by Don Bartlett | Feb 5, 2017
I know that to say that grace is NOT unmerited favour, flies in the face of popular Christian doctrine, but let’s examine this for a moment. The Scriptures state (Ps 138:6 NKJ) that, Though the Lord is on high, Yet He regards the lowly; But the proud He knows from afar. And again, (Prov 3:34 NKJ) Surely He scorns the scornful, But gives grace to the humble.
James quotes this Scripture... see more >>
by Michael Lilborn Williams | Oct 8, 2016
Recently, I have been addressing an article written by Dr James Richards of Impact ministries, Huntsville, Alabama. While I have been at a loss as to just why Jim published this now, 20 years since I last saw him, it has presented itself as a really good teaching tool.
Jim lets everyone know, 20 years after the fact, that I, Michael Williams, have been “biblically” shunned!
Over the... see more >>
by Michael Lilborn Williams | Jul 11, 2016
“Experiences in life can carry a stern warning or a “wake-up call”, but just because we can connect some dots or learn something in the process does not merit the situation to have to take-on the “spiritual voodoo hyperbole” of “it happened for a reason.”
I just quoted myself. Is that allowed? Yep that is a quote from an article I wrote January 24, 2012 titled “Everything... see more >>
by Michael Lilborn Williams | Jun 5, 2016
It was the early 1980s.
The sad thing is I should be able to give the exact date and time it happened because Mohammad Ali signed my boarding pass stub on a flight in first class from Chicago to L.A.
The flight is also connected to my very first visit to Hawaii, a place I treasure.
One of Norvell Hayes’ friends was a travel agent and wanted to impress Norvell. So, the guy got me the first class... see more >>
by Michael Lilborn Williams | Apr 22, 2016
Mike Williams – President & Founder of Mike Williams Ministries & Gospel Revolution
Did God ever repent, change his mind? Were his thoughts and emotions positively impacted by the successful mission of Christ? Are yours? Are mine? The answer to all of the above is a resounding “YES”!
Is it possible our collective intellect, will, and emotions are more like the Creator’s than we have ever imagined? Do we learn and grow in a similar way as he did?
In my case, as I’ve conveyed... see more >>
by Gospel Revolution | Apr 10, 2016
Heralded by
April 2016
News from Kenya and
The following is a letter from Moses Ngata in Nakuru Kenya giving Mike and the rest of us an update on the gospel in Kenya.
Jambo Papa (Mike),
All is well here in Kenya.
I just want to report the tremendous news about the School of Scriptures and more so the radio show.
We have been meeting... see more >>