In this 25th session of our study of The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ, we go back to where the Gospel Revolution began, The Gospel of Peace. It’s because of this Gospel that we can be confident that the judgment of God was “CUT OFF”! Join in as we discover which of the judgments listed in The Revelation (the 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets & 7 Bowls) were averted, subverted and or annihilated. 

You’ll also learn the exact point in history where Heaven and Earth became one and which event marked this major event. We look at the divide in The Revelation between the redemption of the world and judgment, how to read The Revelation, who the 144,000 are, how blood parasites are a fractal of the Gospel, and what happened to 1/3 of the angels that were bound and reserved for judgment. And as always, so much more!

Gospel Revolution
250124 Judgement Averted, Subverted and or Annihilated