Norvel Hayes died at 12:10 AM today, Saturday October 6th, 2018.
I am writing this to acknowledge the death of my former mentor, Norvel Hayes of Cleveland, TN.
Sharing my thoughts and feelings about it is a bit difficult to do for me. I have no clue what is going to come out. So, here we go…
At approximately 8:00 PM on August 15, 1974 I was welcomed into the home of Norvel Hayes in Cleveland, Tennessee. As I look back, it could have been any home of the hundreds of thousands of ministers representing the tens of thousands of different belief systems and denominations within the umbrella of the religion called Christianity.
In many aspects of the so-called ministry, it could have been virtually any one of the myriad of the others.
However, for me, it was Norvel Hayes.
This was a man who claimed to cast out devils, curse cancer to the healing of people, and a man (who just like his now departed mentors) said he would be alive when Jesus returned to Earth. This was, of course, according the “Second Coming” doctrine which is shared almost universally within the Christian world.
Was the introduction to Norvel an eventful night? I could not overstate the impact it had on me no matter how I would say it! The next 20 years of my life would be influenced and directed by Norvel Hayes. I suppose, in many ways, he still influences my life to this very day. I have fond memories and many anguished memories. Yet, as I write this, I sit here unmoved by any of these memories at all.
For those 20 years I fought, struggled and misrepresented the story of my “deliverance” from homosexuality.
Starting with that night in 1974 in Norvel Hayes’ home, it seemed as long as I kept struggling AND misrepresenting the truth, I was accepted, loved and promoted by him. The moment I started telling the truth, everything changed with his approach to me.
Norvel was in his early 90s, so I knew his passing was not too far away. I wondered when he would die, how I would feel, if I would feel something. I search for the space in my soul that this person occupied for over 20 years. At this moment, I cannot find it.
Long before I accepted the truth about my sexuality, I was learning the actual truth about the Gospel of Peace and the Gospel of Grace—that all of humanity (including myself) were 100% at peace with God (and as righteous as God), all delivered by the Grace of God (His literal unconditional love and acceptance). That knowledge of the Gospel of Grace and Peace carried me through the loss of my relationship with my mentor Norvel Hayes decades ago. So, in reality, I lost him then. Since then I’ve been carried into another world I did not know existed, a world where lies are NOT part of the formula for success in life and a staple of “relationship with Christ”, as was my experience under Norvel and in Christianity.
It’s been almost 40 years now. It is that same Gospel of Grace and Peace that has supplanted the philosophy and religion which dominated my soul for those 20 years with Norvel. This approach almost cost me my life. Tragically, it has been the end of multiple millions throughout the history of this planet.
So, another human who said he would see Jesus return before their death has died. This one’s name was Norvel Hayes.
And as far as I know, Norvel never cast out a single “devil” nor did he cure any cancer. It does me no pleasure to tell you I know this because I saw it prove out in the worst possible ways in the people closest to Norvel.
My time with Norvel Hayes was marked by a decades-long struggle to establish my own righteousness through faith. But now? I count it all dung. Yes, I count it all as a loss that I may experience the always-present righteousness of Christ Jesus and know the power of His resurrection.
To those who mourn his passing, let your hearts be comforted by knowing that Norvel was always righteous and always will be, like the rest of the human race past, present and future. Just wish that he would have known it before now.
Like many in the Christian religion, Norvel I believe you were well-intended. I love you.
Check out these articles:
“When My Sister Sarah was Dying of Cancer…Norvel Hayes Came to Her Hospital Room”
Click Here To Listen To Our Latest Powercasts, A Verse By Verse Study On Galatians:
Part 1: Religion’s Poison
Part 2: Religion’s Pillars
Part 3: The Path of Righteousness
Part 4: Rules? OR Freedom?
Part 5: You Are Free-er Than You Think
Watch An All Inclusive Bible Study: Sugkleio: HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE!!!
?Fire is coming for you.
God’s wrath has been satieted through Christs’ perfect sacrifice. Only the fiery passion of God’s love remains.
You should read 1, 2, and 3 John.
It saddens me to hear your account of your life.
It shows me just how hard he works to deceive.
No one made you lie about your life. It was something you chose to do so you could remain in what you thought was the “inner circle”. You weren’t really looking for deliverance, you were looking for acceptance.
Had you followed his advice and from your inner man carried his instructions out every day, casting down those thoughts and feelings, you would be free today.
You may very well have been free, but what people aren’t taught is how to overcome his attacks afterwards.
He said over and over, “I’m not a healer, Jesus is. I’m just a tool.”
I feel for you because thousands like you now walk in err and sadly won’t believe the truth until it’s too late.
GOD is love, but his love isn’t a feeling. It’s a choice. It a decision.
Millions have received true healing just to have satan come back at some weak point in their faith and put it back on them. That’s why it important to do what he said EVERYDAY.
Milliions take vitamins everyday for their health… same principle.
We can stand firm in our faith and see GOD or be deceived and SEE GOD. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living GOD.
Amen Amen Amen!!!
Everybody shall be baptized in fire
Fire has already come for you and I my friend. Now, there is nothing left but Jesus!
Hey Michael, Google 23 minutes in hell, and look up what Mary K. Baxter experienced and shared about hell. It will cause you to turn to Jesus, or the eternal fire will come for you. I pray God will send His laborer across your path, so you can hear, receive, and livery the born again life in Jesus’s name.
I was born again when I was raised with Christ. A new creation. Old things past away all things became new. An eternal spirit along with all mankind before during and since. Yay
Yep. Your god likes torturing and killing. That’s who dies it all in the Bible. Except for that one time when satan went back into heaven and played a game with your god with Job….. 😉
The Savior, Jesus is also the judge. Tell the whole truth. Stop lying. God does not sanction sex perversion of any kind. You have lost yourself in deception by embracing a false identity.
Homosexuality is a demonic spirit of lust that comes against your mind and body to convince you that is who you are. God never made one man a homosexual or one woman a lesbian. It’s not natural nor beneficial nor fitting as a man to even consider such perversion normal. Perhaps you should check out the ministry of Lester Sumrall. Proven miracles even in the newspaper and on television. He is the real deal. And my family knew him. There’s nothing missing or false about it. He had the power of God and I do too. Jesus is Lord. You must be born again! Don’t let your conscience become dull. Let it prick you and listen to it.
My my my!
Talk about throwing the first stone
You are one hell of a evil Christian
My my my!
Talk about throwing the first stone
You are one hell of a evil Christian
1John.3.7 – Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.
As always, Mike is respectful in his comments even about those who oppose the Gospel.
I spent 2years at the ministry 1996-1998, interesting time, with zona having kindney failure, Kenneth e Hagen visiting with everyone praying for zonna
To whoever wrote this article! May God forgive you. I break the power of that anti Christ Spirit that has you deceived and i bind it and cast that. Foul spirit out off away. No Norval hayes is surely in heaven and oh what a mansion !!! Surely you dont think people are going to believe your foul lies do you.
I agree with you!!
Amen Lyn! I heard more than 1 powerful testimony from Norvell Hayes, and reject these demonic lies after his passing. He left here, but oh what glory he enjoys in the presence of Jesus, the Father, family and many friends. Now he will rest in peace forever, and the rest of God’s family will join him shortly!
No matter how many doctrines and beliefs systems we come up.with…the wages of sin will always be death…
Example fornication is a sin but I never tried to manipulate the gospel or Word of God to justify my sin…I love Truth and Jesus is that truth
Hi Mike,
I saw your testimony on YouTube when Dr Norvel Hayes was at Dallas Texas holding revival meetings just last week. You came up on the platform and gave your testimony. Your testimony really moved me, seeing you talk about how Jesus set you free from homosexuality. I knew of your testimony years ago from reading it in one of brother Norvel’s books. Seeing you talk about what you went through in your life made me so very sad. I’m so very sorry you had such a horrible, life. God have mercy on those who abused you.
I was on this site a few weeks ago and read a lot of mean comments by so called Christians. I’m a born-again, Spirit filled Christian. I apologize to you for those who have judged you and said all those mean things. I’m not here to do that. We are told by Jesus Christ not to judge. Yet again, we are told by the apostle Paul what to do with a brother or sister who doesn’t repent. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about, so I don’t need to type it all out.
I’m so sorry that you think that the “whole human race is already made righteous in Christ Jesus”. I don’t agree. I don’t have to nor do you have to agree with me. I just don’t know where your ideas from? I don’t see any of it in the N.T. I’ve been saved since 1982, so I’m not some newbie, lol, just don’t understand but that’s ok. Just know there’s someone out there who is praying for you.
I hope you are doing well and I hope that one day you will understand the true Gospel of Jesus. I know brother Norvel loved you till he went home last year. I know. And know that I love you also. May God bless you richly and bring you to Heaven one day. Peace.
Amen Sister, Good Word! I was born again in 1982 also, the Spirit of the Lord was moving that year 🙂
I am amazed at the modification that people believe when leaving a organization whose educational format to to change your wrong thinking. 2 cor 10:5.
I studied there 1996-1998.
It played a foundation to understanding the bible.
That’s right Hate the sin but of dear me love the sinner
You are obsessed with what people do in bed
Mind you own fucking business
Stop evangelizing and hug someone you love
I believe in Gods Word, if Norvel was speaking Gods Word, Then Mike Is Calling God A Lie. You have to believe, If you don’t want to be free, God want make you. Norvel loved Mike, but Mike wanted To Let That spirit back. God want cast out what you love.
Mike I was listening to you and Brother Norvel when much of this was happening.
i went to Cleveland to hear you teach. Bought your tapes. Taught your teaching on Satan’s Kingdom after writing you and asking permission.
Years later I looked you up and realized what happened between you and Brother Norvel.
