A Cage Of Monkeys

A Cage Of Monkeys

In this weeks Powercast, we are joined by a great cage of monkeys, as we explore the concept of good and evil in a world where sin is no longer counted with a God who is no longer keeping score. Plus we hear from, Doug Salonen, Wayne Leis, Shean Smith, Phil Brittan, Mike Turi, Yvonne DeCleene, Julie Ferwerda, Danny Rodgers and Alexa Parmer Myers.Join us in our cage of monkeys special! LoL We know...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
A Cage Of Monkeys



Someone Apocalypsed Me

Someone Apocalypsed Me

Have you ever been apocalypsed? You never know … you might just like it! This week we find out all about the last daze – you know what I mean – for every end times preacher, you have a different explanation of what they are, when they are, and who they’re for!
Daniel 9:24 is examined once again this week by Michael L Williams and Don (Beres) Bartlett, and compared against...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
Someone Apocalypsed Me



Predestination – Blast from the Past!

Predestination – Blast from the Past!

Predestination – what is it and where do we find the foundations of this theology. Watch out for Jody Leis and Randy French. Note from Michael L Williams; “That’s is the first word that comes from listening to this power cast, leveled. Leveled to the most common denominator, human. Raised to Him that is highest, God. A couple other words, honored, privileged to know this glorious...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
Predestination - Blast from the Past!



Slaves have NO say in the transaction in which they are bought and sold

Slaves have NO say in the transaction in which they are bought and sold

This week we heard from Helen Guenette, Yvonne DeCleene and Paul Viggers. Phill Brittan brought us an eternal truth that a purchased possession takes no part in the transaction of which it is a part, and WE are the purchased possession.
We then heard from the mouths of GR’s themselves, what the Gospel has meant to them.

Weekly Podcasts
Slaves have NO say in the transaction in which they are bought and sold



Mailbag Edition

Mailbag Edition

This week we had a mailbag edition starring Glen Rien, Doug Salonen, Shean Smith, Robert de Vries, Wayne Leis, Brain Noyes and Barry Gustafson, who brought us topics like how many covenants were there, How to grow a megachurch, some thoughts on Noah, why people leave religion just to join another religion, how to serve the Lord and being real. Enjoy Family!

Weekly Podcasts
Mailbag Edition



Faith IN Christ or Faith OF Christ

Faith IN Christ or Faith OF Christ

What were you told to believe? That it was YOUR faith that saved you? Or that it was Christ’s faith that redeemed the world? Mike Williams and Don Bartlett put this one to bed once and for all, pointing out as well, that if you can do ANYTHING gain your redemption, then you must also be able to do something to lose it. It is Jesus all the way!

Weekly Podcasts
Faith IN Christ or Faith OF Christ



God Corralled Us All In Unbelief

God Corralled Us All In Unbelief

In this week’s Powercast Mike Williams and Don Bartlett discuss a question that was posted in the Gospel Revolution Private Group on Facebook.  The question asked about Romans 3:22 and specifically about faith “in” Christ being required for righteousness. The discussion pointed out that Romans 3:22 says “faith of Christ” not “in Christ.  The conversation led...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
God Corralled Us All In Unbelief



The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 31: The Broadest Context Can Lead To The Brightest Understanding

The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 31: The Broadest Context Can Lead To The Brightest Understanding

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Don Bartlett discussed feedback from Gospel Revolutionaries on our Facebook groups. One post was from Michael Turi of Pennsylvania who made a bright observation about what Jesus said and did before and after the cross. Don and Mike also returned to addressing Jim Richards’ letter against the gospel and Mike Williams, and most conspicuous conclusion...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 31: The Broadest Context Can Lead To The Brightest Understanding



The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 30: Knowing Christ

The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 30: Knowing Christ

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Don Bartlett take on one of the most sensitive statements in Jim Richards’ letter against Mike Williams and the gospel. In this passage of the letter, Jim uses a quote from the Bible to define what knowing Christ is. It actually was a defense of applying the law and connecting it with knowing Christ , when actually Paul the Apostle said the...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 30: Knowing Christ



The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 29: The Practice of New Testament Phraseology

The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 29: The Practice of New Testament Phraseology

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Don Bartlett address statements from Shean Smith of Alabama and Jimmy McCollum of Illinois, which leads to an interesting conversation about what it’s like to embrace the gospel and what that means to your view of Christianity. From there, they resume reading the next accusation from Jim Richard’s letter against Mike Williams and the...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 29: The Practice of New Testament Phraseology



The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 28:  What Does ‘Experiencing Grace’ Even Mean?

