by Michael Lilborn Williams | May 25, 2020
The Gospel of Peace is the most powerful part of understanding the Gospel. For me it is what revolutionized my understanding. It was after many attempts to try to be a good Christian, to win God’s favor, and trying to find God’s grace that I found the Gospel of Peace. I found something that quenched my soul and gave me everything that I needed to sustain my life.
I want to remind you... see more >>
by Don Bartlett | Jan 3, 2020
Prosopopoiea, or the Greek rhetorical device of quoting another person, is the necessary ingredient in the dialectic mode of logic so loved by Paul. In fact, Romans 1 thru 11 may be the greatest example of comparing thesis to it’s antithesis, and thus leading to a synthesis, that we may ever see in the Bible. In modern terms, we would say, now one point of view ... see more >>
by Don Bartlett | Nov 1, 2019
In the Middle Ages, Churches used art filled leadlight windows to depict their gospel in picture form. They covered the stations of the cross and various parables (common was a window using a picture of Jesus with a lamb in His arms – the priest would use this window to tell the parable of Jesus leaving the 99 to find the one lost sheep.
Types and shadows in the Old Testament filled... see more >>
by Don Bartlett | Jul 25, 2019
Matthew 16:28. & Luke 9:27
Either Jesus cannot tell the literal truth from an allegorical claim, OR He is a liar. You choose!
Matt 16:28 Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.
It is always revealing, how we say that some Bible verses are to be taken literally and others are to be... see more >>
by Don Bartlett | May 7, 2019
What IS the unforgiveable sin?
Let us read the only passage in the Bible that talks about the unforgiveable sin; I will use the Message Version, but almost any version will give us the goods here.
Mark 3:22-30 (MSG)
22The religion scholars from Jerusalem came down spreading rumors that he was working black magic, using devil tricks to impress them with spiritual power.
23Jesus confronted their slander... see more >>
by Don Bartlett | Apr 17, 2019
There is SO much more to say about Universal Redemption, but, for so long as invincible ignorance holds that Redemption and Salvation are roughly identical, what purpose is there in discussion? Of all the mental straightjackets to which “Christian orthodoxy” ever brain-chained it’s sheeple, this is perhaps as good as it gets. Logic is lost on lemmings. And just as Protestant Christianity... see more >>