241004 The Second Death

241004 The Second Death

Join us for the encore of “The Pageantry of the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ” as Michael Lilborn Williams and Daniel Thomas Rouse engage in another session discussing death, specifically what is the second death. Religions have been built around this planet prolonging the return of Christ and his final victory over sin and death but you’ve heard it here first that Yeshua defeated death with...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
241004 The Second Death



240927 If Death Is Defeated, Why Do People Still Die?

240927 If Death Is Defeated, Why Do People Still Die?

Have you ever wondered… if Yeshua defeated death and hades, then why do people still die? Perhaps at one point or another we all have and that’s what this show is all about -thanks to questions that have come in from some of our YouTube viewers. 

Much of Christianity teaches a physical resurrection of all dead people either pre or post millennial. To the degree that some refuse to cremate their...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240927 If Death Is Defeated, Why Do People Still Die?



240920 Peter’s Space-Time Continuum Theory of Relativity

240920 Peter’s Space-Time Continuum Theory of Relativity

Join in on this fresh podcast which will become session 7 to our recent conference series “The Pageantry of the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ”. We revisit the importance of understanding that the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ is a completed segment of history. Michael shares about “junk doctrines” that have distracted us from the truth of the 1,000 Year Reign. We look at the importance...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240920 Peter's Space-Time Continuum Theory of Relativity



240830 Surviving Bill Gothard

240830 Surviving Bill Gothard

In a years worth of Powercasts we have examined 50 Commands and Teachings of Christ published by a ministry called the Institute of Basic Life Principles (iblp.org). To show how even the founder of this ministry, Bill Gothard, couldn’t live by the teachings of Christ and his own ministry, we reached into the archives to bring you an interview of Alexa Myers done by our very own Don (Beres)...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240830 Surviving Bill Gothard



240823 Don’t Make Disciples

240823 Don’t Make Disciples

Daniel joins Michael in the “Room of Rooms” for this week’s Powercast.

After another sneak peak at this years upcoming Fall Grace Conference, the duo works to destroy all authority structures. We travel back in time to understand the “authority mindset” of the disciples as they walked with Jesus, the rightful heir to the throne of David. And even though Jesus told them what following him...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240823 Don’t Make Disciples



240816 Feed My Sheep?

240816 Feed My Sheep?

Our explorers, who have been likened to Lewis and Clark, have set sail to explore more Gospel truth in this week’s Powercast. So buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Two GRs write in with questions the help us clarify our recent discussions on the father-son-relationship between God and Jesus and the significance of the baptism of Jesus. 

We then journey to our second to last command of Christ — “Feed...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240816 Feed My Sheep?



240809 Drowning The False Doctrines of Baptisms

240809 Drowning The False Doctrines of Baptisms

Get ready for another denomination destroying Powercast!

We open the mailbag in the first half of this show to answer a couple questions and concerns. First we hear from Al Vitali in response to our comments about “evil having no power”. He explains that evil only has power when we give it power. 

Then we hear from a woman who has been listening to the GR and has discovered her confidence in...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240809 Drowning The False Doctrines of Baptisms



240802 If You Love Me Keep My Commandments

240802 If You Love Me Keep My Commandments

You say you want a revolution? The Beatles asked that question in 1968 in their hit song. Here at the GR, we are still answering, “YES and AMEN!”

The guys open-up the show with revolution very much on their minds, blown away by all that we’ve been learning. Michael and Daniel discuss the process we have been utilizing to gain all this knowledge. We think it is none other than the...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240802 If You Love Me Keep My Commandments



240726 The Anti-Christ Doctrines of Pentecostalism

240726 The Anti-Christ Doctrines of Pentecostalism

The Gospel Revolution research ministry machine churns-out in overtime in this one. These two hours are aptly described as an advanced graduate class in what actually happened and what probably did not.

“Right now, I am comfortable saying Jesus did not ascend back to Heaven…We are assaulting things that we held dear. Don’t say we’re assaulting you…We are always fighting...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240726 The Anti-Christ Doctrines of Pentecostalism



240719 The Truth Revealed – “You Must Be Born Again”

240719 The Truth Revealed – “You Must Be Born Again”

Even though the guys commit to finishing the list of the “Commands of Christ”, this entire podcast could be the pinnacle of how and why we do things – all things.

Far from an overbearing appeal about the Pledge Drive, Michael reminds us you receive all the Gospel for free. Then Daniel and Michael repent again. What about? Gotta listen!

Michael says when you ignore you are ignorant. Lots...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240719 The Truth Revealed - "You Must Be Born Again"



240712 Communion?

240712 Communion?

The respective imaginary lands which Christianity and Mysticism live are at the same time both remarkable and lies. Their “original sin” and “original perfection” belief systems are not in the Hebrew Scriptures. However, God’s “original process” is very much evident in the Scriptures AND can be proven!

What a ride this show is!

It all commences with Daniel...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240712 Communion?



240705 Waiting For Jesus’ Return

240705 Waiting For Jesus’ Return

Among the historic moments this Powercast and Room of Rooms video teachings, which may be noted in the future, one big one may be that it was the death knell of mysticism.