I am not writing to judge you. I see much of what you see that others may not see. I realize there is much misunderstanding of the scriptures, especially concerning salvation grace and hell.
i do not doubt your salvation. If someone believes Jesus is the son of God and after paying the price for sin on the cross, was raised from the dead and confesses Him as Lord a person is born again. At that moment they becomes the righteousness of God. From that moment on a person may sin but they are not a sinner. They are a saint who sin’s when they miss the mark. I am a boy. I can act like a girl but I am not one. I’m a boy. Likewise I’m a Christian. I may act like a sinner but I’m not. I’m a child of God. I’m the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus.
I may act like the children of the devil but I am not one.
However to say sin has been done away with therefore everyone is saved is not true. That teaching will directly help people go to hell. Hell does exist. Homosexuality will not send you there. Neither will drunkenness or all the other things the Bible list as works of the flesh. What it will do is destroy your fellowship with the Father and His son Jesus Christ and with the body of Christ.
One may reply that their relation with God is fine. However the only people who they have fellowship with in the body of Christ are those who agree with them. It is obvious by reading the post here that most disagree with your revelation of righteousness grace peace and that all are saved. Sin for a Christian leads to fellowship problems, false doctrines, and the other wages that it brings.
“He who says “I know Him” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. One may say we are no longer the commandments will have to take that up with John who pinned those words after the cross.
If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him to be a liar, and His word is not in us.
Perhaps you can give us your revelation on these verses?
A person can be saved and also be deceived. I understand that. I have been.
God works that out with the individual as should be.
But to tell everyone in the world they are okay? Are you God?
Sin was paid for on the cross. For the whole world. But salvation only comes because of the resurrection. Although the price was paid on the cross no one is saved until they believe Jesus is the Son of God, that he was raised from the dead. Until a person believes and confesses that they are not okay. They are not born again. They are lost in their sins.
Should your revelation be wrong your message puts their blood on your hands. Believe what you want; but should you be misleading others that is not a good thing.
Michael, the homosexual spirit is a strong demonic force. I saw that in my step dad. It killed him at the age of 43. He was in a motel room alone and died from varices. He was molested by men when he was little, which is how that spirit started messing with his mind. I had to deal with that demon and I detested it. It made me hate my step dad, because I didn’t realize it was a demon at work.
Fast forward, he started drinking hard liquor to try to deal with that demon. He started dabbling in pedophilia with young boys. I know this because of a particular one that came to me and told me. Anyway, my step dad constantly talked negatively about anyone who was Spirit filled or walked in the anointing. He never could grasp the love of Jesus. That homosexual demon fooled his thinking.
Norvel Hayes had been supernaturally trained by Jesus and the Word. Sounds like he tried to teach you how to remain free from that demonic force, but you evidently weren’t strong enough spiritually to withstand it or you just kept believing the lies that demon told you.
That demon tried to come on me at age 16, because of my step dad, and I kept resisting it and telling it to leave me in Jesus name. I kept telling it to leave despite its intense intimidation tactics. You have to pray in the Holy Spirit, study the word, and know your authority in Jesus to stay free from that defeated homosexual demon.
I pray that God sends people across your path to help you walk free and stay free from that devil. You’ll never be truly loved or free until you worship Jesus for Who He is, and use His authority as a Christian to tell that demon to leave you in Jesus name over and over and praise God you are free from the homosexual spirit and its desires.
Coming out with this after Norvel Hayes went to heaven isn’t something God or Jesus would have done. Recognize that devil for who it is and be free from it in Jesus name! I pray you’ll put in the work to rebuke the devil, resist him, and worship Jesus so that you won’t end up in hell. My step dad died from an asthma attack and went to hell. This was when he was married to my mom, but living an active homosexual lifestyle. Hell is real, but Jesus has saved you from hell! I pray your eyes be opened and Jesus inside of your spirit man comes alive!
Amen! Your words made me think of a friend that I met when I was 25 and she was 53. She invited me to her church. We bonded imediately and became friends. She was very young at heart, but also became like a spiritual mom to me. She had a very beautiful daughter that was my age who was homosexual. I knew her daughter fairly well, but she didn’t tell me this about her daughter until about 5 yrs after we were close friends for some reason. I was SO shocked by that information because her daughter was married to a man at the time she told me this, and i also couldn’t see any outward traits of her being homosexual. Her daughters husband was abusive, but her ex girlfriends also would kind of torment him. Her and her husband divorced and she married a woman. I just could not beleive this about her daughter. Not because I was being judgemental or because homosexuality was foreign to me, but because I just couldn’t see it at all through outward appearances. I repeatedly contiued asking my friend how this could be the case, so she finally told me that because she herself was a homosexual for over 20 something years before coming to the Lord. She said she lived with a woman for over 20 yrs and had raised her daughter in that lifestyle with that woman being like a husband for most of her daughters life. Further shock to my system! She herself was an orphan and lived with her cousins at ine point. There was homosexuality amongst her cousins family. She thinks she picked that spirit up from that family as a young child. also She said she was very careful to not just tell this about herself to just anyone, unless she felt led of the Lord too. The same with her testimony. She had to know that the Lord was leading her to give her testimony. She taught me alot about that kind of life and explained to me that the homosexual spirit is a very very strong demonic spirit. She said when she exepted Jesus into her life, she was delivered and could physically feel a presence leave her body. She was very close with her daughter and hated her in that life and prayed for her daughter to come to the Lord and be delivered from that spirit, until the day that she went to heaven. She said it is such a terrible lifestyle. She explained that jealousy in homosexual relationships is even 10 times stronger than when there is jealousy between a male and female relationship and abuse in the relationships can be so much worse. I continue praying for her daughters salvation. I know her daughter will come to the Lord because she never stopped believing the Lord for her, and God promises us our children if we stand on His Word, and I know HE IS FAITHFUL!
Wow!!!!! Amen on God’s faithfulness!
Good Word! Praise God 🙂
Michael, my heart grieves for your soul. The devil has so deceived you. No homosexual shall enter into the Kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. Norvel was a true man of God who tried to help you make it to heaven. He is there now. Many never make it. Hell is the place where those who refuse to repent and live a holy and righteous life go. Please repent of all of your sins and follow Jesus IN TRUTH before you end up in hell. Quit deceiving yourself and others today.
Eeeeh you mean Gehenna? Purifying fire? We all need it…
Isaac, obviously you have NEVER felt the true LOVE of Father God. I’m sorry for u. Surrender and maybe you will❤️❤️????
Im a graduate of Bro Norvels school.I have my cassette tape of Mike Williams testimony of how God delivered him from homosexuality. He (Mike W) went him looking for Bro.Hayes for help because he didn’t want to be the way he was.How when Norvel prayed for him more than once for him how he felt like there were like what he felt like hooks being pulled up out form the pit of his stomach.So don’t go bad mouthing Bro. Norvel just because he gave into them temptations instead of resisting them just to justify that sin. Make no mistake, God does love us all,But Anybody who sins any sin WILL GO TO HELL!!!
Under the LAW my friend, the moment you judged me, you broke all Gods law. I am happy to inform you that you are Holy and righteous by the blood of Christ! Ro. 4, Where there is no law there is no sin!
Oh dear. If Norvel Hayes prayed for you and you are still like this, there is no help for you… Over to you Lord Jesus….
Amen! pure Gospel there Michael “let God be true and every man a liar!” The documentary “God Loves Uganda” has deeply woefully and thankfully convinced me that God has given everyone over to disobedience so He can have mercy on them all! Romans 8:32 and by His grace He truly wants proclaims and declares all saved and has made absolute provision for this in our co-union in Christ. He/They (Father Son Holy Spirit) impart a full life here and now in these temporary tents of ours and like you say (in between the lines in your podcast knowing three who took their lives because of non acceptance of the Christianity folk religion) with tears prevent us from a premature death! Jesus led captivity captive and gave gifts to mankind Ephesians 4:8
I only wish more people would read study and be blessed and give blessings from the living Word as you and Don do!
Thank you!
So it’s a very good thing that Jesus died for our sins for “all have sinned and fallen short”! I’m glad that Jesus died for all!
Does that include Paul who was a murderer of Christians and wrote 2/3 of the new testament?
Under the law you break one law and you are guilty of all.
Under grace and the new covenant you have been made righteous and are no longer under the law of Moses.
But the veil of Moses is still untaken away in some who read the scriptures even unto this day.
That is a shame because those who look to the obsolete law for their salvation can never measure up.
Or as Jesus said when teaching the law before the cross, be ye perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.
If you cannot claim to be that perfect, then you don’t measure.up to the standard of the law of Moses.
No one does or ever has.
That is the point of it. To bring every man guilty before God.
Jesus paid the ransom for all mankind for all time…It Is Finished!!!
I respectfully disagree. No place of everlasting punishment can be found in either the New or Old testiment in the original Greek , Chaldeen or Hebrew. There simply is no hell.
“Where the worm dies not and the fire is not quenched”
“The smoke of their torment ascends up for ever”
“Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire”
Well God doesn’t lie He created hell for all who reject Him & the evil that exists. U won’t say there’s no hell when u stand b4 Almighty God then go there so repent & give your life to Jesus b4 its too late & u find out there is a hell
Issac is speaking the TRUTH of God’s word in love. Michael has chosen to remain bound by the sin of homosexuality! Surgery-coating the truth is NOT going to help Michael. The Bible says once they have been enlightened by the truth, and choose to reject it as TRUTH, then all that is left is the wrath of God and His Judgment! Michael is without excuse now (Bro. Novel’s teachings affirms this) so he needs to REPENT before it’s too late.
I went to New Life Bible School in the 80’s. You spoke at the scroll, I believe, a few times.
Four of the students there were gay and frantically trying not to be.
The past few years with politics made me question everything regarding what I believed. I stopped believing that Christians had the answers and that made me ask what I believed. You know what I am not? Gay. There is not a drop in my veins. I have never struggled with being attracted to people that would be immediately translated to being wicked. I have not walked that road and have absolutely no room to judge. They love each other? I will celebrate it.
