In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett discuss yet another point in Jim Richards’ letter against Mike Williams and the gospel. We also got to hear from Pastor Arville Cline and Yvonne DeCleene.
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The doctrine of the trinity was put for by a guy name Irenaeus in the 200s and solidified by a guy named Athanasius who wrote the creed from the council in 325. This doctrine solidified the belief that the God we worshipped is one in three consisting of The Father, His Beloved Son through the Holy Spirit. That Jesus was homousis de Patre, the exact essence of the Father, the word that Jesus stated when He declared that ” I and my Father are one. Athanasius wrote a great book called ” on the incarnation. One intriguing thought of trinitarians is that Jesus didn’t die for you but as you. Another guy who deals with this teaching is C. Baxter Kruger. Augustine brought in Roman Law and set God up as a judge instead of the Father revealed by Jesus. I know it is lengthy but this is my passion. Thanks, Bob Menta