250228 1,000 Year Reign of Christ: Gathered and Bound

250228 1,000 Year Reign of Christ: Gathered and Bound

After giving a tease about what is coming out in next weekend’s conference (The Pageantry of the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ: The Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the Wolf of the Tribe of Benjamin), we jump back into our research on Genesis 49 — this week finishing up our study on the tribe of Judah and 7 more of his brothers. 

We learn how through the Lion of the Tribe of Judah we are saved...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
250228 1,000 Year Reign of Christ: Gathered and Bound



250221 The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ UPDATE!

250221 The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ UPDATE!

Update! Get your Updates! This week as we continue to look into the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ we look at several of the updates that the prophets gave regarding the precise details of what would happen during these 1,000 years. 

We also get a preview of what is coming in the Spring Grace Conference, how Jesus nailed the law to the cross, how the gathering of all people was also the obedience of...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
250221 The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ UPDATE!



250214 The Scepter of Righteousness

250214 The Scepter of Righteousness

Before diving back into Genesis 49 — Michael and Daniel share an exchange about the difference between all the 40,000 plus denominations of Christianity and the Gospel and how one single question on any of Christianities major beliefs would crumble their religion to the ground when compared to the Gospel contained within the Hebrew Scriptures (…you know those “Old Jewish writings”). 

As...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
250214 The Scepter of Righteousness



250207 Levi and Judah – The Ministry of the Messiah

250207 Levi and Judah – The Ministry of the Messiah

This week we are back to unpacking Genesis 49 and 1,800 years of prophetic history — in this session exploring four sons of Jacob; Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah. We learn how Levi and Judah represent the ministry of the Messiah (Shiloh) as King and Priest.

We also learn:

  • How we can have

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Gospel Revolution
250207 Levi and Judah - The Ministry of the Messiah



250131 The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ -The Latter Days

250131 The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ -The Latter Days

Is The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ the “latter days” discussed in the Hebrew Scriptures? This is the question we take on this week by examining what exactly do the Hebrew Scriptures refer to when speaking of the “latter days”. Of course in good GR fashion, we look at every scripture using these terms.

This discussion is laying the foundation for us to examine, to date, the first prophecy we...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
250131 The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ -The Latter Days



250124 Judgement Averted, Subverted and or Annihilated

250124 Judgement Averted, Subverted and or Annihilated

In this 25th session of our study of The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ, we go back to where the Gospel Revolution began, The Gospel of Peace. It’s because of this Gospel that we can be confident that the judgment of God was “CUT OFF”! Join in as we discover which of the judgments listed in The Revelation (the 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets & 7 Bowls) were averted, subverted and or annihilated. 

You’ll...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
250124 Judgement Averted, Subverted and or Annihilated



250117 Satan’s Cause of Death & Autopsy Part 2

250117 Satan’s Cause of Death & Autopsy Part 2

The autopsy of the Devil continues! We are bound and determined to find out the cause of death this week. But before we do the guys share some of their experiences “with the Devil”, Michael shares his research on serial killers, and then we move on to imagining a world where all understood there was no spiritual forces working for or against us. 

During this week’s autopsy we look at: 

  • Is Lucifer Satan? 
  • Does Ezekiel speak of the King of Tyre or Satan? 
  • How do we approach the Hebrew Scriptures and see what others don’t see?
  • Why do the Hebrew Scriptures and The Revelation have different outcomes for Satan?
  • When did the church begin?
  • Where did sin begin?
  • And finally, how was Satan destroyed?

In...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
250117 Satan's Cause of Death & Autopsy Part 2



250110 Satan’s Cause of Death & Autopsy

250110 Satan’s Cause of Death & Autopsy

Still in awe of last week’s episode regarding Satan’s destruction we kick off by discussing the impacts of understanding the Devil is destroyed! We imagine a world where people knew there was no evil force working against them and ask what would life be like if everyone knew Satan was destroyed? 

All of that leads us to conduct an autopsy on Satan to determine his cause of death. We start by...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
250110 Satan's Cause of Death & Autopsy



250103 The Binding, The Short Release, & The Destruction of Satan

250103 The Binding, The Short Release, & The Destruction of Satan

Happy New Year from Michael Lilborn Williams, Ethan Massengill and Daniel Rouse! They guys open up looking for a “prophetic word” for 2025 and Michael quickly gives us one. Then they discuss all the prophetic words they had received during their lives and how they impacted the course of their lives. 

As we continue the discussion on the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ we look at “The Binding, The...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
250103 The Binding, The Short Release, & The Destruction of Satan



241227 1,000 Year Reign of Christ Review

241227 1,000 Year Reign of Christ Review

After completing 20 sessions on The Pageantry of the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ, Michael, Daniel, and Ethan share what they’ve learned so far. They outline all 20 sessions (which you can access in their entirety below).

By taking the “30,000 foot view” we are able to see how all the details (such as the little horn or the mark of the beast) fit into the big picture.

