“Faith make no statement about who is going to heaven,” says Michael in the midst of this week’s Powercast. Then he repeats that two more times. Why did he emphasize this so and why did he quote our late great Don Beres Bartlett’s famous line, “The wages of gin is breath”? Log on and learn!

Before the boys continued their search for eternal life and a ticket to heaven, they rehearse all the options you have to help support this effort as we produce information which has NEVER been shared before in the history of planet Earth. You think that is hyperbole? Well, check-out just this one show chock full of of mind-renewing truth and you’ll get it!

We learn: what else Romans 6:23 does not say. about the Gospel Revolution’s general propensity to discover what is NOT in the Bible, why we don’t realize how pagan Christianity and its precepts actually are, why we are doing such an exhaustive study about heaven and eternity, how whenever heaven is mentioned it is always separate from eternal life. why Paul may have referred to having”been caught up in the third heaven”, about the importance of laying aside our preconceived notions and how confirmation bias is the default setting of the human brain, that there is nothing in the Hebrew Scriptures about Adam (or anyone else) attempting to get to heaven, all about how you already have your new heavenly body, how it has already been allocated to you, plus (believe it or not) SO MUCH MORE!!!

Get ready to get saved all over again!

Gospel Revolution
Gospel Revolution
221216 Your New Body