This is an episode you don’t want to miss! Discover what Michael, Don, and Daniel were willing to give up in order to know the Gospel of Peace. This episode is filled with stories of the glory cloud, angels, gold dust, Holy Ghost feathers, spiritual gifts, miracles, signs and wonders. Michael, Don, and Daniel all visit memory lane with stories of their time in ministry that included the miraculous, or was it?
They compare the spooky supernatural to the truth of the Gospel and the problem that occurs when you try to make your spiritual experience personal.
Tune in for some supernatural C.P.R. of the Gospel!
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Hi just wanted in ask about near death experience. I have listen to people who died and came back to tell that they experienced unconditional love.
The Daniel’s have taken over! haha
As it pertains to near death experiences here is my perspective… I had a lady in my congregation who tells of her visit to hell. After further investigation into the story she shares how she was pumped with mind altering drugs and actually almost died from an overdose.
Another story I heard from a Christian is an experience they had visiting heaven. Again after asking more questions about their story they were under the influence of drugs and alcohol and looking for an escape.
One common denominator in the dozens of stories I have personally heard there is always either an outside influence (drugs and/or alcohol), a mental illness (depression, suicidal, etc.), or a deep conviction of an afterlife.
A famous preacher I followed and even attended his Bible school (Kenneth Hagin) often told of his visitation to hell. Funny thing is, his doctrine didn’t line up with his account of hell.
I’m not saying people’s experiences weren’t real but I certainly am not willing to place my confidence in someone else’s (or even my) visions as a source of truth. Our minds are capable of some amazing feats, including hallucinations which are often triggered by substances, mental weaknesses, or deep convictions (indoctrinations).
I hope that helps! Shalom!
Thank you for this it brings such freedom I had so many years of thinking that I have to do something to please God that it is rooted in my mind it like I am addicted to trying to be pleasing to God.
I have been looking at many different ways in trying to be more loving many years now and finally come to see Jesus Christ has free me to see unconditional love of the Christ is always with me no matter what.
Love in Christ Daniel
It is great to be free! I too was addicted to pleasing and appeasing God. I use to be a Christian but Jesus set me free!
The addition of former word of faith pastor, Daniel Rouse, is a major benefit to the to the program. Daniel’s clear insights into and poignant comments on the gospel of grace and peace are perfect compliments to the wisdom and experience of Mike and Don. Great message tonight: Spirituality is not our personal quest…it is our present and everlasting condition. Spirituality is not the result of our belief or behaviour. It is not something we grow into. All of humanity was made spiritually complete by the finished work of Christ at the cross.
It’s great to be a part of the revolution and share my story.
Great show, I know people who see angels but this person will tell me anything to impress me how spiritual he or she is, anything.