Gospel Revolution
241227 1,000 Year Reign of Christ Review



241220 The Destruction of the Temple

241220 The Destruction of the Temple

As we open up the show we recap what we just learned (and unlearned) about the antichrist. The three guys reminisce about other points that have stuck out over the past few weeks and it’s impact on their soul. 

Then we discuss the single point in history where all prophecy, judgment, and predestination culminated and why the exact year it happened doesn’t really matter. Ethan explains the different...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
241220 The Destruction of the Temple



241213 The Beast & False Prophet

241213 The Beast & False Prophet

In our final segment on the antichrist, we start by reviewing what we’ve learned so far specifically about the “feet of iron and clay” and why everyone is looking for the missing three and a half year tribulation. 

We dismantle the last two legs of the antichrist doctrine, looking at the Beast and the False Prophet of Revelation 13. Along the way we discuss the mark of the Beast and Michael...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
241213 The Beast & False Prophet



241206 History and Spirituality

241206 History and Spirituality

To understand our spirituality we need to understand our history. This week we take a glance through recorded history, specifically in the book of Daniel during the 1,000 year reign of Christ, and overlay history over prophecy and genealogies to find the “end”. 

This power packed show will be sure to satisfy your soul as we examine; 

  • Why Paul warns against endless genealogies. 
  • Which

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Gospel Revolution
241206 History and Spirituality



241129 Who Is The Antichrist? Preterism & The Prince Who Is To Come

241129 Who Is The Antichrist? Preterism & The Prince Who Is To Come

At the commencement of this weeks Powercast Michael shares how Ethan ruined Thanksgiving for him and then recalls one of his top selling teaching tapes “Thanksgiving, The Wine of Life”. 

Then the discussion on the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ continues. As we recap the previous week, Daniel reminds us what Michael stated, that the best way to navigate through life is to first know who you are...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
241129 Who Is The Antichrist? Preterism & The Prince Who Is To Come



241122 Who Is The Antichrist? – Examining The Little Horn

241122 Who Is The Antichrist? – Examining The Little Horn

One topic that comes to the evangelical mind within the discussion of the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ is “The Antichrist”. Before looking to define who the antichrist is, we found it necessary to look at EVERY single verse in the Bible that has the word “antichrist” (you might be surprised at how few there are, who used this word, and how it was used). 

Then in our research we found 8 different...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
241122 Who Is The Antichrist? - Examining The Little Horn



241108 The Great Tribulation – Cut Short In Righteousness

241108 The Great Tribulation – Cut Short In Righteousness

For 2,000 years Christianity has warned of a coming tribulation and claimed if you are a believer you could be raptured before the tribulation (all depending on which particular flavor of end time doctrine your denomination teaches). For 2,000 years god-loving people have feared they might miss the rapture and have to endure through the Great Tribulation. 

All of these false end time doctrines come...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
241108 The Great Tribulation - Cut Short In Righteousness



241101 The 70 Weeks of Daniel

241101 The 70 Weeks of Daniel

The main topic up for discussion is The 70 Weeks of Daniel. Likely, the most misinterpreted end time prophecy and the guys want to set the record straight! How? It’s quite simple, actually. We simply read the prophecy in Daniel chapter 9 and let it define the timeline rather than interjecting our own ideas and thoughts. 

The prophecy is broken into three segments and we are told exactly how long...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
241101 The 70 Weeks of Daniel



241025 The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ – Slipping On The Banana Peel

241025 The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ – Slipping On The Banana Peel

As we continue to navigate through the understanding of the 1,000 Year Reign of Christ we start focussing in on two major topics; The 70 Weeks of Daniel and Dominion. 

We first look at where dominion began (in Genesis with man having dominion over all the earth), then how it evolved to man taking dominion over other men. Then we examine how the Christ had dominion during the 1,000 year reign and...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
241025 The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ - Slipping On The Banana Peel



241018 The Twelve Tribes of Israel and The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ

241018 The Twelve Tribes of Israel and The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ

A vacuum, an echo chamber, confirmation bias — all things that will detour you from learning the truth about any subject. This week Michael challenges us to get out of the vacuum of faith and personal belief because it is the thing that will stop anyone from discovering the truth. 

As the discussion moves forward we get a tease as to what’s coming in next week’s podcast. For the first time...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
241018 The Twelve Tribes of Israel and The 1,000 Year Reign of Christ



241011 Paul, The Anointed Apostle?

241011 Paul, The Anointed Apostle?

Michael and Daniel open up sharing about the powerful impact the understanding of the completed 1,000 Year Reign of Christ has on their brains. Daniel explains how the renewing of the mind to the Gospel weeds out worry and fear and Michael proclaims his freedom from worry!

The discussion moves on to comparing the age (world) that ended to the eternal kingdom. In the eternal kingdom we discover what...    see more >>

Gospel Revolution
241011 Paul, The Anointed Apostle?

