Michael and Daniel open up sharing about the powerful impact the understanding of the completed 1,000 Year Reign of Christ has on their brains. Daniel explains how the renewing of the mind to the Gospel weeds out worry and fear and Michael proclaims his freedom from worry!

The discussion moves on to comparing the age (world) that ended to the eternal kingdom. In the eternal kingdom we discover what our immortal bodies are — Michael explains, “these bodies will go to the grave but they will go uncorrupted by sin!” We learn how we can live in the eternal kingdom with the knowledge of good and evil (something Adam and Eve couldn’t do). 

Then with the help of Robert May and other GRs we have made some new discoveries about the Apostle Paul… new evidence indicates that perhaps the Apostle Paul was truly anointed by God. Listen in as we learn why his Israeli Tribe was important and the similarities between King Saul and Saul of Tarsus. 

Gospel Revolution
241011 Paul, The Anointed Apostle?