I think often now of Lanny, Robbie, and Bev. The fourth had AIDS and I don’t remember his name. I wish I saw then what I know now. I wish I could say that this is the bondage— fighting against what you are. I wish I had loved them like they deserved to be loved. Nobody there did that. But, dang we’re they lovable. If any of you are out there, I am so very sorry.
Dear Isaac,
My youngest son is named Isaac — “Laughter” in Hebrew. Love that name.
Anyway, it’s my view that Michael Lilborn Williams may be the greatest teacher of the true Gospel since the Apostle Paul. Norvel Hayes, not so much. Instead of debating, I would like to recommend this brief teaching video of Michael’s on the all-inclusive nature and total success of Christ’s ministry for ALL people.
After you watch it, I would appreciate your thoughts. Love and Peace, Always.
I remember Mike very well. He had issues with the truth back in the eighties and I can see he still does. I will be praying for him.
Thank you Mary!
Mike may be the greatest teacher of the Gospel since Paul? EH? You are smoking religious weed. Mike has lost himself in deception by embracing a false identity. He is running, hiding, and shifting blame on Norvel Hayes. Mike is opposing himself and must lay down his will and surrender to the truth.God is not the author of confusion and delusion. God does not sanction homosexual behavior or ANY sexual sin. Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled, but adulterers and whoremongers God will JUDGE. Heb. 13:4. But fornication and ALL uncleanness, or covetousness, let it NOT be ONCE named among you as becometh saints. Eph.5:3. Mike has set himself up to condemn all of Christianity with a twisted so called gospel which is no gospel at all. His private interpretation is cultic/damnable.Turning the grace of God into God’s approval of immortality among the saints of God.
Mike Williams has taught me more of the true gospel of grace and peace than all of the preachers in my life combined!
Whenever the apostle Paul wrote about the law he was showing people how impossible it was to be good enough to achieve rightousness by your own works. Paul showed in his teaching in the New Testament that every person was predestined to be one with Christ. Why don’t you look at some of Mike’s teachings? Why not speak to him?
No need to grieve for Mike’s soul!
Many people have learned from the Gospel Revolution.
Under the law you are right no homosexual would have entered the kingdom of God. But we are not under law, we are under grace. Under the law nobody would have entered the kingdom of God. But now, under grace and by the faith of Christ everyone has. Why not read some of Mike’s teaching and then discuss it with him?
Corinthians 6 vs 11..As such WERE some of you , but ye are WASHED but ye are SANCTIFIED but ye are JUSTIFIED in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of God….
Its so disheartening when christians don’t understand the full sacrifice of Christ !! Why do we continue to mix the blood of bulls and goats with the Blood of Christ !!
I am a Christian. I go to church. We as Christian have no right to judge anyone nor is it our right to condem someone to hell.
Jesus is love God is love.
As Christians is it that hard to extend love and not judge?
I am so grateful that God is love I thank Jesus for men like Mike Williams.
Michael has since because of the Gospel of Grace and Peace. I’d say he has repented. God bless him. He is married with children.
Hi Sherrie, Thanks for the kindness! Just to be clear, Hazel and I divorced in 2000. She still runs MWM office in Illinois and is my best friend.
Isaac, You and I are as holy and righteous as is possible, by the work of Christ!
I am so pleased that you are living a perfect life and never sin. However, for the rest of us who unfortunately are not perfect, Christ died and covered all of our sins. It is so freeing to know that His sacrifice was for everyone no matter what we have done. The part that is most interesting is that so many Christians seem to be quicker to condemn then Christ was. I also sense that you have not listened to any of Mike’s teaching. Before you condemn too vigorously don’t you think it would be fair to listen to understand exactly what you are condemning. I followed Norval’s teachings for years and found that I only became more frustrated because too many things did not work out the way he said they would if I lived a certain way. My life is so much happier now and the peace I have with my God is beyond what I hoped for following other teachings. Finally I have a clear understanding of what Christ has done for me and I don’t have to work at it.
I challenge you to listen to some of Mikes explanation of the scriptures and what Christ has done.
Isaac, I’m sorry you have made The Cross of no effect. Jesus Christ is SAVIOR not because of what we do, but because of who He is and what He has done. Grace and Peace
Yes, homosexuals can enter the kingdom of God like any of us who continue to struggle with any sin because of the blood of Jesus. It sounds like Michael has called on the name of the Lord which is awesome but is unable to utilize the grace/power bought for us by His blood.
I agree. Clearly, Michael is living a life of deception. To spear this General of the Faith’s name is almost unforgivable. As for being forced to live a lie, you made the choice. True deliverance is available for all who are willing to acknowledge the TRUTH of God’s Word, and REPENT admitting we are all born sinners. Outside of acknowledging and accepting Jesus Christ sacrificial death as our own, and allowing His cleansing blood to free us from our unrighteousness, we are doomed to eternal hell. Homosexuality is an abomination in God’s eyes along with countless others described in The Holy Bible. As Christians we are commanded to love the sinner and hate Sin. With that being said, we as Christians are NOT obligated to embrace and accept sinners who choose to live a sinful life who have no desire to REPENT and turn from their evil way. If you are still living the homosexual lifestyle, then the only thing that awaits you is God’s wrath and judgment! There is no escape. REPENT now before it’s too late, and for God sakes stop spreading lies about this Mighty man of God!!!
I remember the time you said he had lumps on his neck and wouldent meet you at the pool, sorry truly sorry about your lose mike
He was great christian.
People did not recognaze his talent.
He made excessive his energy to serve.
He was exelent preacher.
I am sorry that your heart is so hardened. Your hate toward Norvel and the true gospel should not have been taken out on him right after his death. Would Jesus have done this? No! Because you choose to sin you should not be making someone else look bad. And you are right, Norvel never casted a demons, God did it through him. Read and study your bible and see what Jesus told us to do and live righteously because the gospel and our salvation is not a License to sin. I did pray for you and please take this ugly post down. Thanks for listening.
LOL, I totally forgot that Jeff!
Shawn, Thanks for the prayers! And you are very welcome! I try to always listen.
Amen thank you for telling him.
Amen! Glory be to God! Brother Norvel Hayes obeyed And did what the Lord commissioned him to do. Mark 16:15-20.
Verse 16 it read; He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; BUT he that believeth NOT shall be DAMNED.
I am sorry that your heart is so hardened. Your hate toward Norvel and the true gospel should not have been taken out on him right after his death. Would Jesus have done this? No! Because you choose to sin you should not be making someone else look bad. And you are right, Norvel never casted a demons, God did it through him. Read and study your bible and see what Jesus told us to do and live righteously because the gospel and our salvation is not a License to sin. I did pray for you and please take this ugly post down. Thanks for listening. Matthew 10:5-8
He never said he hated him. Lol he loved him just hurt that he didn’t see the beautiful picture mike and so many have found in understanding the love for all. Now your hate for mike isn’t how Jesus was at all. But that’s how the pharisees was. Love ya anyways bro.
Get over it mike is your brother.?
Thaddeus, Thank you for reading what I actually said. Let me repeat. I truly loved Br Norvel. Many in Christianity feel you can not love and be truthful at the same time.
Boom ????
As a Pentecostal Pastor of some decades, I had known of Norvel and in fact one of my mentors (not Mike Williams) had himself been mentored by Norvel.
Many things conspired together to cause me to ask some focused question regarding Norvel’s and other’s ministries in the arena of miracle healings. Why did only some get healed? I was taught that the one’s who did not get healed were somehow lacking in faith or were “in sin” and other such things. I was aware that contrary to anything that any father should have to endure, was the death of Norvel’s own daughter to cancer. Why? WHY? Here was a girl with no doubt the required level of faith, and yet … My heart went out to Norvel, as I am certain every other authentic Christian’s heart did.
But I was left with the reasonable and genuine question, “why do faith healers have the same level of success as trained doctors?”. I had no answer. As my friend Rob said, “if I drop a pencil from my grasp, then every time without question, it will dive towards the floor, and God had nothing to do with it – only gravity. But God is supposed to be involved when we pray for someone’s healing.”.
About the same time, I heard a message by Mike Williams. Simply put, it transformed me. From anxiety to total peace. From doubts to firm knowledge. From Christianity to reality. And best of all, the Gospel of grace and the Gospel of peace in which I became immersed, gave me for the first time in myt life, the certainty, the peace, and the confidence that Christianity had denied me even as I sang the songs that all declared that all was well.
I don’t wish to change anyone’s mind – i am not in that business any more.
I simply want to share my personal experience.
You nor your testimony are unique. Even in Jesus’ day, many of his so-called followers turned their back on the truth because His teachings were too hard to follow. You have been deceived, and God’s Word says it would have been better for you to not have known the TRUTH, then to reject the truth after being enlightened. I will pray that God have mercy on your soul, and that He will give you grace to repent before it’s too late.
Shawn, I see you added Matthew 10: 5-8. My problem is I have never met a single person who does this! If you do know someone. I will provied all that is necessary for their visit to St Jude’s Childerns Hospital.
Call Curry Blake.
What happened was not a hardening of his heart. Remember what Jesus said? I’ll paraphrase because I’m sure you know the scriptures I’m talking about.
When a demon is cast out it goes through dry places, seeking rest and finds none. The house is swept clean…(right?) It says, I know what I will do. I will go get SEVEN MORE demons and the last state of that man will be worse than the first…So Mike let back in the devils and here we are, with a person who has God only knows how many devils in him. I can name at least 10 off the top of my head just reading his disrespectful post of my dear brother Dr Norvel Hayes. So we need to pray for him. He’s so deceived it’s beyond ridiculous. He came up with ANOTHER GOSPEL and he came up with ANOTHER JESUS. Just like billions of people on this earth. He sounds like an Universalist. I refuse to listen nor read any of his junk. I hope my post helped you to understand that it’s not just a hard heart. Just like Eve was deceived, so is Mike. Nothing new under the sun. BUT, I certainly didn’t appreciate his bad mouthing my brother in Christ. What a FLAKE. Sad. True. Pray.
