A Story of True Conversion

This year, for Christmas I have received a gift beyond all gifts that I have ever received in my life. It is my great privilege to pass this gift on to you.

In July, I flew to the Orange County airport and rented a car to go spend time with my precious friend, Richard Mull, the king of comedy of the Gospel Revolution. It was a difficult trip on many levels. Richard and I both knew it would be the...    see more >>

At What Point?

At what point did it all change so completely? When did I stop feeling vulnerable and weak? It seemed like anything and everything could take me out mentally and emotionally at any moment – at any place. When did I stop feeling odd, peculiar, out of sync, out of place? How did I ever muster the strength to suffer devastating loss and walk on? Where did it become irrelevant if I were in a crowd...    see more >>

The Kenyan Korner



Many thanks and appreciations from Moses, my wife Elizabeth, my sons Joshua and Richbright and from the entire students of the School of the Scriptures and of International College of Journalism in Nakuru, Kenya.

We can’t thank you enough for your support to buy the car, to open the school of media and all round support always.

To you Mike and all the Gospel revolutionaries who...    see more >>

My Recent Conclusion About What Is And Is Not Scripture

Since everything I planned to work on this weekend got put on hold until this coming week, so I decided to do some research I’ve been wondering about.

Just by coincidence, 2 days ago I received 3 separate calls from people asking me what is and is not scripture. They wanted me to justify my reasoning for my answer. It made me think back to when I first decided what ISN’T scripture. To my...    see more >>

The State of Our Union

Friends, Family, and Gospel Revolutionaries,

So much has happened in recent months and set to happen in the next few months as well.

The new Gospel Revolution Powercast is now just a little over 3 months old and we never stop hearing how people love the show. We get compliments all the time about what a great job Beres Bartlett is doing and we couldn’t agree more! Our hat’s off to you Beres. You...    see more >>

Report from Moses Ngata

The School of the Scriptures- Kenya at 3 1/2 Months Old

It all started as a desperate search for the Gospel truth after years of walking in the darkness of religion to no avail. I could not find truth in religion until I stumbled onto the Gospel Revolution website and my eyes were opened. I downloaded all the webcasts in the archive, listened to all of them and this I have continued to this day.

This...    see more >>