The Worldly Holy Place

The Worldly Holy Place

“It’s like going on a quest to discover an answer… and we’ve done that!” — Don’s response to our quest on the Apollos Project. This week’s Powercast begins with more historical and contextual evidence that Apollos is the author of Hebrews.
Moving on in this journey through Hebrews Chapter 9, Mike and Don take us through the outer courts, past...    see more >>

2018 Podcasts
The Worldly Holy Place



The Apollos Project: New Priest, New Heaven, and The New World

The Apollos Project: New Priest, New Heaven, and The New World

Just when you thought the Good News couldn’t get any better Mike and Don release this enlightening teaching on Hebrews 8. Tune in as we learn truths about the passing of a Priesthood, the Heavens, and the World as we knew it and into our new life in God, as God. 

2019 Podcasts
The Apollos Project: New Priest, New Heaven, and The New World





In which; Mike and don get horribly lost in the thicket and barely make it out with their lives!! Who is Melchizedek and what did his 4th grade teacher most remember him for.

2018 Podcasts



The Apollos Project: Don’t Go Back!

The Apollos Project: Don’t Go Back!

The Apollos Project continues as Mike and Don explore the treasures of Hebrews Chapter 6. While Christianity promotes the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ, in this week’s Powercast we learn what the book of Hebrews proclaims we should really do with these principles. 

Considering Apollos as the writer of Hebrews, Mike and Don present a fresh perspective on the powerful message of Hebrews....    see more >>

2018 Podcasts
The Apollos Project: Don't Go Back!



The Apollos Project – A more perfect way.

The Apollos Project – A more perfect way.

All those words in red by Jesus in the Gospels,  and there is a more perfect way? Who wrote the epistle to the Hebrews, and why does it posit a more perfect way? Get prepared for some eye opening research, discovering why there was a more perfect way than John the Baptist preached, even a more perfect way than what Jesus preached when he preached the law.

2018 Podcasts
The Apollos Project - A more perfect way.



Doctrines of Christ, The

Doctrines of Christ, The

The doctrines of Christ taught us that we are not one. In this week’s Powercast Michael and Don unravel the misconceptions of the doctrines of Christ as named in Hebrews chapter 6; repentance from dead works, faith toward God, ceremonial washings, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. With a fresh perspective on the fulfillment of these doctrines we are brought...    see more >>

2018 Podcasts
Doctrines of Christ, The



Diligent Listening – The Key To Entering Into Rest

Diligent Listening – The Key To Entering Into Rest

Matt 11:28-30 (MSG) . “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me–watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll...    see more >>

2018 Podcasts
Diligent Listening - The Key To Entering Into Rest



One For All Part2

One For All Part2

It was only a couple of letters between “pisteo” and “patheo”, but they made all the difference between being able to believe and not being able to believe. In fact, you may be thanking your lucky stars before the podcast is over, that on your best day ever, you couldn’t have believed if your life depended on it.

2018 Podcasts
One For All Part2



One For All

One For All

Hebrews 4A

Hard Hearts!!! OOOOOOO  We all know that’s not a good thing, but wait….. seems like NO ONE got to enter God’s rest because of hard hearts – But I thought that MY $&%^ smelt better than YOUR $&%^ !  Only ONE could ever enter God’s rest – and that ONE was certainly not you!

2018 Podcasts
One For All



Confidence Killers

Confidence Killers

What is the surest way to lose your confidence – lose your joy – go back to the same ole same ole treadmill of broken religion? This week Michael Lilborn Williams and Don (Beres) Bartlett discover as they take us through Don’s weak end and more.

2018 Podcasts
Confidence Killers



190118 – Angels – move over!

190118 – Angels – move over!

You have been moved up in hierarchy of things. No longer a little lower han the angels – but now one with He who acknowledges us as His equals.

2018 Podcasts
190118 - Angels - move over!



190111 – Surprise, Surprise! Christianity and Hebrews Do NOT Agree!

190111 – Surprise, Surprise! Christianity and Hebrews Do NOT Agree!

In this week’s power-packed Powercast, Michael and Don continue their exhaustive study of the pivotal Book of Hebrews with the Gospel spotlight on Chapter 2.
Michael proclaims, “Christianity thinks they are living in a world based on works and performance AND waiting for the same kind of world to come. This is NOT the world the writer of Hebrews is talking about!”
You will be saved afresh discovering exactly what world the writer of Hebrews WAS talking about and who is already taken his rightful place in it.

