Before diving back into Genesis 49 — Michael and Daniel share an exchange about the difference between all the 40,000 plus denominations of Christianity and the Gospel and how one single question on any of Christianities major beliefs would crumble their religion to the ground when compared to the Gospel contained within the Hebrew Scriptures (…you know those “Old Jewish writings”). 

As we find ourselves back in Genesis looking at yet another fractal of the Gospel, Michael opens up by sharing a powerful truth, “genealogy carries us through prophecy”. Genealogies and prophecy come together in this prophetic chapter about Jacob and the genealogies of his 12 sons. 

It is clearly established the time frame that Genesis 49 discusses — the history of Israel from 800 years before the 1,000 year reign of Christ, and the 1,000 year reign up to the time Shiloh appears (the Messiah). Throughout this time we learn of the kings, rulers, and authorities that were predestined alongside the law. 

All these authorities reveal the “Scepter of Righteousness” from the line of Judah, given to David, and reigning until Jesus, the Son of David, the Lion of Judah, the root of David. And in all these prophecies we see the Christ!

Then we discuss the end of all rule and authority after the resurrection of the Christ. Which leads Daniel to a question, “What happened to the Scepter of Righteousness at the resurrection of Christ?” The answer Michael Lilborn Williams gives will be sure to save your soul (and make you accept your weirdness)! 

Gospel Revolution
250214 The Scepter of Righteousness