What specifically happens to us when we die?

Frankly, we really don’t know. However, we do have some clues.

Michael opens with an amazing soliloquy stemming from his and Daniel’s discussion about the deaths of loved-ones. He brings forth quite an affirming perspective utilizing the beautiful imagery of rivers and oceans.

“I don’t get peace from my happiness. I get my happiness from my peace…Being right doesn’t bring peace…You just want to take away my hope.”

Yes. Yes, we do! Why? You ought listen to discover why. You will also hear: what Daniel (nor most of us) knew 30 minutes ago, why “Behold I come quickly” is an ab-oration, what leads to end times doctrines or “your tennis shoes have been tied”, the exposing of things which have been hidden for 2000 years, how and why we’re the first ministry to teach and commit to exposing the pseudo-graphia, the billions of mentions and millions of sermons based on a complete falsehood, when Jesus “quoted” Peter because he “ran out of words”, the boys “outing'” Don, plus an incredible amount more truth contained in these 81 minutes.

Hold on, family. You are about to hear powerful things you have NEVER heard before.

Gospel Revolution
230428 Being Right Doesn't Bring Peace