“There is nothing that produces power that doesn’t come from being bound up in turmoil” -Michael Lilborn Williams
In this week’s Powercast Michael, Don, and Daniel take a few questions and comments from you, the listeners. Jeanne Hope asks about the plan before the foundation of the world that God worked revealed through the Scriptures but is still wondering about God’s anger.
Karen writes to tell us how a simple Gospel message has brought her peace even after she had given up on the Bible and Christianity.
Michael brings a powerful comparison to Christianity, Mysticism, and Redemptionism.
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Great comparative teaching about any Biblical topic.
My mind feels like the place of ignition in that rocket ship. The thoughts and ideas you three presented have stirred up the fuel in the chamber of my mind.
This has also caused me to accept the actions, thoughts and intents that i have previously been feeling guilty of. Being God in this world that can have feelings outside that of the sweet unconfrontational love that was painted in my mind as a standard gives more freedom to think and act. How many things in life remain unresolved because anger and other God traits are not acceptable when you live in the wrong view of God or love or any truth for that matter. This view takes off the chains and restrictions.
I will have to listen to this podcast over and over and over to get all the information presented here. Thank you so much for bringing me closer to being and further from acting. I lift my glass To truth
Absolutely wonderful, so grateful to have ears that hear & understand as I am on this jouney of learning the gospel of peace & truth, I too may be a slow learner but I am grateful for these 20+ years that I have experience bit by bit the truth and confirmation of the love of God and all that Jesus accomplished on the cross, It was Trumatic it was powerful and it was a great transformation that was necessary that was accomplished for us