Well said!!! A lot of the individuals who profess to be Christians who are agreeing with Michael’s post is just as deceived as he is. Michael is leading many astray with his false doctrines and teachings. He is under the influence of seducing and deceptive spirits. The Bible warns us that in the last days to be watchful for individuals like Michael who pretend to know the truth, but are nothing more than angels of light (darkness) who deny, reject and twist the TRUTH of God’s Holy teachings so they can still practice their sinful lifestyles without guilt. Thank God there is a remnant in the Body of Christ that will not fall prey to these lies, and who will continue to proclaim that we are the Children of the Light (Jesus), and renounce the hidden things of darkness! Satan is a Liar, and those who speak lies are of their father the devil.
Another soldier called home to glory! You say Norvel never cast out a single demon in someone but I’ve been listening to Norvel for a long time and He did cast them out in the name of Jesus! Rest in peace my brother! You are truly missed!
I’ve learned things from brother Norvel that changed my life for the BETTER, and I plan to teach those things to other people that they also may be blessed, thus what he taught may live on in the lives of countless others !!!
Amen! Blessed be the Name of the Lord Jesus! Me too!
I spent many years with David Woodrow, who was one of Norvel’s protegees. I feel as though I could’ve written this myself, with a few names changed. I’m glad we’re on this side of things now. It was a hard decade for me, one that took a lot of recovery. Thank you for writing this. It’s nice to see that our stories, though uncomfortably similar, have the same freedom at the end.
Kipper, Heartened to hear your story. Stay free with the freedom Christ has given us all!
I find your words to be false. As someone who also was mentored by Norvel your reflections on your time with him vastly differ from mine. In the 20 plus years he mentored me until his death. I have seen miracle after miracle as well as countless deliverences including myself. So you saying healings and deliverences never happened is completely false. Much like the rest of this article. I remember you, served with you and it saddens me to see you lie the way you have and continue to do. I hope you find the truth wherever you have buried it.
Dear B.F.,
It’s my view that Michael Lilborn Williams may be the greatest teacher of the true Gospel since the Apostle Paul. Norvel Hayes, not so much. Instead of debating, I would like to recommend this brief teaching video of Michael’s on the all-inclusive nature and total success of Christ’s ministry for ALL people.
After you watch it, I would appreciate your thoughts. Love and Peace, Always.
B.F. sometime the truth has a way of finding us! Much love, Michael
Tragic to me is that you feel the need to write any of this online. Some people might actually be grieving and this comes up? Good luck.
I do understand. I grieved the loss of Br; Norvel from my life 0ver 20 years ago. For those who grieve this loss now, my heart is with you.
I was not a follower of Norvel Hayes at all, but I am also saddened that you need to write any of this online. You must have been greatly troubled and hurt during your time with him. I hope you can find healing for your own soul. You say that you have, but your writings seem to belie that. BTW, you have a great gift and ability to criticize, find fault, and demean Christians and Christianity.
Hi Roger, which of the 10.s of thousands of denominations of Christianity would be appropriate for me to be critical of? Just wondering.
I think any and all of them.
Just because the wheat and tares are allowed to grow together. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t point out which is which to those who are inquiring.
Both Christianity and the Gospel Revolution need to be able to stand scrutiny and criticism without offense.
If we are honestly seeking truth our thoughts and ideas have to be held up to the light.
We will/may see things differently, we talk , we explore, we search and in the end we all can become better for it.
Followers of Christ only have two basic choices: Christianity or the Gospel of Peace. How can it be wrong to bring out the strengths and weakness of both. and let people decide which way they want to follow Christ. just my thoughts. Of course if you like one and see the benefits you will not equally like the other that fact is logical. I know Mike well enough to believe he had only good & love in mind when he wrote the article. I respect that it may not have come across that way to others.
Those gay devils in you be telling lies. The devil is a liar and your gay devils tricked you into believing homesexuality will enter into Heaven. What a shame.
As for Norval. He worked miracles and cast out devils. Unfortunately you liked yours too much and decided to keep the gay imps. Norval Gods General in glory amen
Dear Doogle,
It’s my view that Michael Lilborn Williams may be the greatest teacher of the true Gospel since the Apostle Paul. Norvel Hayes, not so much. Instead of debating, I would like to recommend this brief teaching video of Michael’s on the all-inclusive nature and total success of Christ’s ministry for ALL people.
After you watch it, I would appreciate your thoughts. Love and Peace, Always.
Mike shows the same arrogance he always had. Sad to see.
Mary, I will try to do better! Thank you
Nothing but righteousness will enter “heaven” my friend. I have only the righteousness of Christ to offer! It is sufficient for you and I both! Much love.
I have personally been shown the grace and peace that God has with me by Michael Williams and it has truly revolutionized my life. The divisive nature of Christianity is so evident in this comments about Mike going to Hell. There is no believer and non believer. WE ARE ALL ONE. The idea of separation (black and white, conservative and liberal, sinner and saint) is the cancer of our society and the people that spew this rhetoric need some chemotherapy of the gospel. Norvel Hayes is PERFECT, holy, and righteous. So is Michael Williams. So are YOU
Most of you have no Idea of the finished works of the cross, no more male/female/believer/unbeliever Norvel made it into heaven because of the cross of Christ, He abolished death, is Jesus still Lord of some or is He Lord of all?
We grow through all our relationships and don’t always know the full influence others have had on us and our beliefs. I am so happy that you have found peace with God and that you have shared the gospel of grace and peace with so many of us. Thank you, Mike!
Wow! Speaking badly of the Dead! People who love him are hurting right now! There is so much anger and hatred in between the lines of your post! I’m sure brother Norvel was trying to help you! You don’t mention all the wonderful things he’s done in the world like helping children Etc. You mentioned that he said he would be alive when Jesus comes back, well maybe Jesus is waiting for you to repent and get your act together! May God bless you and help you in Jesus name!
Dear Christians,
if your faith can “move mountains” then it should be able to withstand criticism.
One stays in their self-righteousness for many reasons. It’s a comfort zone, it keeps the money rolling in. Friends and family(as long as you are in step with them). Freedom is a scary thing to not have the master and bondage of the law to guide. It is so reassuring to know Norval is at peace finally, as is anyone who passes on no matter their place or lot in life here. Blessed assurance God has declared peace and his covenant of peace shall never be removed. Flesh and blood shall never inherit the kingdom of heaven so the work is over, thanks be to Christ he has made all perfect and lives in all, for Christ is all and in all. It is for freedom that I have set you free. Free to be human and never ever have to fear any terror from the Lord, just as he promised. Free to be, as Christ is victorious.
The message of freedom in Christ that Michael has declared all these years has brought amazing freedom from guilt and bondage to so many of us. His gracious remembrance of his former mentor would not be complete without the mention of his differences from Norval’s message.
I graduated from Dr. Hayes Bible school 30 years ago. I also heard you speak Mr. Williams when I attended the college. You openly confessed your sin and freedom in the Lord. The fact you fought your inner spirits does not give you the right to trash a good man online. Dr. Hayes was a caring, Godly and man of character. You had a choice and like so many, you chose to trash and attack someone who stood by their beliefs.
I can tell you we will all stand before the Lord and give an account. I hope your ready for that day. I am not here to judge you, clearly like you judged him. All I can tell you is Jesus is the way, truth and life. We chose to receive His word or walk in our own truth.
Thanks for your response,it is very Christ Like, I have been following Bro.NORVEL HAYES ministry since the early eighties!! Awesome man of GOD!! Something is extremely wrong when saints of GOD is reacting this way after a mighty warrior has gone home to be with the LORD!! Bro. Norvell REST in Peace!! You fought a GOOD FIGHT!! & that is why the devil is mad!!!! MAY your spirits be lifted there @ Norvel Hayes Ministries & thru out the community!!! Make a QUALITY decision to be BLESSED on PURPOSE !! Minister Josephine Strickland.
CANNOT believe saints of GOD is cutting up like this!! GOD help us ALL!!!! NOT FAIR to Bro. Norvel who was one of the greatest pioneers EVER!! MAY you rest in peace!! Will miss this great man of GOD!! Attacking a man of GOD when deceased!! WOW!!!!!
Maybe reading exactly what I said will help. I am confident all end time doctrines will adjust as time goes on. They will by default have to! Jesus is LORD. He will not be LORD more…later on..:)
There is a God…who is bigger than the Bible. He is bigger than hell and he has saved us all. My eyes have been opened to this God and he has delivered me from religion and the futality of trying to keep the law. My ? goes out to all of you and I praise this God because he has promised that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he is God! Someday we will all worship together!!
Michael, thank you so much for putting the true Gospel out there. I, for one, will never return to the manipulated beliefs of christianity. Knowing that there is a God who loves me unconditionally, has freed me, totally. You will not catch me sitting in the pews of a dozens different religious organizations that require us to re-crucify Christ every time we dare to do something that doesn’t agree with their religions interpretations.
I spent nearly 5 decades in Evangelical Christianity. I can honestly say that most of that time orbited around making sure my behaviors and attitudes reflected the status quo. Most of that time dealt with an underlying worry if God was pleased with me. Yes, there were times when great elation soared in my heart concerning the love of God, but those times always depended upon my performance NOT upon grace. I can say that today, after leaving Christianity, I no longer worry about my acceptance or performance or judgment by God. All that is irrelevant as I confidently know that the Imminent Divine pervades all people and all of creation. The bondages imposed upon my being by the religion of Evangelical Christianity have been broken. The truth definitely has set me free. This is the real Gospel of Peace and Grace.
