’ll find out there are 3 distinctly different words that were translated into the word “world” in English. There are also some “aha!” moments when discussing some things
Shift Happens
Welcome to the first Powercast of 2014! This week, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett discuss a few topics James Taylor of Calhoun, Louisiana and Bola Muyis of New York City are interested in learning more about in future Powercasts. Today, Mike and Beres explored the concept of paradigm shift. No one can make a person or show a person “how” to experience a paradigm shift, but with exposure
God had to Accept Jesus, Not Us
In this special Gospel Revolution Powercast, Mike and Beres took a holiday this week. So, we have something special that so many of you have never heard taught verse by verse. This is the 3rd of 8 sessions Mike Williams taught during his conference on the Book of Hebrews verse by verse from beginning to end in context. We discover here that it wasn’t the people who had anything to do with
Christmas Trilogy Part 3: A Very Kenyan Christmas
Due to technical difficulties with Internet Explorer, this podcast which originally posted on Dec 20 is being re-posted.
This is a very special Gospel Revolution Powercast, which is the final episode in a 3-part Christmas series. Mike and Beres examine a stanza from the classic Christmas Carol, “Joy to the World” written in 1719 by Isaac Watts, who was a Nonconformist. (We find ourselves
Christmas Trilogy Part 2: ‘Round Yon Virgin
“Round Yon Virgin” means “surrounding or gathering around a young virgin.” It’s a popular lyric in one of our favorite Christmas carols. In this special Gospel Revolution Christmas Powercast, Beres and Mike talk about the virgin birth of Jesus. Here, Mike expounds upon the well memorized words from the Gospel of John, “The word was made flesh.” Mike lets
Christmas Trilogy Episode 1: And on Earth Peace Toward Men
In this Christmas Gospel Revolution Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett discuss the announcement the angels made at the birth of Christ. Mike explains that announcement was peace to all of humanity on earth from God because the Redeemer was born. The Gospel of Peace is the good news of Jesus and Mike tells the gospel story from the prophecies in Isaiah about that Redeemer who would make
Is Your Heart Kinder Than Your Doctrine?
This is a special Gospel Revolution Powercast. Mike was feeling a little under the weather at the time he and Beres tried recording for the show, so we have a different treat for you this week. In this Powercast, follow along with Mike Williams as he goes over Chapter 10 of Paul’s letter to Romans from Session 7 of the download teaching series The Book of Romans Revealed. In this lesson, Mike
The Manifold Grace of God
In this Gospel Revolution Powercast, Beres Bartlett interviews Mike Williams about Chapter 15 of Mike’s book ONE – The Gospel According to Mike. Chapter 15, entitled The Manifold Grace of God, covers a number of experiences Mike was having as he was learning about grace. It starts with a story about when Mike went to meet the author of a book that had a major impact on Mike. Mike then
Gospel 101
In this special Gospel Revolution Powercast, Mike Williams lays out the foundational message of the gospel found in the Gospel of Peace and the Gospel of Grace. This is a great starting point for anyone who is new to the gospel message. Mike Williams challenges the listener to consider the completed work of the cross including the redemption of ALL humanity in Christ Jesus.