“Freedom is not something we do. Freedom is something we be,” says Michael Lilborn Williams at the outset of this fascinating and very personal podcast.

The Powercast commences with Michael and Daniel welcoming all our listeners, new and old, from around the planet. The Gospel Revolution is truly being felt world-wide.

Michael answers the question of why we don’t hear from more GRs from around the planet who are listening. “It’s scary to come out of the closet. Like Anne Frank hiding afraid for her life, if people come out and say they believe all people are ‘going to heaven’, their life could be at risk.There is a fear associated with coming out of the closet, to be sure”!

People are still persecuted and rejected because of the truth they have accepted – that the entire world and God are one!

However, the good news is powerful. As you continue to study this “knowledge-based” perspective, obsessive compulsive behaviors and attitudes like the “dross of worry” seem just to fall away. While learning to walk free can be very scary, as Michael explains, you can begin to experience “the free-fall” and realize there is nowhere to land – that there is NO bottom. The fright of freedom can seem very real but when you arrive at the “free-fall”, it may very well be the best feeling one can experience!

While we may not be able to tell you how and when the Gospel will save your soul or renew your mind, we can tell you without a doubt that the Gospel is the Power of God. It will nourish your brain, your thoughts, your emotions and you will KNOW the freedom we all already are in. Hallelujah!

Gospel Revolution
230526 The Fright of Freedom