Romans Revealed


This was a groundbreaking teaching on the Book of Romans. Not only did Mike cover the entire book from the first chapter to the last chapter, he added some keen insight from the Book of Acts that lays some critical background.

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AB Canada
The 2010 Gospel Revolution Convention in Calgary and everyone had a great time! Vic d Obrenan, our host for this year’s convention was very excited to report the tremendous success of the convention. Everyone was very enthusiastic at every event, and Vic said This was a groundbreaking teaching on the Book of Romans. Not only did Mike cover the entire book from the first chapter to the last chapter, he added some keen insight from the Book
of Acts that lays some critical background. He was so excited when he got back from the convention about all that came out in his teaching on the Book of Romans! He amazed himself! You will never hear Romans taught like this beautiful people!


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