In our final segment on the antichrist, we start by reviewing what we’ve learned so far specifically about the “feet of iron and clay” and why everyone is looking for the missing three and a half year tribulation.
We dismantle the last two legs of the antichrist doctrine, looking at the Beast and the False Prophet of Revelation 13. Along the way we discuss the mark of the Beast and Michael shares about the time he announced to a crowd that he wanted the mark of the Beast!
In closing both Ethan and Michael share a story revealing the importance of why we teach what we teach.
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Hi Ethan. nice to meet you…and nice trio in age difference…i myself being 70 yrs old. I wonder , Ethan, if you can answer me back on my comment…or if at all you can see it. I’ve been listening to gospel revolution for over 2yrs, put in some comments every now and then, but never got a comment back. It kind of baffled me. Is this section under a strict control ? Maybe so and for many reasons, understandingly so. But it cuts into my relationship with the site. I love Michael and Daniel stand as i was born a Catholic, then became a born again christian, then was Enlighten, as the holy spirit for years was leading me to…ALL ARE SAVED, my pentocostal pastor knashing his teeth at me, when i would share the most wonderful news for mankind…had to leave that church,,,found wonderful site of universalism that believed all are saved…all ex born again christians….then found GR…BUT…TO BE FOLLOWED IF ANSWERED !!!
Robert .. I think the boys are just too busy studying and researching to ck the comments or reply– if you want the personal connection I suggest you call Michael. Go to donor and try the ph#. He has always picked up when I call. 10,000 members on the facebook page so I don’t expect him too. he might be overwhelmed and not have time to study… i prefer he studied and kept bring the truth.
I get to each teaching a month or so late as I too am busy with many things but the comment from Gordy is right. Michael will always talk to you if you call or he’ll get back to you if you leave a message. I dont believe this section is Q & A thing. I know that Daniel and Michael are very busy. I’ve called Mike many times. He’s ok with it.
I think someone should start a weekly Youtube channel and state the truths we have learned and open that up to debate. It should be live so people are more engaged. I bet some people would actualy learn the Gospel.
If someone is interested in doing this, I’d call the Youtube channel or the show ( ? ) ” God vs Christianity”. That is my favorite name. Or ” Christianity, An Anti Christ Club”. Something that gets attention. It could be a little revenue too as well as fun.
Youtube is good at censoring comments that they dont like but knocking christianity? They’ll love that.
Think of the fun topics – “Hitler is Holy”. “A Command To Forget What Jesus Taught”, “Peter Wanted To Kill Paul”, so on.
I cant even register correctly for something like Norton Anti virus so it isn’t mine to do but I’d support it.
The beast out of the sea might be a Portuguese Man of War or not