When some people observe the Gospel Revolution Or Mike Williams Ministries beimg critical of Christianity, they automatically presume that the Gospel Revolution is hostile to Christians. This foolish notion is a natural consequence of confusing the organization of Christianity with the individuals contaminated by it. Christians love to say, “hate the sin, but love the sinner”. This statement typifies the convoluted logic of a religion that judges others, whilst excusing themselves, the very thing that Paul says is a sign of people being a law unto themselves. (Romans 2:14-15)
That statement, “hate the sin, but love the sinner”, is of course, the exact opposite of what Jesus taught. Jesus taught us to love the sinner but hate your OWN sin.
This example typifies the hypocrisy of Christianity. In fact without hypocrisy, Christianity could not operate at all.
Tony Campolo, once famously said at a Christian conference, “last night while you were sleeping, 30,000 children died around the world from malnutrition, and most of you don’t give a sh*t”. Then he continued, “but here is the real tragedy, that you care less, that 30,000 children around the world died last night from malnutrition, than the fact that I said sh*t!”.
Jesus taught us that the Church is an organism. Christianity teaches us that the Church is an organization. Jesus taught us that love is the final and fruitful product of righteousness. Christianity teaches us that judgment is the full and final product of righteousness. The Bible tells us to forgive our enemies but Christianity tells us that God is going to torture his enemies, eternally, for 70 years of mistakes down here. Jesus prayed that we should be one. Christianity is fractured into multiple thousands of versions, sects, and warring factions that have often been only too glad to murder each other.
When the Gospel Revolution criticizes Christianity, it is criticizing that level of hatred and judgment. When the Gospel Revolution criticizes Christianity it is not criticizing Christians. It is criticizing the organizations whose hypocrisy has led to our current fractured state of affairs. Christianity has had 2000 years to prove its worth, but all it has to show for it are creeds demanding belief or excommunication, and blood knee deep. At its very best, Christianity is nothing more than a shame based behavior modification system, and at its worst, the exact opposite of love. It depends for its success on the two most basic human instincts; fear of loss (hell) and hope of gain (heaven), and there is not one sect within Christianity, of which I am aware, that does not practice, to some degree, this protection racket.
Lastly, when Jesus criticized the Pharisees, he did not mince words. He called them a den of Vipers, or on another occasion whitewashed graves full of dead men’s bones. We haven’t yet gotten to Jesus level, even though we can think of a few people claiming to be Christians, rather deserving of those titles.
Well done. An outstanding article that should be nailed to church doors.
Christianity is a worse spell the enemy ever succeeded flooding the generations after the early apostles. The most confused religion that speaks one thing and practices another.
Thanks Jesus Christ for Gospel Revolution, which I believe is the remedy for mankind before the Lord Jesus Christ comes back.
Interesting commentary. I do appreciate that you are straightforward, to the point, and do not mince or water down your opinions. However, you say that Christianity is confused and judgmental and you use the example of “love the sinner, but hate the sin”. This shows how misguided Christianity is. It appears to me that you are using the same logic or example when you say that the ” gospel revolution criticizes Christianity, but does not criticize Christians”. It appears to me that you are doing the same thing for which you criticize them. Might you have the same log in your own eye for which you are criticizing them?
I enjoy some of the teachings of the gospel revolution. I have not listened to all that many, but have listened to the teaching of Mike Williams on the high priest and also his series on perfection. They were both awesome and I am very thankful for both. I would just suggest that maybe it would be beneficial to ask if you should tone down your own criticism a little bit. Thank you and I do appreciate your ministry and teaching.
Hey there Roger. Thank you for your comment. The difference between our stance and the “love the sinner” quotation is twofold.
Firstly, Christianity is perpetrating mistranslations, fallacies and historically whatever it takes to preach and teach a false gospel up to and including murder (on all sides that is) and they do all this in the name of Jesus, with a bait and switch modus operandi.
Secondly, when Christians tritely trot out the glib platitude “love the sinner but hate the sin”, they are saying exactly the OPPOSITE of what Jesus taught. Jesus taught us to love the sinner and hate our OWN sin!! Much love and respect, and again, thank you for your response Roger. I hope one day that we can award you your own pharisectomy certificate! 😉
Thank you for your response. Who in the world is preaching murder? Are you referring to the crusades? I have heard a lot of sermons and different branches of Christianity, but have never heard that one encouraged.
When I reference murder, I am referring to the many examples of how “Christians” have treated their philosophical opponents and npercieved inferiors down through history.
The Spanish inquisition is one of the best known examples by the RC church while the purges of Constantine are perhaps amongst the oldest. Many Anabaptists were terminated by Protestants for their practice of adult baptism, and more recently in history, the largest Protestant group in the world, the Southern Baptists, publicly repented and renounced their use of religion and the Bible to encourage slavery in the USA, by teaching that slaves were your property to do with as you wished up to and including death for trying to escape, while Northern Methodists (as well as probably other denominations) preached the virtues of forcibly returning runaway slaves who had made it to freedom in the North to their southern masters. Now why should I suppose, I ask, if the world suddenly returned to total anarchy, would religious people return to the same practices?
I read the article and comments and is very interesting. Christianity has many faults, many, when I say many it means “plenty” but the majority of members that have escape the system still carries residues from false doctrines and disciplines. Examples: The Protestants came from the Catholics, the Evangelicals and others came from the Protestants and carries on their doctrines and practices. My point is this “Gospel Revolution has a great insight from God in many areas but needs to be careful not to fall and became like others. Paul said: knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel Phil. 1:16 and 1:7 and Paul Judge others Acts 13:46 Best wishes GR
I think you got it the other way around. Sounds like you’re actually praising Christianith while criticizing Christians.
However, regarding the protection racket, John the Baptist and Jesus’ first sermons were telling everyone around them they were going to hell.