In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett resume addressing the article written by a former colleague of Mike’s against Mike and against the gospel.
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In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett resume addressing the article written by a former colleague of Mike’s against Mike and against the gospel.
I believe that most church goers just want “quick and easy and forget it until next Sunday” when dealing with what they wrongfully think is an obligation to God. Going to “a” church is good enough and they feel they did something to appease God.
God could give a rats axx about our effort to trump Jesus who pleased God for us. But this isn’t about Gospel theories and who’s right and what’s right, it’s about these S.O.B.’s attacking the few ministers who have the balls to be honest.
These filthy swindlers on TV ( church TV ) and in many local churches will NEVER tell you that you do not have to tithe or go to church-THAT IS HOW THEY ACCUMULATE WEALTH. We give it to them out of fear or to be “safe”.
Only a few folks like Mike will tell the truth as Jesus did. There is a huge price to pay for being honest in this arena.
WAKE UP PEOPLE- God does NOTHING bad to atheists or rich people who never tithe or go to church and most of them live normal lives with no spiritual consequences. Look at Hollywood. Look at your favorite entertainers, porn stars ( I have friends who go to church who have STD’s so don’t give me the “God gave them STD’s ” bull ) , sports figures, singers, business owners. They live normal lives and pass on in normal ways like we all will. Cancer hits tithers too.
My gripe isn’t that these crooks and liars are wealthy, it is that good ministries are neglected and shamed by these S.O.B.’s. Most are going broke trying to free us and open our eyes by preaching total acceptance and freedom with God and we are afraid to even listen.
If you want to minister and lie and get rich fine, but leave the honest few alone. And I would end up in jail if I had a conversation on the street with some of these crooks but these frauds need opposition and exposure, NOT SUPPORT. 65 million dollar jet airplane . . .
Chicago is burning, Africa is dying by the thousands daily and one fraud bought himself a nice 65 million dollar toy. . . WAKE UP, he isn’t a minister of the Gospel !
Jesus purchased our freedom without consequence from God, for everything you want to do, no matter what it is. I better hush before I do end up in jail.
This is too funny! Mr. Williams made a grown man hide in his own home.
I feel sorry for Mr. Richards and these other Pastors because listening to Mr. Williams teachings, they can see their Empire crumbling but excited for the people whose eyes are being opened to the Truth!
All the best!
one more e-mail from me-
jim was in Edmonton many years ago when he warned of mixing law and grace and how dangerous that was- looks like he has done that.
I remember that meeting in Edmonton where you filled the entire convention center- after that jim start preaching amway sales recruiting tips etc at one of the local churches- mixed with Christianity- I believe that he is very much motivated by his tithing income and income from his bible school.
Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance etc.