This week, Mike Williams returns to his roots of when he first started preaching the gospel of peace. Mike and Beres discuss what it means that God is not angry. In this Powercast, Mike and Beres also took questions from Paul Viggers and Paul Havard in England as well as Derek Hensel in New Hampshire.
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He is Abba, Daddy. Your 3 alternatives are
1. God was angry
2. God was never angry
3. God was angry but the cross resolved his anger.
The anger you imply is an anger that condemns to hell and eternal punishment. You don’t nuance anger. As a human father I have experienced anger towards my children. Have I ever wanted to send them to an eternal hell and damnation. That is psychotic.
I believe God was angry but it was more a frustration with unmet expectations. God always had high expectations for man. We were created a little lower than angels but after the cross we became a new creation-a higher level of being on a par with God and co-heirs with Christ- higher than the angelic realm. God is love. He has never not loved us. Before the Cross God was a frustrated lover. After the Cross that love is resolved and our place as coheirs secured.