240510 Heaven, Are You 100% Sure?

240510 Heaven, Are You 100% Sure?

It is remarkable how goofy Michael and Daniel start some of these podcasts, only to weave their way to such rich, mind-blowing teachings – many which have NEVER been heard before on planet Earth.

Such is this incredible 82 minute show. We hear a “groovy” opening as Daniel welcomes those listening in the year 2070. Michael sings to him and reminisces about the “Roaring ’20s”....    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240510 Heaven, Are You 100% Sure?



240503 Jesus Did Not Come To Do The Dirty Work

240503 Jesus Did Not Come To Do The Dirty Work

“We are always in the deep end over our heads,” Michael Lilborn Williams says in this incredible podcast. Truer words have never been spoken about a particular show, that’s for sure. The momentum which Michael and Daniel build with each other in these 76 minutes is something to behold, indeed.

The guys have a blast greeting our listeners in the year 2080 before blasting-off with...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240503 Jesus Did Not Come To Do The Dirty Work



240426 Your Own Personal Jesus?

240426 Your Own Personal Jesus?

There are many ways to God. We’ve heard it forever, haven’t we? Is that true? Nope.

“I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me,” said Yeshua. Is that true? YES! However, unlike what Christianity teaches, we had NOTHING to do with the transaction or result between the Father and the Son. Because Jesus was completely successful in his mission...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240426 Your Own Personal Jesus?



240419 Knowledge vs Belief

240419 Knowledge vs Belief

Class is in session!

Welcome back to the University of the Gospel (AKA the Gospel Revolution and Mike Williams Ministries). This 98 minute gathering is chocked-full of celebration, reminiscing, research and revelation.

Michael and Daniel begin by joyfully and gratefully reporting we met AND surpassed our Spring Pledge Drive Goal! “People really enjoy talking with Jeff Robertson (our Pledge Drive...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240419 Knowledge vs Belief



240412 The Only Sign of the Times

240412 The Only Sign of the Times

Michael and Daniel begin this Powercast with their patented jocularity.

They have fun revealing this show was recorded before the recent solar eclipse but they knew we would be here to hear it! We find out: what are the only “signs of the times” which remain, why Michael says, “I have been right every frickin’ time and they have been wrong every time”, about self-fulfilling...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240412 The Only Sign of the Times



240405 The DNA and Gene of God

240405 The DNA and Gene of God

Inspiring. Thoughtful. Freedom-Producing.

These are just some of the words which describe the podcast you are about to enjoy. We will state this – you could not spend a more beneficial 76 minutes.

It all commences with Daniel and Michael greeting our listeners in the year 2100, reminiscing about past “Green Room Follies”, and then we hear the reading of a letter which came in this...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240405 The DNA and Gene of God



240329 Created Corruptible

240329 Created Corruptible

Knowing is a powerful experience. Whether it is the knowledge that there is no such thing as hell, heaven, unique holy days, the understanding of the pagan origins of Easter and Christmas or anything else that is true – it is empowering.

The ultimate truth, of course, is the Power of God – the Gospel! Talk about empowering oneself. CPR (Consistent, Persistent, Repetitive) exposure to...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240329 Created Corruptible



230322 Belief Systems Pros and Cons

230322 Belief Systems Pros and Cons

Just six years from now. Our listeners in the year 2030 are the ones from the future Michael and Daniel greet. “We knew you’d be here, even though those doom and gloom preachers are still predicting the end of the world, that there is a heaven to go to and a hell to avoid.” (Cue buzzer sound – “Wrong! Thanks for playing!”)

Whether listening six years hence or today,...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
230322 Belief Systems Pros and Cons



240315 Crunching The Numbers – Creation vs Evolution

240315 Crunching The Numbers – Creation vs Evolution

The first post-conference podcast does not disappoint. Far from it. The momentum created from the just completed 2024 Spring Worldwide Calgary Grace Conference continues in an expedited fashion during these 83 minutes. Frankly, you’re not going to believe some of what you hear. But, in the end, we don’t want to “believe”, anyway, do we?

We want to “know”! And when...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240315 Crunching The Numbers - Creation vs Evolution



240301 Who Told You That?!

240301 Who Told You That?!

If one has any affinity and respect for Jesus Christ, how did they come to that conclusion? Over the decades, here at the Gospel Revolution, we have relied progressively on the incredible accuracy of the Hebrew Scriptures to find ourselves more respectful for and in awe of God’s plan completely fulfilled in Christ. Like all writings, these are,...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240301 Who Told You That?!



240223 New Words, Same Gospel

240223 New Words, Same Gospel

Daniel starts the show by greeting those listening to this in the year 2090. Then Michael hilariously fails in an attempt to make-up a slogan for that year, but Daniel tells us about the one he just heard for this year, “2024 – The Year for More”. Frivolity and poignancy ensue about all of that and continue as the guys begin an excellent preview about next month’s Calgary...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240223 New Words, Same Gospel



240209 Something Called Freedom

240209 Something Called Freedom

Too many people depersonalize things to personalize a relationship with Jesus.

