Paul, Apollos, Peter, James, or John – Does it really matter who wrote the book of Hebrews? Does the relationship between these men affect how we view Hebrews? In this episode Mike and Don ‘Deconstruct Hebrews’, answering these questions.The study of Hebrews chapter 10 continues with the deconstruction of the sin sacrifice, and profession of faith. As Mike and Don take us down to the foundation your soul will be built up.
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Is this the DESTRUCTION of the book of Hebrews? Only use not your Liberty for an ocassion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. Didn’t Mike Williams REWRITE THE GOSPEL AND IS THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS THE REAL GOSPEL? Didn’t Mike go beyond Apollos and now is the appointed one who finally has the precise gospel? No heaven No hell? How can Mike be so amazing? There is no one like him in the cosmos.This is simply astounding.