200904 Forcing Perspectives

200904 Forcing Perspectives

This week’s discussion starts with news items like; Jerry Falwell Jr.’s lucrative departure from Liberty University and why Michael thinks a law suit should be brought against the former Liberty University President.
Michael, Don, and Daniel then continue on the Gospel of Peace Path. Michael confronts forced perspectives.
The mystical view and the Gospel Revolution are contrasted via Isaiah 53-54 as a scriptural foundation.
Listen, be encouraged and get yourself saved! #CPRTheGospel

Gospel Revolution
200904 Forcing Perspectives



200828 The Gospel of Peace: There’s Power In The Revelation

200828 The Gospel of Peace: There’s Power In The Revelation

NO ONE has been redeemed, born again, or sanctified in the last 2000 years!
So, why do Michael, Don, and Daniel preach the Gospel?
#1, because it is in their heart to do so.
And #2, because there is power in the revelation!
The Gospel is nothing more than a revelation of the cross and nothing less than the power of God.
This week we discuss why the C.P.R. of the Gospel sounds foolish, and identify who is perishing and who is being saved. 
Listen to this week’s Powercast and get amped!

Gospel Revolution
200828 The Gospel of Peace: There's Power In The Revelation



200821 The Gospel of Peace: Chasing The PAC-MAN Ghost

200821 The Gospel of Peace: Chasing The PAC-MAN Ghost

In this week’s Powercast Michael, Don, and Daniel kick off a new series on “The Gospel of Peace”. 

Before starting to examine Isaiah 53 and 54 they discuss the different perceptions of the Gospel. Firstly, examining Christian doctrine that says God is still hostile toward much of humanity. Secondly, how Christian Mystics claim that God was never hostile toward man. 

Michael’s...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
200821 The Gospel of Peace: Chasing The PAC-MAN Ghost



200814 It’s Not About You, It’s About Him

200814 It’s Not About You, It’s About Him

In this special Birthday edition of the Powercast – we celebrate Michael’s Birthday by celebrating Jesus. 

Michael, Don, and Daniel make some radical statements against a personal relationship with Jesus. They also expound on Abraham’s faith — how even though he waiver at least 10 times, somehow he was still considered great in faith! The conclusion will encourage you. 

A...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
200814 It's Not About You, It's About Him



200807 Swimming With Alligators

200807 Swimming With Alligators

Not only have we gone off the deep end but now we’ve jumped into the pool with the alligators — at least as far as Christianity is concerned. 

This week Michael Lilborn Williams, Don Beres Bartlett, and Daniel Thomas Rouse deal with Biblical terms. Daniel continues his story by sharing how defining Biblical terms in context transformed his theology. 

Terms such as; heaven, hell, everlasting,...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
200807 Swimming With Alligators



200731 Daniel’s Coming Out Party!

200731 Daniel’s Coming Out Party!

Raised in a Word of Faith Pastor’s home, Daniel Rouse was destined to follow in his father’s footsteps. From age 12 he began preaching, at age 16 he became a youth pastor, earned a Doctorate in Theology, and then went on to become a Word of Faith Pastor. 

But then it all changed! With a life-changing understanding of the Gospel, Daniel left that world behind!

Listen to today’s Powercast...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
200731 Daniel's Coming Out Party!



200724 Original Conflict

200724 Original Conflict

Have you ever wondered why Adam sinned or why there was a need for a new creation? If yes, you’ll want to hear this week’s Powercast!

This week Michael, Don and Daniel discuss what the conflict of the first Adam produced and how through much turmoil something beautiful was created. Through conflict and resolution we are able to discover the power of the Gospel.

Also discussed are the conflicting...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
200724 Original Conflict



200717 Shallow Spirituality

200717 Shallow Spirituality

In this week’s Powercast Michael hits the ground running by calling out personal spirituality, God-ordained modern day events, and superficial spirituality! Don catches Michael’s contagious attitude calling out Christians and Daniel shares about some of his experiences in the Word of Faith Movement and some prophetic words that were spoken over his life as a young man. 

We also received...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
200717 Shallow Spirituality



200710 Whatever Could Be Shaken

200710 Whatever Could Be Shaken

There has been a mix-up concerning the shake-up! This week’s Powercast is a discussion about an exchange between Michael and Pastor Don Keathly concerning the ‘Shaking’ discussed in Hebrews 12. 

Pastor Keathly suggests that the world is being shaken right now to bring about the manifestation of the sons of God. Michael, Don, and Daniel discuss the price of this perspective. 

This...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200710 Whatever Could Be Shaken



200703 Vessels Made For Destruction

200703 Vessels Made For Destruction

The comparison between Christianity, Christian Mysticism, and Redemptionism continues in this week’s Powercast. 

