200410 The Price of Freedom

200410 The Price of Freedom

Michael Lilborn Williams and Don Beres Bartlett hit the rewind button on the study in Colossians. We back track to chapter one to shed more light on the mission of salvation by the Apostle Paul building upon the redemptive work of Christ on the cross. 

The salvation process that leads to knowledge of our redemption is the heart of the Gospel Revolution. 

Michael and Don along with the Apostle Paul...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200410 The Price of Freedom



200404 Knit Together In Love

200404 Knit Together In Love

“You don’t understand the Gospel unless you understand everyone is redeemed.” -Michael Lilborn Williams

In this week’s Powercast Michael and Don continue the study in Colossians following up on the longest sentence in the Bible! 

Then moving into chapter two they discuss the value in seeing the world redeemed and equal. 

Listen to discover your heart’s connection to God and everyone else!...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200404 Knit Together In Love



200327 The Deficit Of Knowledge

200327 The Deficit Of Knowledge

In one lifetime the Gospel of Jesus Christ decayed from a transformative message of the finished work of Christ to a behavior management program. 

In this week’s episode the study in Colossians continues. Michael Lilborn Williams and Don Beres Bartlett unveil that Paul was commissioned to bring the Gospel message to all men, even those who witnessed Christ’s death. Paul was the educator...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200327 The Deficit Of Knowledge



200320 The Seed of Creation

200320 The Seed of Creation

This week’s study continues in Colossians Chapter One. By examining just eight verses, Michael Lilborn Williams and Don Beres Bartlett are able to walk us through two creations, the work of the cross, and the current condition of humanity. 

They examine the preeminence Jesus has in ALL of creation and how that effects ALL of humanity. 

...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200320 The Seed of Creation



200313 Knowledge Is Power

200313 Knowledge Is Power

The discussion in Colossians continues this week as Michael Lilborn Williams and Don Beres Bartlett discuss the difference between “wishing and hoping” and knowledge. 

Michael brings out a powerful truth to help you live a successful life TODAY rather than hoping for a bright future, someday in heaven. 

Tune in for a mind renewing dose of the C.P.R. of the Gospel!

2020 Podcasts
200313 Knowledge Is Power



200228 Comparing Faiths

200228 Comparing Faiths

Michael and Don open up this weeks episode with an update on the future development of the Powercast and take a few questions from our listeners. 

This is the first episode of the new study in Colossians. This week they examine Paul’s statement that he “heard of their (Colossians) faith in Christ Jesus”. The discussion then moves on to comparing our personal faith to Christ’s faith. 

2020 Podcasts
200228 Comparing Faiths



200221 The Seven Pillars of Wisdom: Scripture

200221 The Seven Pillars of Wisdom: Scripture

This week we replay one of our most popular episodes from the series; The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, discussing The Doctrine of Scripture.  In this episode, we learn what Jesus referred to as scripture, what the writers of the New Testament books wrote and what qualifies as scripture.

Discussion Points:

  • The Hebrew Scriptures
  • The Bible
  • The New Testament

2020 Podcasts
200221 The Seven Pillars of Wisdom: Scripture



200214 You Are The Storehouse

200214 You Are The Storehouse

This week we are re-posting a podcast from April of last year.

It is time for the human race to accept responsibility for who we are and what we do” -Michael Lilborn Williams

Within each of us lies untold treasure, the ability to change the world, and a truth that can set the captive free. In this Powercast Michael and Don bring us an understanding of ‘The Storehouse’. You will certainly be...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200214 You Are The Storehouse



200207 Inerrant Scripture?

200207 Inerrant Scripture?

Don Beres Bartlett opens up with a question posed on Facebook concerning the “unforgivable sin”. Together with Michael Lilborn Williams they explore the context of this statement and provide a few questions of their own. 

To close out the teaching on Ephesians they visit chapter five to discuss the mystery of marriage and if this was actually a teaching of Paul, one of his disciples,...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200207 Inerrant Scripture?



200131 Amen, Paul Said Amen!

200131 Amen, Paul Said Amen!

Why did Michael Lilborn Williams say, “This was an atomic episode”?

Listen to the three major discoveries Michael and Don stumbled upon in this week’s study on the Book of Ephesians;
1. The power that works in the church
2. A major misinterpretation found in Ephesians chapter 4
3. What happens in Paul’s books when he wrote “Amen”!

2020 Podcasts
200131 Amen, Paul Said Amen!



200124 Fixed Landmarks

200124 Fixed Landmarks

Can our faith grow? Do we possess the faith to create miracles? Or is faith a fixed landmark? 

