Is The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ the “latter days” discussed in the Hebrew Scriptures? This is the question we take on this week by examining what exactly do the Hebrew Scriptures refer to when speaking of the “latter days”. Of course in good GR fashion, we look at every scripture using these terms.
This discussion is laying the foundation for us to examine, to date, the first prophecy we have found in Genesis that speaks of the events that would unfold leading up to and during The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ. The prophecy is spoken by Jacob to his 12 sons, who would become the 12 Tribes of Israel.
We also discover that this prophecy (and later prophecies and events) center around three particular tribes (sons); Judah, Levi, and Benjamin. We look at what Ecclesiastes says about a three-fold cord.
What we have discovered so far is quite complex – genealogies, prophecies, and history – but by examining the multiplicity of complexities we can clearly see the simple Gospel on display. Each piece of the story working together like a cog in an old fashioned watch.