Dear Gospel Revolution Friends and Family,
YOUR world is your life, isn’t it? Your world and life are contained in a new world which started 2000 years ago at the close of the old!
Similarly, we each have only one “day” to live—not many days. Your day started when you were born. Your one and single day to live will end at the moment you die. Your one day to live is contained in the larger, all-encompassing “day” which began at the resurrection of Christ—a single day which will never come to an end!
The day which began when you were born will end. However, the amazing news is that the LIFE and the DAY you and all people were born into will never end. You are a wheel within a wheel that just keeps on spinning.
Your world is within a world, and your day’s within a day. There are NO yesterdays or tomorrows. Just TODAY! ENJOY IT!!!!
Much Love,