I too am very sorry that you feel this way about Norvel Hayes. I learned so much from his teaching. I was healed from a three wheeler accident at a very young age because of his teaching. I’ve also received countless other victories because of the word he imparted to me. I have even seen other miracles as a result of the same teaching I’ve shared with others.I sense you’re hurt because you believedYou had to play a role. And that you were still struggling with this issue. The bottom line is, Jesus loves you and died for you. Simply struggling with homosexuality or any sin does not condemn us. Jesus grace covers us and his blood is powerful enough to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Randy, I have re-read my article about Norvel’s death. Not sure what you read that said I felt somehow, “ill” toward Norvel. It was not in my heart and it is not in the article. Jesus blood and grace do NOT cover sin my friend. His blood TOOK it away.
Repeated cleansing insults Gods grace. Heb. 10
Thank you for not vilifying him, I do believe he did what he did because of his truth of the scripture, I have so many fond memories of him and our times at the church! My fondest was Hawaii when we were swimming in the pool and he joked about being tan and his armpits were tan becaus he praised the lord no matter where he was ?
While I disagree with his teachings he like many are a product of what they were taught, many never second guessing the religion and only blindly studying the bible according to their truth of the religion.
much love to Norvel Hayes!
Thank you! Norvel was one of the funnest people to be around!
America is divided because the church in America is divided. Each of us as individuals before God walk in the light of revelation we have in the time of today. Yesterday was great but today is what is important.
I went to Norvel’s Campmeetings in Gatlinburg. I heard Mike speak and what he said was so true. He taught on the revelation of grace that he had at the time. I even had his cassette tape of his “getting free of homosexuality” I wore that out trying myself to get free. I went to Rhema and learned a lot. I had devils cast out of me. Yet eventually I just accepted if being gay is a devil it would have left.
I traveled a lot in ministry. I saw healings take place. I know the Holy Spirit moves through many individuals in this marvelous body of Christ. I see this still today.
We the people of God need to stop critizing others. I read Mike’s response of Norvel’s passing. It was Mike’s experience and not yours. He wasn’t criticizing Norvel. Mike was just dealing with the passing of Norvel in his own way. My experiences in God are mine. Mikes experiences are his. We own those experiences not any one else.
I got in a prayer line of Norvel’s because I had a growth on my wrist. Small but embarrassed me. Within a matter of a month it vanished never came back. God get’s the glory not Norvel.
Word of Faith people give God the glory for Norvel. What he did or did not teach you. He was just a man whom obeyed God the best he could.
Mike Williams is following His path in God. So what if he is gay or not get over it. I am gay and I love Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. I embrace the revelation I walk in today. We are saved by grace. Grace is a gift of God. Grace gives us all access into His presence.
Mike now helps others whom needs this grace message. He has continued to obey God whether you like it or not. Go on Brother Mike!
Let’s look beyond sexuality. Let’s look beyond the natural man. We are Spirit people.
Norvel is gone now. Some will honor that and some may not. Let’s just all give God the glory for what He has and will do.
Mr.Barry he was bad mouthing Bro Norvel, Bro. Norvel was very anointed,God did do alot of works thru him.
Elgin IL. I would not “bad mouth” even you my friend. I will however, “badmouth” every Christian doctrine which keeps people in bondage. Try the is far superior to Christian doctrines..all 10’s of thousands of them. Remember, you are righteous and Holy by the blood of Jesus Christ my friend…nothing else! Right?
I send peace and blessings to you all, when I was a kid I remember every Sunday was like being called a sinner. How can this be? Didn’t Jesus died for one man’s sin that all be made righteous? Years later I dived deeper in the Bible, along with listening to Mike’s tapes and CDs with my Dad, see we went from church to church trying to find one that made sense, as a kid I remember it all being based on works, do good get good, do bad get beat. But none of that ever made sense to me as we were being taught “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so,”.
Well I followed my heart as my dad followed something greater, my dad met Mike back then and started listening to his teachings what an incredible impact that had in our lives, teachings of Grace and peace spread through our lives like wild fire. And for something that felt right in truth turned out to be right according to the the fulfillment of the cross. In just recent years my mind matched what my heart already knew to be true, the peace and love I have in my mind and heart has been the freedom which everyone seek. I read the Bible like it’s a novel and always ask others to do the same, it the only right way to read it. I’m not adding or taking away anything. We are all one. Amen
Hey Mike, I traveled with Norvel in 1987. Also worked for his business Varsity engravers with Troy and Jimmy.just wanted to say I love you. Peace to you,hope all is well.
Thank you Barry for noticing I was not being critical of Norvel.
I heard Norvel speak several times; even bought and shared some of his cassette tapes. Yes, I had been “born again” and, with everyone else in this belief system, I strove to achieve the unattainable. It was a miserable, heavy time in my life. Then I heard Mike Williams speak the truth – freedom in the free gift of grace for all. The shackles and chains instantly dissolved. Dear friends, there is another message about a God whose love is large enough to contain everyone (and all their issues!) without separating, dividing or losing a single one. I urge you to open your eyes to the Light, Life and Love of God that flows from your hearts and follow that stream. xo
Colleen, The gospel is indeed amazing Grace! Glad you found you way.
Colleen, I totally agree with your comment. Sometimes I wake-up in the mornings and just want to sit and listen to the Gospel Rev. teaching whether by Mike or Beres or whomever is teaching the truth . It’s impossible for me to go back to the teaching of Christianity no matter who teaches it. Two of my own brothers are Pastors and I can no longer listen to their teaching!
Jesus Christ freed us. If we believe we still sin we do despite to God’s Grace.
Brother Norvel is now rejoicing with Jesus! Thank God for his ministry. Will see you in glory!
Hi my name is JAMES I live in North Texas I was very involved in church life however even though I worked continually To try and please God I always felt like God was just holding a Carrot out in front of me drawing me onward to a destination that I could never reach. When I met Mike Williams and became a part of the gospel revolution I found out that the carrot was the false gospel of Christianity. I found out that there was nothing that I could do to please god because Jesus Christ had already pleased God on my behalf. He had already done everything that needed to be done. I found out that Hell was a myth, judgment a lie, Grace was expansive,as big as the sky, freedom is my lot, the law is all gone, this is my story this is my song. I do not, I Will not go back to the bondage of Christianity. I am thankful to Mike for showing me the way to freedom in Christ.
It is interesting that a person can get so caught up in the details of the bible and completely miss the good news.
I don’t know this gentleman that passed away but it seems like I have had a similar experience with a former pastor.
I cannot estimate the influence he made in my life in many areas.
Problem was he never got the Gospel. The main thing.
No worries. No one is going to hell because they were taught wrong. Or because they taught wrong.
There a charlatans and I am not speaking of those. But there are many more pastors that simply don’t have it figured out. Well intentioned but wrong.
They also are victims of a mixed law and grace gospel which is more gospel at all.
May we all keep on learning and growing.
When I was a child I would think about the son ” He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands”. To me that is the bottom line of the true gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the truth, and Michael Williams stepping out on a limb and risking his reputation and ministry, is what God himself used to bring a deeper understanding of those old timey lyrics to me. I was a part of Norvel’s ministry for several years and I learned an awful lot. Some of it to believe and some of it to question. I still learned. Being exposed to Mchael William’s teaching was truly the gospelrevoltion that I needed. I am very grateful to him.
Is Mike perfect, no! (Except in God’s eyes) Was Norvel, no (same deal, see above). I wouldnt trade the revelations that I received through both men for anything. I would, however, prefer to relish in the freedom that has come through MW as it was a true turning point in my life. It was a turning point that led me to the greatest understanding of God’s love for me, and in turn, a greater abikity to share that same love with people that acknowledge Him as well as those that do not. Both are His property!
It’s interesting how people that love their sin talk about how God’s grace covers them. Jesus didn’t die so we could go on loving our sin and taking His grace for granted (Romans 6: 1-2 What shall we say [to all this]? Should we continue in sin and practice sin as a habit so that [God’s gift of] [a]grace may increase and overflow? 2 Certainly not! How can we, the very ones who died to sin, continue to live in it any longer?).
When He took all our sins upon Himself, he draped us with His righteousness. That implies that even if we sin, we will be quick to repent and have no desire to REMAIN or CONTINUE in that sin. Homosexuality is a sin, just like murder, pedophilia, pornography, theft, lying, and even thinking evil. No sin should be justified by claiming that God’s grace gives us access. The fact that you are talking about God’s grace giving you access with no desire to repent, indicates how much you love that sin. It’s a good thing you love Jesus, but if you loved Him more than your love for your sin, you will embrace what His word says about your sin (Romans 1:18-32 18 For [God does not overlook sin and] the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who in their wickedness suppress and stifle the truth, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them [in their inner consciousness], for God made it evident to them. 20 For ever since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through His workmanship [all His creation, the wonderful things that He has made], so that they [who fail to believe and trust in Him] are without excuse and without defense. 21 For even though [d]they knew God [as the Creator], they did not [e]honor Him as God or give thanks [for His wondrous creation]. On the contrary, they became worthless in their thinking [godless, with pointless reasonings, and silly speculations], and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory and majesty and excellence of the immortal God for [f]an image [worthless idols] in the shape of mortal man and birds and four-footed animals and reptiles.
24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their own hearts to [sexual] impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them [abandoning them to the degrading power of sin], 25 because [by choice] they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading and vile passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural [a function contrary to nature], 27 and in the same way also the men turned away from the natural function of the woman and were consumed with their desire toward one another, men with men committing shameful acts and in return receiving in their own bodies the inevitable and appropriate penalty for their wrongdoing.
28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or consider Him worth knowing [as their Creator], God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do things which are improper and repulsive, 29 until they were filled (permeated, saturated) with every kind of unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice and mean-spiritedness. They are gossips [spreading rumors], 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors [of new forms] of evil, disobedient and disrespectful to parents, 31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful [without pity]. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree and His judgment, that those who do such things deserve death, yet they not only do them, but they even [enthusiastically] approve and tolerate others who practice them).
