Everything Happens For A Reason

Dear Family,

“Everything happens for a reason.”


“Everything happens for a reason” has got to be one of the most incorrect, mentally lazy, spiritually vapid statements on Planet Earth. It is, however, admittedly a creative way to organize the mess of our lives mentally and emotionally after the fact of what we credit for happening for a reason.

Perhaps I should have massaged...    see more >>



Dear Family,PEPSI

It’s been over 15 years now.

My life was being ripped, shredded and literally torn apart for me once again.

How do I accept who and what I am? What will happen to my family, my wife and our three young girls? I was being persuaded with such wonderful truth about the Gospel. When would it come out erupting unbridled from the depths of my own heart?

When would the truth about Mike...    see more >>

Senses That Make Sense

Senses That Make Sense

Dear Family,

Much of the information we gather during the course of any given day comes to us via our five senses. And the vast majority of their purpose and usefulness is to produce and enjoy pleasure!

With the eyes, color, so much color! The information is not delivered in black and white as it could be. It is in color!

With smell, fragrance so appealing and so specific it can...    see more >>

I Could Have Said No

I Could Have Said No

Drive In Theater“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” (Thought or Reasoned To Put Away or Vanish) 1 Cor. 13:11 (KJV)

Dear Family,

It is Wednesday night, and we just finished our final show for The Start of Winter Pledge Drive.

To say that I am in a pensive mood would be an understatement. Saying my heart is moved with compassion for all who are involved in the Gospel Revolution is wholly insufficient.

Let me do my best to explain. When I write “Dear Family”, that is how I feel. I really see us as a major...    see more >>


Dear Family,

Our letter from last week may have received the greatest response we have ever had.

In it I described how my daughter Audrey articulated during our recent visit that if she had known the Gospel as she knows it now she would have had the ability to say no to the molestation that was being inflicted upon her by her brother-in-law when she was a child. Because of her upbringing she was under...    see more >>

So, This Atheist Went To Heaven

So, This Atheist Went To Heaven

Dear Family,hitchens

Christopher Hitchens, the political writer, commentator, and avowed atheist passed away last week at age 62 after a long bout with cancer. And then, although it may sound like the start of a joke, this atheist went to Heaven.

In his media appearances, Hitchens made some of the most rational and reasonable observations I have ever heard. In a recent interview with CNN’s Anderson...    see more >>