Michael Lilborn Williams, Don Beres Bartlett, and Daniel Rouse turn to Romans 9 to see what the Apostle Paul has to say about the first Adam and the new creation. How were those of the Old Testament created for destruction and wrath while those of the New Covenant were created for...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200703 Vessels Made For Destruction



200626 From Turmoil To Power

200626 From Turmoil To Power

“There is nothing that produces power that doesn’t come from being bound up in turmoil” -Michael Lilborn Williams

In this week’s Powercast Michael, Don, and Daniel take a few questions and comments from you, the listeners. Jeanne Hope asks about the plan before the foundation of the world that God worked revealed through the Scriptures but is still wondering about God’s...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200626 From Turmoil To Power



200619 Saving God

200619 Saving God

You’ve responded and we’ve listened! In this week’s Powercast Michael, Don, and Daniel go over listener responses to our recent discussion on the anger and wrath of God. 

Some are saying that the Scriptures are God’s words to us but they are filtered through man’s perspective of God. Others suggest the Law was not given by God but rather given by man, Moses or even...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200619 Saving God



200612 Sacrificial Violence

200612 Sacrificial Violence

Michael Lilborn Williams invites us all in to a conversation he had with Andre Rabe on Facebook on this week’s Powercast. The topic at hand is God’s involvement with the violent acts of the cross. 

Did God have any part in the violence? Was this part of God’s redemptive plan? Did Jesus submit to man’s will or God’s will? Is a violent cross Scriptural or a result of...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200612 Sacrificial Violence



200605 An Angry God, Did The Scripture Get It Right?

200605 An Angry God, Did The Scripture Get It Right?

The Scriptures (the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets) state ‘God was angry’ hundreds of times. Michael, Don, and Daniel confront this topic head on. Did the scriptures get it right or is this just another one of man’s opinion of God?

Michael offers some challenging points and offers a challenge to all of our listeners. 

This week’s podcast is sure to challenge your perspective...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200605 An Angry God, Did The Scripture Get It Right?



200529 Bishops, Deacons, and the Good Work

200529 Bishops, Deacons, and the Good Work

Michael Lilborn Williams explains why he stops his series on Ephesians and Colossians before finishing all the chapters. This leads to a discussion on how we view the Scriptures compared to how we view the Bible (and why they are two different things). 

This episode starts a new series on the book of Philippians. Michael, Don, and Daniel strip Bishops and Deacons of all their Supernatural powers!...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200529 Bishops, Deacons, and the Good Work



200522 No Longer Christians

200522 No Longer Christians

The Holy Trinity discuss a comment left on Michael’s video on The Gospel of Peace. There was so much to discuss from someone who doesn’t agree with the Gospel according to Paul but does agree there are “two views of the good news”. 

The comment accuses The Gospel Revolution as being followers of Paul and not Christians in anyway! Michael was thrilled with this accusation. 

Listen...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200522 No Longer Christians



200515 Wake Up!

200515 Wake Up!

Nap time is over! This week’s Powercast is a wake up call to all humanity. It’s time to wake up to your righteousness that is found only in Jesus. 

The study in Colossians continues as Michael, Don, and Daniel encourage each of us to wake up to our righteousness and put to sleep the deeds of self-righteousness. 

Don’t be lulled to sleep, listen to be awakened!

2020 Podcasts
200515 Wake Up!



200508 Perils of Personal Spirituality

200508 Perils of Personal Spirituality

This is an episode you don’t want to miss! Discover what Michael, Don, and Daniel were willing to give up in order to know the Gospel of Peace. This episode is filled with stories of the glory cloud, angels, gold dust, Holy Ghost feathers, spiritual gifts, miracles, signs and wonders. Michael, Don, and Daniel all visit memory lane with stories of their time in ministry that included the miraculous,...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200508 Perils of Personal Spirituality



200501 Seven Pillars of Wisdom: Fulfillment

200501 Seven Pillars of Wisdom: Fulfillment

This week we replay one of our most popular episodes from the series; The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, discussing The Doctrine of Fulfillment.

Michael Lilborn Williams and Don Beres Bartlett answer emails from Bola Muyis and Bernie Rouse and we also get to hear from Robert Orr.  A number of things are discussed in this show like Preterism and Futurism, and there is also a very revealing segment of the...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200501 Seven Pillars of Wisdom: Fulfillment



200424 Legalism, The Covert Adversary

200424 Legalism, The Covert Adversary

This week we welcome in a new personality to our weekly podcast, Daniel Rouse. He will be working alongside Michael and Don each week to bring more C.P.R. of the Gospel.

This week the study in Colossians continues in chapter 2. Michael Lilborn Williams and the team expose an enemy at work in the 1st Century Church, and one that continues to this day, legalism. We will learn how to deal with those...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200424 Legalism, The Covert Adversary



200417 Enemies of the Cross

200417 Enemies of the Cross

Do you want to live under the Divine Order — that is the law and religious traditions — or do you simply want to enjoy the Divine? That is the question presented by Michael Lilborn Williams and Don Beres Bartlett in this week’s Powercast. 

We continue our study in Colossians chapter two this week with an unforgettable episode that is sure to expose religion and reveal your identity...    see more >>

2020 Podcasts
200417 Enemies of the Cross