Can we get more love? Do we earn more of God’s love? Or is love a fixed landmark?

Can we grow in grace? Do we advance from one degree to the next? Or is grace a fixed landmark?  

As Michael Lilborn Williams and Don Beres Bartlett wrap up our Ephesians study in chapter 3, they answer these questions...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200124 Fixed Landmarks



200117 Revelations, Interpretations, and Contentions

200117 Revelations, Interpretations, and Contentions

Peter and Paul both received revelations of the Gospel but their interpretations were very different. Michael Lilborn Williams and Don Beres Bartlett once again compare these two contentious views of the Good News in this week’s Powercast!

This power packed episode is loaded with gems from Ephesians Chapter 3 – The Gospel According To Paul.

Tune in to find your boldness and confidence. 

2020 Podcasts
200117 Revelations, Interpretations, and Contentions



200110 No Longer Sojourners

200110 No Longer Sojourners

In the first half of this week’s Powercast Michael gives a tease for the upcoming series on ‘believing’. Michael and Don discuss the difference between belief and knowledge and introduce the idea that our understanding of believing is founded in Christianity and this is yet another term we must reclaim for the Gospel.

In the second half Michael and Don continue the study in Ephesians...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200110 No Longer Sojourners



200103 Godly Corral

200103 Godly Corral

Whether you are circumcised, uncircumcised, gay, straight, natural or unnatural — whether you believe or don’t believe, all of humanity has been corralled into ONE. We dive into this reality with a study in Romans 10 and Ephesians 2.

Michael Lilborn Williams and Don Beres Bartlett hit a home run with the first episode of the year! Tune in for your C.P.R. of the Gospel. 

2020 Podcasts
200103 Godly Corral



191220 Hallmark Gospel Debunked

191220 Hallmark Gospel Debunked

In a blast from the past, we reproduced what we think is the best ever Christmas podcast we have produced. From 2014, please enjoy!

Merry Christmas everyone! In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett go through the lyrics of some popular old Christmas carols only to see them afresh and discuss the gospel messages that are actually found in carols sung by many over the years but...    see more >>

2019 Podcasts
191220 Hallmark Gospel Debunked



191206 The Path To Understanding

191206 The Path To Understanding

The discussion of Ephesians continues in this week’s Powercast. Michael and Don expound on how to fully understand the Gospel and why Christianity doesn’t understand. The path to understanding the Gospel starts with understanding what it means to “believe” — which is to give Jesus FULL credit.

This understanding brings a wonderful redemptive reality of who we are in...    see more >>

2019 Podcasts
191206 The Path To Understanding



191129 The Counsel of His Will

191129 The Counsel of His Will

Why doesn’t our believing effect the work of the cross in our lives? Why did God decided to save all of humanity? These are the questions that Michael Lilborn Williams and Don Beres Bartlett take on in this week’s Powercast as they continue the series on The Book of Ephesians. 

Tune in now for this week’s soul-cleansing C.P.R. of the Gospel!

2019 Podcasts
191129 The Counsel of His Will



191122 The Discrediting Principalities

191122 The Discrediting Principalities

This week’s Powercast kicks off discussing an article written by Dr. Mario Murillo that reveals that the Gospel is spreading at a rate that has Christians concerned! Of course Michael Lilborn Williams was thrilled to hear this news. 

The discussion on Ephesians 1 continues this week emphasizing the definition of believing which is to give credit. Michael lays out the conditions to be considered...    see more >>

2019 Podcasts
191122 The Discrediting Principalities



191115 Seven Pillars of Wisdom: Redemption

191115 Seven Pillars of Wisdom: Redemption

This week we thought we would share some Old Gold from the series “The 7 Pillars Of Wisdom” from 3 years ago. In it, Mike Williams and Don (Beres) Bartlett discuss the first of the Seven Pillars of Wisdom:  The Doctrine of Redemption.  In this Powercast, we get an in-depth view of redemption as well as salvation and why it is such an important part of wisdom.

Discussion Points:

  • Inequality

...    see more >>

2019 Podcasts
191115 Seven Pillars of Wisdom: Redemption



The Gospel Outside Of Christianity

The Gospel Outside Of Christianity

The Gospel message is a life or death matter! In this week’s Powercast Michael Lilborn Williams admits to once preaching a “gospel” message that quite literally, cost people their lives. 
Michael and Don Beres Bartlett then pick up their teaching from last week on Ephesians and bring some mind-renewing truths. 
If you want to know why the Gospel Revolution is a Christianity Free Zone listen to this weeks episode. 

2019 Podcasts
The Gospel Outside Of Christianity

