This very different and interesting Powercast commences with an admission from Michael. “I was the king of using confirmation bias in the old Word of Faith days, and so was Daniel.”
Daniel responds jokingly, “Don’t pull me into your sin!” LOL!
Early on in this fantastic 60 minutes, Michael rehearses the fact that two of the board members of Mike Williams Ministries, Daniel and Vice President Nardos Kebede, were heavily influenced by Global Grace Seminary and Don Keathley Ministries and influential in their journey “home” to the Gospel Revolution.
Some of that process is revealed to which we must reply, “Thanks Don Keathley and Global Grace!”
Not only is reading in context emphasized anew, but Daniel reminds us that once you start staying in context, you easily begin identifying those who are not, They just are looking for a verse here and a verse there to confirm their bias. “Don Keathley, you have made an absolute fool of yourself!”
“If you have decided you’re not going to change your mind, there is no reason to listen to us at all,” says Michael. Daniel tells of his experience listening to Don Keathly over the past few years, especially a recent message he listened to on “Why Did Jesus Have To Die” (The guys talk about this teaching in detail. Normally, we would share a link to the video teaching but it is not publicly available right now).
While listening to this teaching Daniel gets intrigued by a verse Don Keathley shared regarding sacrifices and offerings out of the Book of Jeremiah. The fellas go through a contextual study of the verse and find that the meaning is VERY different, in fact the opposite of what Don Keathley taught. Frankly, it is quite alarming!
Along the way, we get more context about the actual place translated as “hell” in the so called gospels and the teachings of Christ (the Valley of Hinnom).
Once again, the Hebrew Scriptures shine, as Michael cautions the disrespect of them can lead to negative attitudes toward Jewish people and Antisemitism. The illogical approach of quoting the Scriptures to discredit them is pointed out. Just because someone keeps repeating “the Temple of the Lord” or “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus”, or “Abba, Abba, Abba,” does not mean you are accurately portraying who or what you are talking about!
This fascinating show is sure to renew your mind and cleanse your soul.

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Excellent study into Jeremiah chapter 7. Shows the absolute importance of reading in context. It’s so easy to build a doctrine by not reading in context. Mike coined the term “verse damned” and it is the reason we have 45,000 denominations.