“Things are not going to get better in this world corresponding to the degree people personalize a relationship with Jesus…For example, some (religious) people are totally rude to telemarketers for only doing their jobs..The world is going to get better through personal relationships with other humans,”...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240209 Something Called Freedom



240202 Being Wise as Serpents and Harmless as Doves

240202 Being Wise as Serpents and Harmless as Doves

Millions of people all over the world do a “Dry January” during the first month of the year. They abstain from alcohol for those 31 days. Not a bad idea, really. Alas, we must admit, many more folks around the globe participated in this period of abstention than participated in the Gospel. Let’s see what we can do about that!

In the meantime, around here, we few do “participate”...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240202 Being Wise as Serpents and Harmless as Doves



240126 Are You Wheat or Are You A Tare?

240126 Are You Wheat or Are You A Tare?

This stroll down the Gospel Road commences with the news of Joel Osteen recently retiring a $100,000,000 loan and the rehearsal of Michael’s visit with Joel’s late father John in Houston. We are reminded why John told Mike he could not share the true Gospel. “The only way to make money is to share no Gospel at all” says, Michael. He tells of times “in the desert”...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240126 Are You Wheat or Are You A Tare?



240119 This Is The Law and the Prophets

240119 This Is The Law and the Prophets

From Act 2:16 “But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel….”

Contrary to Christian belief, Joel wasn’t speaking of us. Like all the other prophets and the Law of Moses, he was prophesying and foretelling the story of Christ. Period. Literally, end-of-story.

Nearing the halfway point in our study of the Commands and Teachings of Yeshua, Michael and Daniel utilize...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240119 This Is The Law and the Prophets



240112 A Gospel Trifecta

240112 A Gospel Trifecta

“You have been freed from something you know doesn’t work anyway!”

The boys come out swinging right from the get-go on this week’s podcast. “It is just dumb,” Michael says. “No one in Christendom ever heard this. There’s a reason they put ‘dumb’ at the end of Christen-dom!”

What is dumb? Why does Michael encourage us to turn off this show?

Well, you’ll have to listen to discover the answers to these and a myriad of other questions as the guys tackle three more in our list of “The Commands of Christ”:

  • Do Unto Others
  • Enter The Straight Gate
  • Beware of False Prophets

Daniel acknowledges our listeners in the year 2058 and talks about messages on the last Powercast from Vic d’Obreban, Lisa MacPeek and his uncle. We also are reminded how and why we knew people who be around to listen to the program 34 years from now and beyond.

Then our dynamic duo go deep!

“Find a chapter and verse and stand on it. It will crumble underneath you,..Confirmation bias is toxic. It is a drug…If you don’t get off of it…This stuff is destroying lives…Jordan Peterson is a day late and a dollar short. You’re a false prophet…No one on this planet is IN God’s image. You ARE God’s image! …Even to you people who disagree with us – we know you are God in the Earth. They are holy, perfect and righteous!…We get sentenced to hell for what we teach…I didn’t say it. Jesus did!”

It is impossible to overstate the “meatiness” of these 74 minutes. Strap in. It may be a bit of a bumpy ride for some. But does it ever land movingly and smoothly!


Gospel Revolution
240112 A Gospel Trifecta



240105 ASK?

240105 ASK?

If you ever have wondered who’s prayers get answered, who’s don’t and how “spiritual” experiences play into our day-to-day lives (and we know you have or you wouldn’t be reading this), this is one Powercast you will want to listen to and then share with your fellow sojourners.

Starting with Daniel greeting those listening in the year 2077 (when he will be 90) and...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240105 ASK?



231229 What’s Up with the Swine and Pearls?

231229 What’s Up with the Swine and Pearls?

The final Powercast of 2023 began with Michael directing us to Ethan’s new video series “Encounter The Hebrew Scriptures”. The second production is available below for your viewing and mind-renewing pleasure. Daniel wishes everyone a “Happy New Year” for 2024, and Michael greets those listening in 2042. “if I haven’t gone to the ‘happy hunting ground’,...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231229 What’s Up with the Swine and Pearls?



231222 Noah,  Thieves, and Robbers

231222 Noah, Thieves, and Robbers

Celebration is the key word in this Christmastime Powercast.

A variety of conversational and topical gifts flow. We hear of Michael and Hazel marking their 51st wedding anniversary even though they are not married anymore and have not been for some time. Then Michael reminds of his coming planned “Christmas Chaos” for his family. (It may spark some creative ideas for the coming time with...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231222 Noah, Thieves, and Robbers



231215 Once and For All: Are the Hebrew Scriptures Valid?

231215 Once and For All: Are the Hebrew Scriptures Valid?

The late great Don Beres Bartlett would be proud of Daniel Thomas Rouse.

Why? Well, undoubtedly, for many reasons. However, here is one for sure. After Michael Lilborn Williams’ pointed, poignant, powerful podcast presentation in the first 40 minutes of this show, Daniel remembered to promote the Pledge Drive! LOL.

Frankly, it would be hard to imagine someone listening to this program, who came...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231215 Once and For All: Are the Hebrew Scriptures Valid?



231208 God Created Evolution

231208 God Created Evolution

You may have never heard Michael more excited than in this Powercast! Why?

Why is he so pumped about the current climate (both of the weather and that within the Gospel Revolution‘s new home offices manifesting in such amazing content)? After Ethan heard Mike and Daniel preparing for this show, he pointed something out that caused Michael to say,...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
231208 God Created Evolution

