The ‘Grace Imposter’ Responds Part 5: A Revelation of Grace is a Warning Sign?

The ‘Grace Imposter’ Responds Part 5: A Revelation of Grace is a Warning Sign?

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett discuss yet another point in Jim Richards’ letter against Mike Williams and the gospel. We also got to hear from Pastor Arville Cline and Yvonne DeCleene.

Weekly Podcasts
The 'Grace Imposter' Responds Part 5: A Revelation of Grace is a Warning Sign?



The ‘Grace Imposter’ Responds Part 4: Religion Collapses in the Fullness of God’s Grace

The ‘Grace Imposter’ Responds Part 4: Religion Collapses in the Fullness of God’s Grace

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett continue their discussion of Jim Richards’ 20-page letter against Mike Williams and the gospel.  In this episode, some of Jim’s motives are exposed along with his fears.

Weekly Podcasts
The ‘Grace Imposter’ Responds Part 4: Religion Collapses in the Fullness of God’s Grace



The ‘Gospel Imposter’ Responds Part 3: The Insanity of Christianity

The ‘Gospel Imposter’ Responds Part 3: The Insanity of Christianity

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett continue to discuss points made in Jim Richards’ letter against Mike Williams and the gospel.

Weekly Podcasts
The 'Gospel Imposter' Responds Part 3: The Insanity of Christianity



The “Gospel Imposter Responds” Part 2: Straw Man Argument

The “Gospel Imposter Responds” Part 2: Straw Man Argument

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett resume addressing the article written by a former colleague of Mike’s against Mike and against the gospel.

Weekly Podcasts
The "Gospel Imposter Responds" Part 2: Straw Man Argument



The “Gospel Imposter” Responds Part 1: Shock Statements

The “Gospel Imposter” Responds Part 1: Shock Statements

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams responds to an article written by Jim Richards who is a former colleague of Mike’s because Jim tries to discredit Mike and the gospel in that article.

Weekly Podcasts
The "Gospel Imposter" Responds Part 1: Shock Statements



A New Heaven and a New Earth

A New Heaven and a New Earth

This week’s Powercast is the second installment in the series “Things Paul Taught that the Disciples Never Taught”.  Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett discuss many things relating to why the new heaven and new earth are already a gospel reality. Things like “predestination” and being “called” and “chosen” become relevant to understanding the...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
A New Heaven and a New Earth



It’s About Before the Cross and After the Cross, NOT Before You Believed and After You Believed

It’s About Before the Cross and After the Cross, NOT Before You Believed and After You Believed

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett discuss a lot of things about the difference before the cross and after the cross, which culminates in coming to understand the difference Jesus made in humanity and not looking for evidence of a difference Jesus makes in you.

Weekly Podcasts
It's About Before the Cross and After the Cross, NOT Before You Believed and After You Believed



God Never had a Plan B

God Never had a Plan B

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett discuss a call Mike got from Al Vitali in Gainesville, GA that led to an interesting process and resolution.  To listen to this Powercast, please click on the following link: God Never had a Plan B

Weekly Podcasts
God Never had a Plan B



The Gospel is a Fruit-Bearing Tree

The Gospel is a Fruit-Bearing Tree

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams explore the tree of life, the tree of the knowledge and the tree that Christ died on.  In their musing, they happen upon Psalm 1 and the judgment of the ungodly.

Weekly Podcasts
The Gospel is a Fruit-Bearing Tree



The Sanctified and the Sanctifier are One

The Sanctified and the Sanctifier are One

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett explore what having been made one with God means and delve into a passage from the Book of Hebrews.

Weekly Podcasts
The Sanctified and the Sanctifier are One



Two Grumpy Old Men have a Chat

Two Grumpy Old Men have a Chat

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams is still busy moving in to his new house, so our special guest Mel Martin of Gainesville, Georgia joins Beres Bartlett for a chat. These two Gospel Revolutionaries pick each other’s brains with what they’ve realized after having come to the knowledge of the gospel. You can also speak to other Gospel Revolutionaries by joining our Facebook...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
Two Grumpy Old Men have a Chat



Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive Dissonance

In this week’s Powercast, Beres Bartlett interviews our guest Derek Hensel again after the Gospel Revolution Summer conference in Calgary. The term “cognitive dissonance” comes up in the conversation and is returned to throughout the interview in illustrating how the religious mind holds two conflicting ideas at the same time.


Weekly Podcasts
Cognitive Dissonance



Christianity’s Game of Twister

Christianity’s Game of Twister

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett address an email from Wayne Card of Ontario, Canada who had forwarded a correspondence he had with author Steve McVey. There were a number of things mentioned in the email that were just doctrines that McVey referred to which were from people who had nothing to do with the Biblical texts they based their doctrines on, which Mike said...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
Christianity's Game of Twister



The Garden

The Garden

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett discuss the popular fallacy that many people think the goal of salvation was to take us back to the condition of man in the garden of Eden and why it is wrong.

Weekly Podcasts
The Garden



The Most Difficult and Most Rewarding Person You Can Deal With is You

The Most Difficult and Most Rewarding Person You Can Deal With is You

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett tackle the fact that there is no instruction book to the application of the gospel. Mike simply points out that he and we have “achieved” in understanding the gospel was through nothing more than CPR, the Consistent Persistent Repetition of the gospel in our thinking. That in itself will adjust dealing with and differentiating...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
The Most Difficult and Most Rewarding Person You Can Deal With is You



Growing in the Knowledge of the Gospel

Growing in the Knowledge of the Gospel

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett take a question from Mel Martin in Gainesville, Georgia. They then start to talk about what a “baby Christian” means and if there is such a thing as a “baby spirit” in a person.

Weekly Podcasts
Growing in the Knowledge of the Gospel



We are Not Waiting for Immortality

We are Not Waiting for Immortality

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett take a question from Bernie Rouse in Michigan about who was recreated in Christ. The conversation leads to a discussion about physical and spiritual mortality and how they differ.

Weekly Podcasts
We are Not Waiting for Immortality



You Have to Walk Out the Way You Walked In

You Have to Walk Out the Way You Walked In

In this week’s Powercast, we have a special guest. Beres Bartlett interviews Derek Hensel, a newcomer to the Gospel Revolution. The discussion is about the paradigm change that happens when one goes from doctrines of traditional Christianity to those of the gospel of grace and peace. Derek gives some insight to his own “unlearning” process.

Weekly Podcasts
You Have to Walk Out the Way You Walked In



We Are Born Of God

We Are Born Of God

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett tell us what all has been happening in the past three weeks with the Gospel Revolution staff.  They then move on to discuss the love and jealousy of God, the armor of God and what being born of God does and does not imply.

Weekly Podcasts
We Are Born Of God



Christ the Teacher Vs. the Risen Christ

Christ the Teacher Vs. the Risen Christ

This special edition of the Gospel Revolution Powercast was recorded in Marion, Illinois. This is session one of the series Christ the Teacher Vs. the Risen Christ.  In this session, Mike introduces a comparison of Jesus as a teacher during his three-year ministry prior to the crucifixion and contrasts that role to his role as risen Savior.

Weekly Podcasts
Christ the Teacher Vs. the Risen Christ



Church History from Jesus to the Reformation

Church History from Jesus to the Reformation

This has been a busy week for the us here at the Gospel Revolution, so this week’s episode is a special presentation from the 2016 Gospel Revolution Winter conference. In this episode, Beres Bartlett presents a synopsis of the history of organized Christianity from the time of Christ’s ministry to the Protestant Reformation.

Weekly Podcasts
Church History from Jesus to the Reformation