Jesus loves you. I do too.
But He hates SIN (every sin).
God’s word will be the one to judge us all on that day. Ignore it, and you have yourself to blame.
Emily, it is difficult to love something that has been taken away!!! Behold the Lamb of God who TAKES AWAY the sin of the world!! Jesus IS Lord. And God himself mad Him so! Much love
Thank you Emily. As I was reading these comments I was thinking am I the only one that sees they do not want to give up their sins? I’m so glad you enlightened them and scripture backs it all up. I’m praying they will receive the wisdom you are imparting that sin is sin and that they would ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to them before it is too late!
God is Love from the front to the back. Let’s go back to the ABC’s! 1st Corinthians 13
He’s not DEAD as you posted. He’s alive in CHRIST
How could you say DEAD he passed would be more appropriate
I want to thank you Michael for your unselfish work in sharing the gospel of grace and peace. To know the peace that all are in Christ no matter their lot in life. So glad to leave behind the shackles of the teachings of Christianity, which is a daily if not hourly work. One doesn’t realize how bound one is until you know what Christ really has done. As I look through some of the comments, I make no judgement for that is exactly what I would have said when I was a Christian. Much love Michael, you are very loved.
My life was changed by the teaching of Michael Williams. The scales were dropped from my eyes after sitting in traditional church my entire life. I was acquainted with Michael’s teaching in the 1980’s. But it wasn’t until 2012 that I listened to a podcast while on a walk one beautiful afternoon and I have never looked back. Thank you, Mike, your influence on me and my family can never be understated. We are truly living a life of freedom that will carry down for generations. I am free from the bondage of religion and I will never enter back. I have no idea of which podcast I was listening to that fateful day over 6 years ago, but here is a link to another that may help the next person who’s time has come.
What makes Christians think they got it all right? none got it right under the law.. the law never made anyone righteous?nor did it make them a sinner?Think!!it was given to reveal sin in every human being..and it left us ALL wanting..everyone…you heard it.. all have come short of the glory of God.. his view off us ALL..none excluded.. Romans chapter 5.. read it ALL…The Gospel IS GOODNEWS..and Paul writes that ALL were and are included..the self righteousness mindset can’t get past this truth of the Gospel of Grace and Peace..that All were inputted with the righteousness of Christ our redeemer
the result of the the Gospel is life and peace.. but doctrines of men have robbed the world of this simple truth
Truth matters. Norvel only had a little. To bad so sad.
The Gospel Revolution makes sense.
We were all judged righteous at The Cross.
Truth is truth no matter who is supporting or rejecting it.
You got to swallow your pride and embrace Mike Williams teachings.
The devil is a liar and father of all lies. And no sir, we who know the TRUTH (Jesus Christ) can clearly discern Michael is NOT a true follower of Jesus Christ no matter how much he professed Jesus is Lord or his Lord! He is of his father the devil, and needs to REPENT and truly gain understanding of what it means to be saved for real.
Just because the wheat and tares are allowed to grow together. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t point out which is which to those who are inquiring.
Even if one took fiery judgement as literal then one would by just simple reading of the Bible take the example of Abraham to sodom & G and Moses toward the elimination of Israel or David to Saul and plead with God to withhold All wrath …. oh wait Jesus beat you to it ….”Father , forgive them for they do not know what they are doing”
Is this fire similar to what the Hebrew children experienced, where they did not get burned? Love it..
i doubt that you remember me mike but back in 1975 i called into a tv show you were on in Indiana. I was 15 years old. i was desperately seeking help and you invited me to a church service to hear Norvil speak. I have thought of you often over the years..I think I gave you a picture of me? I have thought of you often over the years. Around 1985 I called you from California (still live there) and told you I was still struggling and you invited me to come to Texas and stay for awhile…again offering to help me. I wasn’t able to pick up and leave but i appreciated your willingness to help once more..i am writing this not to pass judgement on anyone…only to say that I have never forgotten the kindness you showed to a lost desperate young man many years ago. i just wanted to say Thank you, my friend.
Hey Kevin! So glad to hear from you! Sounds like you are doing well. Stay in touch!!
I will always be indebted to brother Norvel and his outstanding ministry where he taught me to trust in God and love people in such an anointed way.
He was often overlooked by majority of Christians who did not want to hear and grow in authrity over the works of darkness.
With my wife, we travelled from Australia 3x to his koxville convention. It was worth the 30 hours flying time and expense to sit under his ministry.
He was one of a kind and left a great legacy
Dear All
Please note Ephesians 2 vs 8-9. For it is by grace that you are saved through faith and this is not from yourselves it is a gift from God.
However in equal measure know most importantly that Corinthians 6 vs 9-11
The unrighteous will not enter the kingdom of God. Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous… ‘ That means that even though we are under grace but you wilfully choose one of these life styles and behaviour as a way of life you will not enter the kingdom of God.
Norvel Hayes Interview – Sid Roth
Where would you recommend I begin re: your material – to understand where you are coming from, Mike? I by no means disagree with you… rather, am seeking to find more of what I have already discovered re: righteousness, as solely by the blood of Christ. Years ago, your testimony came into my path and had it not, I would not, know Him or His grace, grace, grace as I do. For this I am eternally grateful. Nonetheless, I continued to struggle with “sexuality” long after I’d responded to your testimony when, one day it occurred to me to look you up to see if you were still in ministry.. and here you are. So how, do you get from your testimony back then… to the present message, scripturally speaking? Second, I’m curious, whether you’re in a “full on” same-sex relationship now- given what you teach? Do you believe in same sex marriage and if so- scriptural/civil or both? Thanks so much for your time and God bless you!! 🙂
I’d really, appreciate an answer from Mike on the previous comments- written by myself, months ago? It would genuinely be helpful. Especially, whether same-sex relationships are ok and, whether Mike himself is in a relationship. And supporting scripture, please?! I assure you these questions are sincere. Thank you so much.
I went to a convention way back where Norvel was invited to speak. My first time hearing him. One thing that I took away from that man that could be used all over the world today was how to worship Jesus!
Not a mamby pamby traditional way but in a way that puts yourself completely aside and focuses completely on the Lord! He taught that it is a process to put the flesh aside and truly worship the Lord! Anyone who can teach just this alone would be hard pressed to be far from honoring the Lord!
The Bible says to give honor to whom honor is due. We honor the Lord because of grace, yet we fear the Lord because of judgement. If we judge ourselves and repent than we will put ourselves aside and honor the Lord in ALL areas of our lives even when our flesh wants it’s own way.
Thank God that he gave you Mike, a man like Norvel to step on to help you get to your next level of understanding.
You can not hide your disdain for Norvel with some of your responses. I shudder to think about those on here whose discernment won’t allow them to accept your trying to squeak out of it. But they were being gracious and trying to be “Christian”-like, not wanting to be too forward or cast a stone.
In these last days it’s gonna be hard to remain in sound doctrine, in grace, in the love of Christ. Especially since there is a strong delusion… everywhere ( did you ever wonder why God would call anything “strong” when he is all powerful and not intimidated by anything? Yet he calls these delusions “Strong”!) could it be we Christians are much more deceived than we know? Could it be that where Norvel had slivers, we have planks? Could it be that 20 years from now, someone posts something like this with regards to your teachings and truths?
There is a purpose behind teaching grace, as there is a purpose behind teaching the law, or healing, or deliverance, or repentance, or worship, or etc.
I’ve learned over the years that we all are in need and therefore we need to be praying for all including the Norvels of our lives and the Mikes. Meanwhile I am going to get back to worshiping the Lord in spirit and in truth and praying that we all make it.
Hope you all get set free and set aside the sins that so easily beset you and we all walk in victory!
Anyone who thinks he is a homosexual and practices homosexuality will not be able to entre Heaven because, what he actually has, is the demon of homosexuality inside him. These people need to have that demon removed by Christians who are called to do this type of work. Many so called homosexuals have been delivered from this demon and are living normal lives today. God never made homos but the demons have distorted His Word.
What a sad article. Don’t you have to pay for it to be on the first page of google? I only recently heard of Norvel and was moved by his love and child-like faith that I wanted to learn more and came across this article. It is sad that you feel the need to drag him simply because he didn’t manipulate the Gospel to justify your choice. You need to be honest with yourself and the world, you did drag him. The only reason you’d do that is because you’re not totally convinced that you are right about your interpretation of the Gospel or your lifestyle. So why not tear down the one that really does stand for truth. Read the Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to you. Heaven and earth will pass away but His Word will never pass away. (Mt. 24:35)
Norvel died broke (they had to take up a special collection for his burial), and his daughter died of cancer. Health and prosperity! Two of Norvel’s most consistent teachings. Come to your own conclusions. 😉
I learned a lot from Norvel. My life is affected by the man. He tried to live the Bible according to the flavor of his books as he knew it was all about relationship with God that keeps people from a life of bondage to “sinning without a spiritual conscience that God gave us based on His Word” (not man’s words).