2018 Podcasts
190111 - Surprise, Surprise! Christianity and Hebrews Do NOT Agree!



190104 – The Flashlight Of The Gospel

190104 – The Flashlight Of The Gospel

In this week’s enlightening Powercast, Michael and Don are get all lit as they continue their deep dive into Hebrews Chapter One. Mike coined the term “The Flashlight of the Gospel” and speaks to how when the light is shined on the revelatory text of the Scriptures and the New Testament Writings an amazing process ensues. The teacher becomes the student and vice versa! This epic...    see more >>

2018 Podcasts
190104 - The Flashlight Of The Gospel



Unity! Oneness! Togetherness!

Unity! Oneness! Togetherness!

On this week’s Power-laden Powercast, Michael Lilborn Williams and Don Beres Bartlett dive head first into the Book of Hebrews. The articulation of the Creator’s and our oneness is so wonderfully evident. However, as always, we must get past the tradition, misrepresentation, faulty translations and outright treachery of religious tradition. 

For example in the “King Jimmy”...    see more >>

2018 Podcasts
Unity! Oneness! Togetherness!



Good versus perfect

Good versus perfect

Christianity settles for “good” that it, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory with two millenia of fractured friction, turns into “bad”. Wouldn’t you prefer “perfect”?

2018 Podcasts
Good versus perfect





This week Mike and Don, after a 5 week hiatus, come back strong with some choice thoughts on the CPR (Consistent, Perwsistent, Repetitive) effect of the Gospel, and showcase selected highlights of the Upcoming Hebrews series.

2018 Podcasts



You Have A New Body!

You Have A New Body!

After eulogizing Gary, Michael and Don wrapped up their wonderful series on Galatians. You will not be surprised to learn there is some amazing news for you and all people contained herein. They conclude with the triumphant declaration that you already have your new body!

2018 Podcasts
You Have A New Body!



No Fault Divorce

No Fault Divorce

In this week’s Probing, Provocative, Powerful Powercast, Michael and Don continue their study in Galatians. They compare and contrast what living under the Law was all about in all its implications and unfortunately how people on this side of the Cross put themselves back under it in an attempt to live “Biblically”.
For example, what does the Mosaic Law have to say about “no fault divorce”? What is “Biblical divorce”?
Here is the good news! If you slip, and “fall from grace” by putting yourself back under the law and its shame and guilt system, you can get out just as easily! “Repent”, which simply means “change your mind”. You went back under the law through your thoughts. You get out of it the same way. Change your mind!
Know you are absolutely free to be your most authentic self all provided through the redemption of Christ!

2018 Podcasts
No Fault Divorce



The Sin Scam

The Sin Scam

On this week’s Powercast, Michael and Don tackle Galatians 5 18-26.
Paul said elsewhere that we were only enemy’s of God IN OUR MINDS and when that happens, we make ourselves “sinners”. We’re visiting a “Sin City” that only exists between our ears!
The question becomes further befuddled by typical Christian teaching that we are “sinners saved by grace”
On this side of the Cross, “wrong” does not equal “sin”. Because what is “wrong” where you live (or what is illegal) is NOT necessarily wrong where others reside. Laws differ in various regions. However, Christianity teaches that “wrong” and “sin” are synonymous and so, too, are “good” and “righteousness”.
If you break the law in your city, then you have done wrong. Then the question about “sin” becomes, have you actually sinned because you break the law of your government or have you just done wrong?
Have you ACTUALLY sinned? Or are you a sinner only in your imagination?

2018 Podcasts
The Sin Scam



Freed Not To Love

Freed Not To Love

“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”. John 13:33-35
Are we REALLY bound by the command to love one another? You may be surprised as Michael and Don dive deep into this and also discuss male amputation in this exciting Powercast!

2018 Podcasts
Freed Not To Love



Monkey Religion

Monkey Religion

Religion is like falling in love with a beautiful girl but marrying her dress. Michael Lilborn Williams and Don Bartlett check out Galatians 4:19 to 5:2 and see how Paul uses Sarah and Hagar and Sinai and Jerusalem as contrasts in exposing the monkey see-monkey do aspects of the shame based behaviour modification system of  religion.

2018 Podcasts
Monkey Religion