“Stop judging God…Until you stop judging God, you will not be able to stop judging people.”

After a unique opening where Michael compares the Gospel to A.I. and fusion and gives investment advice, the guys jump...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240705 Waiting For Jesus’ Return



240628 Love vs Love

240628 Love vs Love

Back in the day, the late great Don Beres Bartlett would speak of the value to you of the content the Gospel Revolution produces. Then our Aussie would suggest if you find value here, you could respond with the value of your finances.We are reminded of this by Daniel as he Michael commenced this amazing Powercast.

The value to your life, and the understanding the information contained in these 84...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240628 Love vs Love



240621 Feeling No Pain

240621 Feeling No Pain

These phenomenal thought-provoking and mind-renewing 102 minutes were recorded on Father’s Day in the United States. The fact it was Father’s Day may have prompted these two dads – one young, one not-so-much, to convey personal perspectives which will do nothing but benefit your soul. “Powercast” is the perfect description of this show.

We hear about:

  • Daniel’s nine year old daughter’s view of hell “when she was little”
  • Michael’s lack of emotional pain from past family trauma
  • Observations from Daniel about his dad’s lack of doctrinal change
  • How the God of Christianity is nowhere in the Hebrew Scriptures
  • Why all we have to do is read
  • How NOBODY in “the New Testament” is talking about those writings
  • Where the hell did they come up with hell
  • If you lived by one of Jesus’ teachings, you’ll disobey another one
  • How researching the mental illness brought-on by Evangelical Christianity caused Daniel’s sister to no longer believe in God
  • The moment where the love of God was shed abroad in our hearts
  • Why some get frustrated with the Gospel Revolution
  • Jesus’ unique first-ever father-son relationship
  • Why Andre Rabe and Francois Du Toit were “right”
  • Agape love’s actual meaning
  • Plus, an incredible amount more of religion-busting commentary

His Aunt Pat asked...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240621 Feeling No Pain



240614 Taking “the Personal” out of “Personal Savior”

240614 Taking “the Personal” out of “Personal Savior”

Daniel went camping and Michael went off!

Please. Please Please. Listen to this show. If there ever has been a podcast to hear and share, this is the one. You will know why Daniel going camping, and he and Michael not speaking to each other for days, found Michael champing at the bit.

It all sprang forth because of a new post about “the blood” from Don Keathley.

Among the voluminous provocative...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240614 Taking “the Personal” out of “Personal Savior”



240607 What Threw Peter, James and John Under the Bus?

240607 What Threw Peter, James and John Under the Bus?

In the end, the Gospel is simple. It is a simple message encapsulated be he who accomplished it. “It is finished,” said Yeshua on the very device of capital punishment he was prophesied to die on for the sin of the world.

It is indeed simple. There is no more separation between God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and Humanity. No more judgement. No more wondering about future spiritually-related...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240607 What Threw Peter, James and John Under the Bus?



240531 Credibility is Something Else!

240531 Credibility is Something Else!

“Belief is very human. So are fear, worry, and shame,” says Michael Lilborn Williams

What do the years 2001 and 2064, bouncing houses, Sid Roth, a supposed healing from a girl cutting herself, the movie “Misha and the Wolves”, Michael believing he was not a gay man, an elderly woman who survived the Holocaust, why it’s “easy to believe but credibility is something...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240531 Credibility is Something Else!



240524 Word of Faith Follies

240524 Word of Faith Follies

cult /kəlt/


noun: cult; plural noun: cults

a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

Sounds like religion, doesn’t it? Why does the definition of “cult” sound like religion? Because ALL religion is cultish by its nature. It’s all just a matter of degree and the amount of damage the cult / religion does.

The show commences...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240524 Word of Faith Follies



240517 Together We Have It All

240517 Together We Have It All

Do you desire to be free of the frustration of spiritual pursuit and therefore experience the peace in your soul which results? If your answer is “yes”, then this is the show for you! You see, folks, we ALL already have it ALL!

Right from the outset, Michael emotes, “I feel that all the way to my bones!”

The amount of powerful statements in these 78 minutes is absolutely remarkable....    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240517 Together We Have It All



240510 Heaven, Are You 100% Sure?

240510 Heaven, Are You 100% Sure?

It is remarkable how goofy Michael and Daniel start some of these podcasts, only to weave their way to such rich, mind-blowing teachings – many which have NEVER been heard before on planet Earth.

Such is this incredible 82 minute show. We hear a “groovy” opening as Daniel welcomes those listening in the year 2070. Michael sings to him and reminisces about the “Roaring ’20s”....    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240510 Heaven, Are You 100% Sure?



240503 Jesus Did Not Come To Do The Dirty Work

240503 Jesus Did Not Come To Do The Dirty Work

“We are always in the deep end over our heads,” Michael Lilborn Williams says in this incredible podcast. Truer words have never been spoken about a particular show, that’s for sure. The momentum which Michael and Daniel build with each other in these 76 minutes is something to behold, indeed.

The guys have a blast greeting our listeners in the year 2080 before blasting-off with...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
240503 Jesus Did Not Come To Do The Dirty Work