Another observation, Norvel should have taken a stand against was the “money tithe lie”. The money tithe is made up by man and often presented as a Doctrine of God but when cornered many “tithe takers” will say it’s a “Godly principle”. It’s fudging true Bible facts, though, and so is the grace card for living how our flesh pleases. Those who do not try to “die daily” or keep the flesh under are not in a solid relationship with God. God created some for destruction and some for being with Him forever. It’s hard for us to understand that but we don’t need to. We just need to get to know the Bible very well and TRY to live how God wants us to with reverential fear and deep respect for God by keeping (trying with His EASY YOKE ON US is what God asks of us) His instructions if we really do love Him was Jesus’ challenge to us if! we “really love Him”! The Bible is His instructions for overcoming a lifestyle of careless sinning when all He gave us was an “easy yoke” and “light burden” enough to overcome sin. The demons that come in are what need to be cast out for deliverance the Bible way just as Jesus did everywhere He went. Then the burden and yoke are lighter. It’s not that difficult but we have a bunch of grace people living on milk which can lead to a “sin unto death”, and some would argue worse! Jesus said these things WILL NOT ENTER THROUGH THE GATES: 1) unforgiveness 2) not becoming as a child (the proud!) 3) ashamed of Christ keeps people from Heaven. Jesus said it so we don’t really need to quibble over once saved always saved or worse yet Universalism. Those 3 items and more ‘WILL NOT GET THROUGH THE GATES INTO HEAVEN!’ JESUS NOWS SAYS “DEAL WITH THAT (I’m the vine and you are the branches and apart from Me, you are nothing)!!!” Jesus settled it with those items and more what “gets into Heaven and what doesn’t. Jesus is God so listen to His Instructions and Judgements that begin with His kids! Jesus talked to 7 Church (called out ones) people groups in Revelation and we need to read that dozens of times before we think we have a grace card for the 3 listed items above (and more) that He said WILL NOT enter Heaven. Universalists may think they are cozy with God but they are lacking the fruit of the Spirit and their lives are inferior to what skillful obedience WOULD HAVE BROUGHT THEM. PRICELESS FRUIT OF GOD TOSSED OUT BY UNIVERSALISTS LIVING A LIFE OF FAKENESS (FAKE FRUIT JUST LIKE FAKE NEWS MEDIA). REPENT AND LOVE GOD HUMBLY DAILY WITH GOD IN US! LET US FALL ON TO GOD DAILY AND BE BROKEN OR ELSE HE WILL GRIND US TO POWDERY NOTHING IN HIS ABSENCE FOREVER. THAT’S HELL! ACCORDING TO JESUS, THE MAN WANTED JUST A DROP OF WATER ON HIS TONGUE. WHY WOULD JESUS SHARE SUCH A CRAZY PARABLE DETAIL LIKE THAT?! Luke 16:24 GROW UP!
Thank you for your interesting response Stan.
people who don’t know their Bibles always take the truth and twist it to satisfy the lust burning inside and thereby deceive others by redefining The Truth. Peter said many deceivers would arise because they themselves are deceived because they exchange the truth for lies and God hands them over to their own lust. The truth is when Jesus comes to live inside our hearts HE calls the shots.
Psalm 138:2 “…For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.”
God will not change His word. If you are a homosexual, repent. Your struggle is with with the Word of God that you profess to follow (If you call yourself Christian).
God has laid down this truth for you, Michael:
1 Corinthians 6: 9-10 ” Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”
Ephesians 5:5 “For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.”
Revelation 22:15 “Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.”
It is your sin and your own doctrine versus God’s Word. He loves you so much that He placed anointed man (Norvel H.) into your life to see the truth. He loves you so much that you will encounter Christians that will repeat that truth again and again to you…This is a problem of your heart . It is not a matter of your head accepting the truth – but of your heart seeing it. Will you love your desires more than God? Praying for God’s revelation in your heart. His word means more to me than your testimony. You are not Jesus and you didn’t die for me. I will stick with His word. Ask God with a whole honesty to show you your sin – He will reveal it. Once you see it – you will not want it. You will run away from it. You will be free.
I remember listening to Mike Williams countless times when he spoke at Christ Fellowship in Atlanta. His amazing story of being delivered from homosexuality made waves and it wasn’t long before the church grew into another building. Mike ‘cast out devils’ and sold his tapes by the hundreds if not thousands. But something didn’t add up. I remember he brought his wife Hazel to a meeting once. The wonderful woman who had put up with his homosexuality and hung in there passed in front of me during one of the services. I will never forget seeing her tormented face. That was the first indication to me that what I was hearing from Mike was a lie. This freedom he professed of being delivered and set free surely didn’t show in Hazel’s expression.
That is because although Norvel Hayes meant well, there was a problem with his ‘doctrine’. Norvel was a ‘lay minister’. He wasn’t formally trained in a Bible college. You see, homosexuality as he taught it was caused by a ‘devil’ or ‘devils’ which needed to be cast out. And that is where Norvel Hayes was wrong. There is nothing in the Bible that describes homosexuality as a devil. Homosexuality is a sin, just like pornography, incest, fornication, adultery, lying, stealing, coveting, etc. Homosexuality cannot be cast out.
The problem with Mike William’s doctrine is it isn’t ‘Christianity’ or Bible based. Sure he might take a few things from the Bible, but throughout the New Testament, Christians are called to repent from their sins. Sins cannot be cast out. People choose to sin. Jesus addressed this many times, saying that it is better to cut off a body part than to go to hell. Yes, Jesus paid the price for our sins, so that we would be FREE from sin, so that it wouldn’t have a grip on us. Take up your cross and follow me, renew your mind, all of those tell Christians they are not “Once saved-always saved.” By their works ye shall know them. Of course Christians sin, but they cannot continue to live a lifestyle of willful sin and continue claiming they are saved. Mike’s ‘Gospel of Grace’ is a lie, because he continues to teach the He is covered by ‘Gospel Grace’ while claiming Jesus has no authority in his sexual lifestyle. When one is saved, Jesus says he and the Father and the Holy Spirit come and live in that person. A Christian’s body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We are instructed to no longer live in sin. But to live in freedom and to pick up our cross and follow Jesus. Dying to the flesh wouldn’t sell many books or tapes. But it is scriptural. Homosexuality is a sin. A practicing homosexual is someone who has not repented of their sin. To believe Mike Williams’ new “Gospel of Grace,” you have to throw out what Jesus did in setting us free from sin to live in His righteousness. If a man’s doctrine doesn’t line up with the Bible, with what Jesus did, you need to throw it out. Jesus couldn’t have spelled out the seriousness of sin any more than he did in Matthew 18:43-50.
It is sad that Mike Williams continued in the ‘ministry’ serving himself, and living the homosexual lifestyle, rather than repenting of his sins. In doing so, he has deceived many more and done more damage to the true Gospel of Jesus’ Grace, than he ever did with his ‘Norvel Hayes conversion story.’
To accept “Mike William’s Gospel of Grace” you have to throw out so much of the Bible (take a look at just some of the verses below). So why would anyone follow a homosexual’s lies rather than the TRUE Gospel of Grace? Why? Because they prefer to live in sin. But people who continue living unrepentant in sin, are not truly Born Again. Ask yourself before you follow such people, are they living unto God? IS that their FRUIT, RIGHTEOUSNESS, HOLINESS, REPENTANCE? REALLY? DO NOT BE DECEIVED.
Matthew 7:16
By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?
Matthew 18:43-50
If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than to have two hands and go into hell, into the unquenchable fire. 45 If your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life lame than to have two feet and be thrown into hell. 47 And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, 48 where their worm never dies, and the fire is never quenched.
49 For everyone will be salted with fire. 50 Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, with what will you season it?
Romans 6:
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?
Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection:
Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.
For he that is dead is freed from sin.
Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:
Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.
For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God.
Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.
Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.
For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.
Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?
But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you.
Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.
I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness.
For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness.
What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death.
But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Satan is a deceiver,subtle, and comes as a angel of light…. there is nothing in him but Darkness, he is the father of all lies…He comes by to steal,your health,joy, peace anything that’s good.Submit to God Resist the devil and he WILL Flee from you.
We open the door to Satan…with our words… Proverbs 4:20
The fact that he’s writing as soon as Norvel has gone to Heaven shows you the lack of character in this dude. Amazing!
You should try to show a little respect for someone who has crossed over from death unto life. Any of us can sin and have tendencies to alcohol, same sex etc… Sin is a spirit and it will manifest whenever we each open that door. Love yourself and hate your sin or shortcomings.
How can one trust a person who one day talks deliverance & after a few years, blames some one else for his short coming? I definitely believe Norvel got many souls to Christ than this deceiver Mike, who is confused, firstly realises something is wrong with him, goes to Norvel for deliverance then, proclaims publicly that he is delivered to live a normal life.
Then comes back 20+ years later that to after the demise of that Holy soul, that he blames Norvel. I mean which part is correct? 1st 2nd or 3rd?
And Norvel himself said & its written in the bible, if you dont stay stron in the spirit devil will try to put the sickness back on you, so its clear that Mike is back sliden.
All can’t be healed even Jesus could not, cause of their unbelief, infact Norvel also being a Evangelist prayed for 5yrs, to heal his own daughter, that does in no way make him inefficient or God inefficient.
Just because your a preacher does it mean that your children will not die? or die from cancer? So many times the devil attacked Zona for the good works her Father was doing. Whoever this Mike is I really dont care, but there are millions who our touched by Norvel Hayes cause God chose him, to bring salvation to many.
Mike if you can even heal a fly, through your praying I will believe what you said is the truth
michael, basically you are saying that GOD led Norvel Hayes to a university to cast out a devil that he did not cast out. However, anyone can call the university referenced in his teachings and inquire of them the validity of his testimony. Anyone can find out the truth regarding the growths he cursed the root of and commanded to dry up and leave his daughter, Zona’s body. The validity of the person who GOD had 40 People to gather around and pray in the SPIRIT that they be delivered from demon possession could be verified. In this latter situation 35 praying women asked Norvel Hayes to come and speak for them. According the testimony in each case the demon possessed individual was delivered.
And as for what you claim to be truth about your identity as an individual. Why did you not have an identity crisis until your innocence was taken? This is proof positive a demon entered into you. What you are witnessing is what the demon feels, The day you love GOD more than those homosexual emotions and feelings, even more than you love yourself; will be the day you will be set free.
It is written in the scripture; submit to GOD and resist the devil and he will flee. JESUS commanded, thou shalt love the LORD THY GOD, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind, with all thy might; and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
When it appears all hope is gone keep holding. After you’ve done all to stand, stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth (JESUS said: I am the truth).
Read the Bible, Ephesians 6:10-17.
JESUS said: if you love me you’ll keep my commands.
