Ironically, rarely have you heard Michael and Daniel enjoy themselves more on a Powercast than this one. Why ironic? Because this show deals with some very serious topics which have been abused by the religious world for thousands of years to the detriment and destruction of untold billions of people.

Yet, Michael jokes to Daniel, “See you in hell. The topic of hell is a joke”!

How and why does he do this? First, the Guys are almost giddy about the completion and publication of the entire Book of I Corinthians in the “Religion-Free Bible” now available on the Gospel Revolution website.

We garner information about: why our pseudo graphical-free I Corinthians contains enough Gospel in just this one book to set the world free, why we should “beware of shall be”, what took Michael decades to admit, why the writer of I, II and III John was “a different John”, what is almost guaranteed to be the source of “mental illness evidence”, Ethan’s “progress vs process”, where Jesus got his teachings on love your neighbor, the biblical command to hate your enemies, why the people may have left town when they found out Jesus was going to teach on the Law, what Daniel learned from his 9 year old daughter about the potentially devastating impact of belief, how Christ fulfilled the ninth command of his we have studied “love your enemies”, why it was Christ who was the Great Samaritan, plus a bunch more uplifting, soul-saving moments in these 86 minutes.

Be prepared for a wonderful and mind-renewing time of comparing “spiritual to spiritual”!

Gospel Revolution
231117 Love Your Enemies?