No one has ever opposed this article calmly, clearly and logically. Emotionally? Yes, but never intelligently. Perhaps they can’t?

Read slowly……..Believers of Hell……..

1. There is no mention in Genesis,of hell ever being created. I’m supposed to believe God cares more about me being informed of when and how He created birds and bugs, etc., but not the creation of a place where countless billions are going to spend an eternity? Surely Adam deserved a clue about his potential doom?
2. Jews traditionally never believed in any kind of hell, and that continues until today. Strange how in the O.T. all the good people went to the “grave” and all the bad people went to “hell” when the SAME Hebrew word, “sheol” is used in all examples. Rather amusing, don’t you think?
3 The Greek Septuagint (Greek O.T.) from around 250 BC, contains no mention of hell. The Septuagint, from which both Jesus and the disciples quoted, was the Hebrew old testament, translated into Greek, by Jewish scholars fluent in both languages.
4 Jesus was a Hebrew. but tyere is no word in the Hebrew language that represents an underworld/netherworld.
5 Paul was a multicultural Hebrew, who said that he had shared the WHOLE counsel of God, yet not even ONCE mentioned hell.
6. Hell is an old pagan Norse word which means “to cover over” or “bury” – the same as the word |sheol” means in the Hebrew Old testament. The concept of Eternal Concious Torment is based in ancient Latin paganism (inferno), which derived from even more ancient Greek and other pagan traditions. The concept of a demon regulated horror-house was indeed derived from that word, but it actually evolved from Teutonic mythology.
7. Jesus spoke Aramaic, (a kind of creole that followed the Jewish captives out of Babylon) and Greek (as attested to by their use of the Septuagint), but NOT Latin. Jesus said He came for the house of Israel, not the house of Latin.
8.Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi in the eyes of the people, and a Rabbi would never use a pagan word, representing a pagan place, that promotes pagan beliefs, of a pagan kingdom, ruled by a pagan god, from a different language while talking to Jews. (THINK about that!).
9. Historically, at the time the first Bible was written, the mainstream Latin religion and government were one and the same, and they used fear to control the peasants whom they forcibly forbade to read or write, by teaching the folklore of hell.
10. The Latin’s took the Greek manuscripts and letters, where hell was NEVER mentioned before, and inserted it 111 times in the Latin Vulgate circa 440 AD, both in the Old and New Testament as the word “inferno”.
11. The Church of England was in competition with the church in Rome and printed the King James Bible, using much of the Latin Vulgate, yet only put hell in it 56 times. What happened to those other 55 hells from the Vulgate?
12. None of the modern bibles agree with how many times the word hell should exist… NONE!
So many discrepancies exist about Hell, that the only people now teaching the idea of Eternal Concious Torment, are either, those whose income depends on being heard to say the “right things”, or outright manipulators and liars. Remember, in a digital age with so much information abounds at our fingertips, ignorance is a choice.The early Latin Church had a purpose–deception, i.e. using fear as a tool to control the masses and for manipulation purposes. Still happening in most modern churches today. Sad but true.
The first church fathers, mostly Greek speakers, understood the common collection of NT greek writings from a greek mindset. And NONE of them taught of an eternal hell used by God to punish humans.
The later Latinizers of the Bible; (the Latin gang of four were Jerome, the translator of the Greek and Hebrew into the Latin Vulgate, Augustine, the dogma dictocrat, who once boasted that he would never learn Greek or Hebrew, yet is called a Saint, Damasus the Pope, all standing on the shoulders of Constantine who most successfully married Paganism to Christianity); these four were principally concerned with a common Bible in the Latin tongue for cohesive political clout and an empire wide religion of uniform beliefs.
In this process, and towards this end, simple basic greek words were outrageously, permanently and deliberately mistranslated. Among which was “hell”, a word which neither Jesus nor Paul, ever used.

The word “hell” in the English, came to us via the “set in concrete” religious dogma of the RCC (Roman Catholic Church), and was never seen until some 700 years after the life and death of Jesus. The Latin word used was “infernum”. How multiple Greek words meaning a rubbish dump, a grave, and other things, can be translated into ONE single English word is an insult to intelligence and logic.

This conflation of gehinnon (a valley outside Jerusalem), outer darkness (No one knows exactly what that is, though many pretend to), tartarus ( a place of underground torture for those who threatened the gods, and straight out of Greek mythology), the grave (hades in the NT – sheol in the O.T.), the lake of fire, have all gone into building the Latinizers false narrative of Hell, then Limbo, and then Purgatory.then commercialized prayers for the dead.
Mistranslate as well, the greek term “aeonian” and voila! Now you have an ETERNAL Hell!!! WooHoo! Such religious shenanigans!
Then to take these false translations, forced interpretations, and religious contortions to prove that Jesus ever spoke of “hell”, is to call me either ignorant, a liar, or an idiot.
I call BS!

IF truth requires manipulative fear to succeed in its success, then you can keep it.

“I am God, and I love you so much that I created Hell just in case you don’t love me back!”.

Knock Knock;
Who’s there?
Jesus, your loving Saviour;
What do you want?
I want to tell you the good news;
What good news?
The good news of what I am going to do to you if you don’t open the door!

What The Hell Is Hell?

by Gary Amirault


There once was a time, ’twas plain to see
Just what the hell, Hell was meant to be.
But then theologians got into the act
And Hell no longer was a simple fact.

Hell formerly was a dark hidden space
Imperceivable, covered, a true hiding place.
It could be a place, as crude as a shed
Or could be a helmet, to cover your head.

Smoochers and kissers oft needed a hell
For hidden in darkness, no one could tell.
Hall, hole, and hull come from the same root
Along with a heel covered with a boot.

“Too simple!” So theologians once said
And now from their scheming, confusion has spread.
They hired the Dantes and Michaelangelos
To paint pretty pictures of many great woes

Fire and torment, with much superstition
Was added to pagan mythology and fiction.
The Goddess of Hel from Norse mythology
Became Satan, hero of most eschatology.

Jesus the Savior, delivered mankind
He came not for few, but for ALL men to find.
His portion became a rather small lot
While most of mankind, in Hell-fire would rot.

The way to this Hell became broad and wide
The gift of God’s grace was at its low tide.
Clothes, creeds and days, the right denomination
Became the sole means, the way to salvation.

Gehenna, Hades, Tartaroo, and Sheol
All became places that could swallow your soul.
Preachers now had us, right where they wanted
“Obey or to Hell with you” they often taunted.

Countless denominations of devilish preachers
Forsook the Gift and became Satan’s teachers.
Thousands of ways of deliverance from “Hell”
In common they all have a self-righteous smell.

“Finished” He cried, “I will draw all mankind”
The Father’s desire, “all saved” in His mind.
The task He was given, He accomplished it all
And as His witness, He commissioned St. Paul.

Paul’s Gospel was different, it’s easy to tell
Because never once did he use the word “hell.”
So “hell” is no more, it’s becoming a bore
It’s taking its place along with common folklore.

Punish he will, for our Father is just
In age-long correction, you surely can trust.
On vindictive torment our Father’s not bent
Mercy will, yes! triumph over judgment.