This week Mike and Don, after a 5 week hiatus, come back strong with some choice thoughts on the CPR (Consistent, Perwsistent, Repetitive) effect of the Gospel, and showcase selected highlights of the Upcoming Hebrews series.

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Thank god you’re back … I almost tuned into a Joel Osteen podcast …. Salvation
Your snarky sarcasm contradicts
the Bartlett/Williams scrambled eggs gospel, with a puzzle in a mystery wrapped in an enigma. Marky should invite Joel Osteen to speak on the Gospel Revolution Radio Show to confirm he really believes the Bartlett/Williams Message. O consistency thou art a jewel.
So glad you are back Mike and Don.
I have so missed the CPR of the Gospel.
In the care of your loved ones I am so with you both in heart.
Much love to Lora, Don..and you…
Alzheimer’s is a very cruel disease. Unless one has ever cared for someone with Alzheimer’s there is no way to express what it takes to take care of them. I miss my Mom so very much, but I am so glad she is now free and has a beautiful mind once again. So proud of your willingness to take care of your sister. I am here to encourage you… Love , Judy T. from Alabama.
Why do you need to go on to perfection when you are already perfect? Tell us O Great Bible Sage.
I can’t wait to get the flack when I tell some friends that the Bible is not the word of God.
Who would put us through country music? Oh well, here’s a related definition: perfect pitch is when you throw the fiddle into the dumpster and it smashes itself and the banjo.