The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 28: What Does ‘Experiencing Grace’ Even Mean?

Disclaimer:  The image above is a graphic representing the current Christian conventional wisdom of grace
and should not, by any stretch of the imagination, be construed with the gospel!

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Don Bartlett resume addressing Jim Richards’ letter against Mike Williams and the gospel. Thanks to many people contacting us, we first hear from several people...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 28: What Does 'Experiencing Grace' Even Mean?



The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 27: Getting to the Root of the Fruit

The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 27: Getting to the Root of the Fruit

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Don Bartlett discuss the next section of Jim Richards’ letter against Mike and the gospel.  In this part of the letter, Jim quotes part of what Jesus said about knowing “them” by their fruit, which leads Mike to address not only the context of the quote but also the major underlying reason why Jim wrote this diatribe against Mike...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 27: Getting to the Root of the Fruit



What do the Scriptures Say?

What do the Scriptures Say?

In this week’s episode, Mike and Don begin with – “what’s in a name?!” – followed by a walk down memory lane resulting from a wonderful email sent by Darin Bell.  Then Shawn Smith with questions, questions!  What about using the term, “gospel”?  Wayne Leis asks about LIFE!...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
What do the Scriptures Say?



Predestination and Faith

Predestination and Faith

This week’s Powercast recording unfortunately did not go off without a hitch. HOWEVER, we have something very special for you instead. This week’s Powercast is one of the seven recordings from Mike’s seminar this Spring in Calgary on Predestination. This particular session was on the subject of the role of faith in predestination and specifically whose faith plays that role. To...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
Predestination and Faith



A Present Reality Based on a Past Fact

A Present Reality Based on a Past Fact

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett respond to some great emails from Sherri Antone, Vic d’Obrenan, Shean Smith and Doug Salonen.  Later in the show, Mike and Beres are joined by Barry Laney of Cullman, Alabama to hear about his time sharing the gospel in the Philippines.

Weekly Podcasts
A Present Reality Based on a Past Fact



The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 26: Personal Faith is a Damning Gospel

The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 26: Personal Faith is a Damning Gospel

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett continue on in Jim Richards’ manifesto letter against Mike Williams and the gospel.  In this episode, Jim says in his letter that without our personal faith, there is no power in the cross. Listen to the many responses Mike has to Jim’s gospel-damning statement. We also got to hear from Vic d’Obrennan in Calgary,...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 26: Personal Faith is a Damning Gospel



The Rich Man and Lazarus

The Rich Man and Lazarus

What do we do with the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus? Is it proof of a literal Lake of Fire? Is it a parable? Is it to be taken literally? Allegorically? In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett dig deep into the mailbag and answer John Cowper’s question about this divisive parable, and what it meant to the first century Jewish mind. We also heard from Jeff Burman,...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
The Rich Man and Lazarus



The Application of this Gospel: An Authentic Life

The Application of this Gospel: An Authentic Life

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett are treated to a rare appearance from Michael Blanch, who is the Vice President of Mike Williams Ministries and the Gospel Revolution. Michael talked much about his history both with Christianity and the Gospel Revolution. He shared what it was like to come to understand the gospel and had a very astute summation of the result of the...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
The Application of this Gospel: An Authentic Life



The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 25: Jesus Never Conquered Hell

The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 25: Jesus Never Conquered Hell

In this week’s Powercast, Mike and Beres take another email from Wayne Leis in Ontario, Canada. Then the boys get back to addressing Jim Richards’ letter against Mike Williams and the gospel. A number of things are addressed in Jim’s letter, and Beres and Mike each make some statements that really shut the door on Jim’s attack but the lead-up to these statements can’t...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 25: Jesus Never Conquered Hell



The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 24: Let’s Talk About Love… Conviction and Confession

The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 24: Let’s Talk About Love… Conviction and Confession

In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett pick up from last week’s cliffhanger episode in which they reached a topic from Shean Smith’s letter. The final part of Shean’s letter is addressed to answer what was left of last week’s Powercast, and then they went on to address Jim Richards’ letter against Mike Williams and the gospel. The entire episode...    see more >>

Weekly Podcasts
The Grace Imposter Addresses Part 24: Let's Talk About Love... Conviction and Confession

