In this week’s Powercast, Mike Williams and Beres Bartlett had a blast addressing another talking point in Jim Richards’ letter against Mike and the gospel. We also got to hear from Paul Viggers in England, Danny Rouse in Michigan and Rob Vacanti in Minnesota.
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I expect these messages to go deep into the truth but this is one I’ll need to hear a few more times. Not challenging any of this, just saying thanks for 2 months of Sundays all in 90 minutes.
Bible college is like a garage sale compared to this. I wanna ask ” what are you guys on? ” I laughed so hard a while back when Beres asked Mike something like ” where did you get that ” and Mike said ” I read it in the Bible”. L.O.L. Truth is king.
One of the best bible translations direct from the greek is the Concordant Literal New Testament, and yes Mike when it is your birthday I might be sending a copy to you