Do you desire to be free of the frustration of spiritual pursuit and therefore experience the peace in your soul which results? If your answer is “yes”, then this is the show for you! You see, folks, we ALL already have it ALL!

Right from the outset, Michael emotes, “I feel that all the way to my bones!”

The amount of powerful statements in these 78 minutes is absolutely remarkable. It all begins with Michael and Daniel discussing their old lifestyle of looking for signs and revelations, how counterproductive it was and what a complete waste of time.

“But if you still want play ‘Romper Room’, go right ahead,” says MLW.

Daniel notes the beautiful pictures Glenn posted of the Northern Lights’ display the other night, “There is nothing spiritual about them or anything else.”

Michael adds,”The absence of pursing spirituality is exponentially more powerful than its presence! … I put it all aside when I got an inkling of what I am…The Gospel is an alchemy that is still a secret. Just like they still don’t know how to make gold, we don’t know how to make what the Gospel produces, either.”

We enjoy another A.I. Gospel song created by Ethan before we move on to our next teaching on a Command of Christ — “Ask in Faith”. With both Daniel and Michael having been “Word of Faith” preachers, they hit this one hard!

We learn that none of the great heroes of faith had any faith of their own! Plus, we look at Romans 10 and how Paul combats the teaching of personal faith with not only his own teaching but that of Isaiah, Moses, and God!

There is so much to understand about the absence of personal faith which in reality delivers us to more appreciation and gratefulness about HIS faith!

Hallelujah! Amen.

Gospel Revolution
240517 Together We Have It All