Dorothy on November 16, 2020
Michael, basically you are saying that GOD led Norvel Hayes to a university to cast out a devil that he did not cast out. However, anyone can call the university referenced in his teachings and inquire of them the validity of his testimony. Anyone can find out the truth regarding the growths he cursed the root of and commanded to dry up and leave his daughter, Zona’s body. The validity of the person who GOD had 40 People to gather around and pray in the SPIRIT that they be delivered from demon possession could be verified. In this latter situation 35 praying women asked Norvel Hayes to come and speak for them. According the testimony in each case the demon possessed individual was delivered.
And as for what you claim to be truth about your identity as an individual. Why did you not have an identity crisis until your innocence was taken? This is proof positive a demon entered into you. What you are witnessing is what the demon feels, The day you love GOD more than those homosexual emotions and feelings, even more than you love yourself; will be the day you will be set free.
It is written in the scripture; submit to GOD and resist the devil and he will flee. JESUS commanded, thou shalt love the LORD THY GOD, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind, with all thy might; and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
When it appears all hope is gone keep holding. After you’ve done all to stand, stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth (JESUS said: I am the truth).
Read the Bible, Ephesians 6:10-17.
JESUS said: if you love me you’ll keep my commands.
Sincerely; Evangelist Dorothy
Much love, in CHRIST JESUS
Comment ?
It is written who the SON (JESUS CHRIST) set free is free indeed.
You can be delivered and freed but you choose to head back to the pig pen. You! Not god. You have a will. It will always be the familiar spirits that try and do sadly overtake us. When u are in sin you have a veil over your eyes. All the beautiful things you witnessed and experienced become confusing and dark because you cannot see. Repent and allow god to open your eyes again. Turn and take away the veil. If you can even for a moment understand this with your heart, repent before the Gift of Jesus is no longer available to you my friend.
If I walk in the Spirit I will not accomplish the lusts of the flesh,
Michael I saw your testimony about how through Norvel’s ministry you were set free. You had a powerful testimony that shook the foundation of hell. All I can do is pray you will return back to sound doctrine. If Norvel ministry was wrong it wouldn’t have cast out the devil and set you free. Satan isn’t divided or cast himself out. A man can be overcome by Satan of something he’s been set free from. It is our job you work out your own salvation with fear and trembling to stay free..
Problem is, Mike’s whole story was about “Norvel Hayes casting the devil out of him.” He never taught on salvation through repentance (turning away from) from sin …and never claimed he was even saved. And I sat in years of his meetings at Christ Fellowship and other churches he attended And bought all his tapes.
It was all “accepted” that he was saved, by his naive audience, of which I was one. I really regret ever supporting his “fake ministry”. It was money I scarce could afford. But I was young and naive and very trusting of the “charismatic church” then.
His story was one where it was always “the devil’s fault”. He was never truly set free, because homosexuality is sin, not “the devil’s fault”. It is something you have to repent of. The Bible says to take up your cross and follow Jesus. Sin is the most unpopular message today. You’ll never hear it mentioned in the modern day false churches.
But it is still something you have to turn away from, if you want to claim you “follow Jesus”. Jesus described it as so important that one should go so far as to dismember body parts, if they cause you to sin, it’s better than to be cast into hell, with your complete body…and He wasn’t claiming one should do that in an effort to fulfill the law. He never claimed His death would cover one who rebelliously spurned His sacrifice and continued to sin. Read His letters to the churches in Revelation.
It is also interesting how Mike’s false and unBiblical “Gospel” never brings up the parts of the Bible about turning away and dying to sin. He doesn’t acknowledge that homosexuality even is sin, and one cannot live in it, and still claim to be “saved” or going to heaven. The Bible is very clear about this throughout the New Testament, and it says to spurn sexual immorality, among other things. Romans 6 also deals directly with this very issue.
Self delusion is bad, but purposeful deception of others is so many times worse. It would have been much better for Norvel Hayes (and everyone else) if he had never met Mike Williams. And it would have been much better if Mike Williams had never “entered the ministry” so he couldn’t influence others with his false doctrine and doctrines of devil’s.
The fall back with these people (because I’ve met others as well) is they always rant and chant that Jesus said NOT TO JUDGE. As if that somehow excuses them and turns the issue and their guilt, back on the other party. But it’s not I who judges anyone. It’s the Bible. I didn’t write what is in the Bible. But it’s still there and one ignores what is written at their own peril.
I take issue with you stating no demon was ever cast out by Jesus through Bro. Norvel. I brought a friend to his service who had been determined to kill herself for years. He prayed for her and It was Gone! For the rest of her life she never was that way again in any way. God wants what is good and right for all of us.
Hi Mike,
As I read your words, it made me think about our history together.
For those who might read this, I attended Norvel’s New Life Bible College in 1983 and 84. I was 21, and like Mike, I was trying to find answers for my life. I tried to fit into their heterosexual mold they called “normal”, but the chaos at New Life Bible College was clearly not the answer. I watched Norvel spend entire two hour services collecting $1000 pledges so you could come down to the front and receive his prayer for a miracle in your life. I watched Norvel collect money for the Unwed Mother’s Home in Cleveland, TN but it was empty. How do I know? Mike and I stayed in it when we traveled to New Life Bible College for some ministry event with Norvel. Where did the money go that he collected for the Unwed Mothers Home? What Mike says is true. There were a lot of lies. Norvel was loved by God, Norvel had a relationship with Jesus, and he was very human. I was still young then, but I knew something real when I saw it, and I left, disappointed.
I had met Mike two years before, when he was a pastor in Heron, IL. Mike and his wife Hazel graciously took me into their family and let me stay in their guest room off the garage. Through Mike, I experienced this same “ministry” of casting out of demons. I felt nothing, and there was no change at all, except more confusion, but near the end of that prayer time, Mike prayed that God would heal my broken heart. That I felt. I became tearful when I realized God cared about my broken heart. That intimacy with Jesus has continued ’til this day.
Many of your comments in this thread are so wrong. Christians can be some of the meanest people on this earth. Did Jesus ever act that way? Jesus was compassionate toward everybody.
There is so much criticism toward gays and transgender persons coming out of the church. Put away your rocks. You can NEVER justify throwing rocks, and that’s exactly what it is. Gays and transgender persons are hard wired that way. Do you seriously thing Jesus would ever pick up a rock? Or applaud you for doing so? The story of Jesus is a beautiful example of caring for all persons, especially the marginalized.
I followed Norvel’s teachings. I bought the tapes. I bought Mike’s teaching tapes too. Mike told me later not to listen to a certain series of his anymore because it was wrong, and I joked if he had a money back guarantee. He just smiled and said no. 😊
I write this comment with some sadness. I have lost contact with Mike. I’m hoping he might read this. When Mike’s teaching turned toward grace, it helped me. I started growing in confidence to draw near to Jesus, and trusting that Jesus loved me just as I am. I’m not for sure, but I think the distance between me and Mike happened in 2005 when we reconnected and Mike was so excited to tell me about what was happening in his life, and he invited me to check out his website, Gospel Revolution. I told him I wasn’t interested in following anyone anymore, even him. I think that may have hurt Mike’s feelings, and I want to explain that, if I may.
Mike, like Norvel, you were once part of the problem. I think you wrote that you ministered with Norvel for some 20 years. I totally understand the momentum and pressure Norvel put on you. I get it. Norvel’s style of teaching was to tell the dramatic story of a miracle, and then have the person stand up on the front row. I am so proud of you Mike that you took yourself out of that chaos and admitted your truth. You stood up as an individual before Jesus and even those who knew you. I’m very happy for you. I did the same thing, but on my own. The relationship I have now with Jesus is unshakable. I grew into that by following my heart, not by following any ministry. When you wanted me to follow your ministry again, I felt uncomfortable. It’s not that we have different views; actually, they are remarkably similar. But I’m not a follower of any man anymore. I follow the voice within me. The Holy Spirit will teach us, and I believe He is.
I have zero hard feelings for the teaching I received under you and Norvel. You both did the best you could with the understanding you had at that time. I’m elated that you are doing well today. You have way less hair than before, but then so do I now. 😁 Please forgive my humanity in that I do not feel safe or or willing to follow anyone anymore. I’m very comfortable in my own skin, and I enjoy my personal walk with Jesus. That’s the way I want to keep it. I got messed up before, and I value stability and peace of mind above all.
My mom died in ’17, that’s been hard, but it’s not goodbyeq. I’m back in the USA since 2019, and doing some acts of kindness while caring for inmates and giving to poor families as often as I can. It’s compassion 101 ♥️
As for the commenters on this thread, I hope someday you meet this Jesus that protects us against rocks. I’d much rather be on His side. God loves humanity way more than you can even imagine. Follow after His example of love, and put down your rocks.
Love you Michael. Tell Hazel and the girls hi from me. 😁
This is a great story, except for two things. The Scripture clearly says, “Don’t be deceived” that gays, lesbians and trans will inherit the kingdom. There is a reason for that. The other is that yes, Jesus did not pick up a stone, but He also said, “Go and sin no more.” Yes I was in Maranatha back in the 80’s, heard Norvel Hayes at conferences, and listened to his tapes. Yes, we directly saw people delivered and healed (and myself personally) but it was accompanied with the spirit of faith. So many times when the faith is expected by others, it ends up as presumption. Jesus is the Healer. Since 2006 I am part of the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the same true miracles are present, and “greater works”, but the goal of a Christian is to suffer with Christ until their martyrdom, and this is where we must deny ourselves and take up our cross. It is a daily struggle until the very end of life/death and life again!.
you’re on your way to hell fool!!! repent or perish!!!
God have mercy on you sir. I literally SAW a woman’s tumor disappear in one of his services. No one is perfect, but he lived his life for Christ despite our sins, Jesus died for those. None of us are worthy without the cross and the blood of Jesus. As Norvel would, I also forgive you for these lies. Jesus knows, I pray you repent and make it to heaven. In Jesus name. Amen