The Case Against James Introduction

1. Paul’s Gospel.
2. The Book of Acts; Division in the Church.
3 . Epistles to A Church Divided.
4. Galatians: Justification by Faith.
5. The Epistle of James.
6. Summary and Overview.
7. Peter and John: Food for Thought.
8. Return to Index (Intro)
9. Return to Top


This article was written by one, Jerry Barrax.

I located (via the wayback machine, the original (I think) document on his archived website. I have contacted David Anderson, who kindly led me to this article, which I consider to be the best exploration of and explanation for, the Paul / James controversy, that so many of us see in the New Testament.

His internic data is here which shows that his website is now owned by someone else, and his only 2 discoverable email addresses,, and, keep bouncing back as undeliverable.

This article is only available to you from a hidden webpage currently, and as I rewrite it, I covet your suggestions and observations. Why you? Because I consider you to be a key player in the Gospel revolution, with a better than average grasp on the gospel.

I am currently rewriting the article making some minimal changes to reflect the Gospel better, and using different versions for Biblical references. At this stage, feel free to make any comments you want, in the comments section beneath OR write me privately at

Of Particular interest to me are Parts 2 and 5. Namely, Division in the Church and the Epistle of James.


1. Paul’s Gospel.
2. The Book of Acts; Division in the Church.
3 . Epistles to A Church Divided.
4. Galatians: Justification by Faith.
5. The Epistle of James.
6. Summary and Overview.
7. Peter and John: Food for Thought.
8. Return to Index (Intro)
9. Return to Top