In the end, the Gospel is simple. It is a simple message encapsulated be he who accomplished it. “It is finished,” said Yeshua on the very device of capital punishment he was prophesied to die on for the sin of the world.

It is indeed simple. There is no more separation between God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and Humanity. No more judgement. No more wondering about future spiritually-related things or events. It’s a done deal. We are “ONE”. What a great name for a book!

The mystery of the ages has been uncovered. However, while the message is quite basic and has been revealed, the consistent, persistent and repetitive study and discussion about it may bring such stability and insight to the human soul, Paul called it “salvation”, That is what Michael experienced on the last podcast. Insight and salvation. It was quite something and very moving. If you have not heard it, please do.

At the start of this show, we are happy to hear Mike say he “survived”. Then he Daniel produce more soul-saving information for today’s world and for all future generations. DTR specifically greets those living in the year 2035.


We hear:

  • When and where the eternal Memorial Day happened
  • How it was memorialized, consecrated and sanctified forever and forever
  • What happened when Michael heard “You’re preaching anti-Christ doctrine”!
  • God’s POV – Point of View
  • How our soul actually gets saved
  • Why we promote Paul’s teachings versus the other Apostles
  • What happened during the canonization of the New Testament Writings
  • Why the Gospel Revolution did not throw Peter, James and John “under the bus”
  • What did throw them there
  • What has NOT been memorialized and what has been
  • Michael’s political statement
  • Daniel uncovering which Commands of Christ have been memorialized
  • MLW urging everyone to “present yourself sanctified”!
  • Daniel daughter’s school bus discussion and revelation on hell
  • Rendering unto Caesar
  • What happens to a person who takes Christianity seriously
  • Not having the love or faith of God which saved the world
  • And tons more amazing stuff!
Gospel Revolution
240607 What Threw Peter, James and John Under the Bus?