Predestination – what is it and where do we find the foundations of this theology. Watch out for Jody Leis and Randy French. Note from Michael L Williams; “That’s is the first word that comes from listening to this power cast, leveled. Leveled to the most common denominator, human. Raised to Him that is highest, God. A couple other words, honored, privileged to know this glorious gospel.”
We promise you that if this Powercast doesn’t light you fire, then you wood is wet.
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Just a thought God in Jesus entered into humanity as he’s called the second Adam so did he enter into the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which produced death therefore be coming sin, which God pointed out through the law that no man could keep to become righteous . Jesus through the cross experienced that death, abolishing the requirements of the law making them null and void rose again with all of us into the tree of life bringing His spirit into all of us as one with him & God’s offspring forever, with a guarantee of the Holy Spirit that Jesus said would come when He left ( bodily) that He would not leave us alone ever ?