Michael Lilborn Williams and Don Beres Bartlet come back with a bang!
In this week’s Powercast we learn about those who are attempting to Perpetuate the Promise instead of living in its fulfillment by looking at the statement in Ephesians – “we who first trusted in Christ”. What does it mean to trust in Christ? Who were the first? When did this take place?
Get ready for a fresh dose of the C.P.R. of the Gospel.
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Salvation has been freely purchased by our Lord Jesus for everyone . I learned from the early days that total salvation was until you got into heaven and meet God.(Just to be a terrified thought in my christian life. Many night with sleep because of the Judgments of God , specially with the money issue (Tithes and offerings)) but now i see clear in the book of Hebrews that Jesus and God have accomplished all thru His sacrificed on the cross. Ephesian 1:14 and Hebrews 9:15, 9:12 a reveal that redemption and salvation has been accomplished by Jesus Christ. Paul said:I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. Thanks Micheal Williams and Don Beres for the work that you have freely laid down for humanity in Christ.
Mike and Don,
You mentioned you could do this every day. That would be the only change I would like to see. Pod cast Everyday. I know that is not possible so I continue to wait counting the days till Friday being grateful for the great revelations of good news.
I am excited for the books being written. Talk about hunger, I cannot seem to get enough of this good news but at the same time am so satisfied that I am enough and am secure in Christ. Thankyou so much for doing what you do.
So glad you are better, Beres! What a relief! Hi Mike! Love you both.